Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5973 of numbness

It is just that most universers of the universe are the power of the Temple of the Temple.

The territory of the Shenqi Temple only has the original time and space, and the strong is only two0%.

It is because the true spirit controls a few time and space, which is the treasure of the universe of the nine knocked, and has been broken by the temple of the world.

During the staring at the temple.

The true spirit in the is staring at the long river of distant time and space.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to be fast!" Zhenling prayed because he couldn't stop.

A storm is still gathering.

Next time, the broken ship is not sinking. .

Standing in the peak of the tomb mountain, there is a feeling in the true spirits.

At this time, the footsteps came back, and the sound was stopped after stopping, "the true spirit, Wan Xing fade!"

A bad news came.

The true spirit is slightly closed.

The best sword was unparalleled.

Wanxing and others have become the most promising inheritors in the temple.

The eyes of true spirits are not bad, and since Wanxing became a robbery, only 100,000 era, became the Lord of the Warm.

Later, I arrived at the top of the five-way hobby.

Become a powerful force in the Shenshen Temple.

Now, it is falling.

Standing on the tomb mountain, he didn't know how much the bad news heard.

"I know!" Truming suddenly, he didn't have time to be sad now, only those fallen inheritors, buried on the tomb mountain, if it was victory, then worship.

If it failed.

Will you last forever!


Ancient moon time.

The Wanliu domain is above the domain.

Immortal Temple has left the universe of Shenmu interior.

And Wanliu Shenmu has also been taken away by Vis.

Leave a big land that was irrigated by life.

Shenmu Wang immediately announced that this place is the land of the ancient muto.

Prepare to create an ancient mouse.

Once ancient wood party, rebellion, death.

There is no more left now.

Shen Mi Wang felt, the foundation is still there.

In the treasure house of the actor, there is still this countless foreign treasure, which can continue to cultivate.

He still doesn't know those treasures, and he has long been joined by him.

Which palm is also in the Wanliu Universe, with Babi to destroy.

Speaking of Babi.

The sword is unparalleled, I also thought of Red Jiuyi.

Has been pressed by Denbao in the Immortal Temple.

Waiting for a sense of consciousness, it is a goddess of a nine-knocked power.

The giant gods, known as the first ethnic group in the Starry Sky, and there are real Gods.

The heritage and its deep.

I don't know how to restore my awareness.

But that is all after.

A lot of strong people who entered the immortal temple, now I bid farewell to Denbao to leave the immortal temple.

Like glory, it is generally returned to the ancient times.

Welcome the eyes of the outside envy.

Waiting for Danbao created the peak secret law of resurrection, they are the first batch of beneficiaries.

And before he walked, he was given a lot of life.

Dan Bao will take hundreds of millions of era, they can also be passed.

Many people leave.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Li, but it is not anxious.

Because West is also going.

"Visner, are you so gone?" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a big master in the body, and there is a bottom gas in my heart. This suddenly wants to go.

It is inevitable that some can't accept it.

Vissered smiled, holding a bad cat, "I still have a chance to meet in the future, I have completed it, there is no need to wait, wait for you to go to the stars, or the mainland It should be good again. "

"Dynasty mainland?" He is a little curious, just listening to the name, the starry sky is aware, I don't know what this world is doing!

When the king of the beginning of the world, they will promise them to send them to the boundaries of the world.

Just nothing now.

Hold the treasure back to the closed customs waiting for the rebirth!

After the regeneration, I re-ignant the road, and talk about the risk.

Now everything is fashionable.

But there is no double for swords.

So it is also very curious to the world, what is the existence.

"The boundaries of the world, is not the northern time and space, but a universe connected to the four major spaces. It is a big energy creation, there is a chance, you must go, maybe I can meet me!" Vissen Reply.

The sword is not a hyper point, "will!"

It's only a very big power, he only got the upper half. Although it is still unable to practice, you can wait for him to practice, or go to find the lower part.

At that time, I have to take the initiative to find Vis.

During the final saying, the king did not send House with the sword.

Scepter, the tunnel of colorful stream lights appears.

Vistened returns a smile, disappearing in front of everyone.

Subsequent space recovered calm.

"Star Spirit!" The sword was unparalleled, turned to the world, Wang said: "Star Ling is also the god in the starry sky?"

Wang M Mran said: "Yes, and is the strongest god, there are twelve stars in the starry sky, their status is very high, you can contact Vis people, you have to work hard in the future, I am optimistic you!"

Twelve stars.

It is the twelve top power in the starry sky.

From the era of opening up the starry sky, now.

No one can shake.

It is said that it is invincible.

I don't know much better than the life.

This makes the sword unconsciously.

Can give him a treasure, give him a treasure, I am afraid it will not be weak.

At least it is the existence of this level of kings.

Even with high.

Just asked Visses about Xuan Yi, the other party did not know.

May be a teacher, and he didn't say a real name for him!

On the other hand, Vis is through the colorful tunnel.

Going directly into the stars that ordinary people can't becomes more.

The huge dome star has a temple.

After Vister entered the starry sky, they were transiently moved to this place.

After throwing Bruce into his own hall, he went to the deep place in the temple.

After entering the temple, he no longer instantly, but strolling into a temple in the temple.

There is also this person inside, and the Vistel is very similar, and there is a scepter in the hands of each other.

Visse is facing this person, very respectful, "Great God, I want to see God's adult!"

"Slightly!" Which of the Temple is similar to Vistener, called a big god, is a housekeeper in the temple, don't look at a housekeeper, but the power is the top three.

He turned to open the door of the hall, just in turn, returned.

Reallorate to the door in the door.

When Vissed passed the gods, he brought gratitude.

Then enter the temple.

"The king of the king, the things of northern time ........"

Vissen said all the things you see, and finally added a sentence. "I follow what you mean, I chose Bruce, the sword is still in the north time!"

"Well!" The shadow behind the top of the temple, back to Vis, just gently, "Nothing, you will go first!"

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