He is the king.

The opening of the starry sky.

Wancha first.

Creating God!

The opening of the high rules, all the ancestors of all practitioners.

The status, power capabilities are the first person.

This is a big person!

Vissed only heard the sound of the other party, he felt infinite pressure.

Although I haven't seen it, I have retired, I have gone out of the main hall, I have grown.

After walking out of the hall, which big god is not there. .

Because only Vissen is coming to see God, this is calculated.

After Vis, there is no need to stay in this place.

"Birus is also a good choice!" Vissed smiled from the language, leaking a smile on his face, calmly left the hall.


Ancient moon time.

With the leave of Vis, the king is also ready to leave with Denbao.

Danbao invited him to go up with the world.

Helpless, you have more important things, and you will be able to decline.

Turned to the rest of the people.

There is only Brui and Wu Li.

Bruis is not said, it is directly blocked as a strong strong, or the battle of God of War.

One step arrived at the power of half a step.

The king of the king injected his strength of his kings.

Help Bru's stable realm.

Then Wu Li.

The sword has no double leaks and laughs. Look at Wu Li: "Wu Li brother, your cheap old man is falling, can you have intended?"

"Don't!" Wu Li heard the sword without double-talk, "I was busy in the hands." I am not familiar with the baldness, this joke can not be opened, I can't afford it! "

"Haha!" He walked to Wu Li, took a shot of the other side, and the tone was slightly serious. "Then you will go with Danbao, the ancient month time and space, there is nothing to stay, have a chance to go to you again. drink wine!"

Wu Li also knows that Xiaofen is secret, and now the sword is unparalleled, and it is said that he will follow Dan Bao, in fact, it is also helping him.

Entering the ancient times, because Wu Li has entered Wanliu Shenmu.

Now Wanliu Shenmu is gone.

It is because of the other party, let him grow a lot.

What is wrong with a word, can't help.

Danbao also understood the meaning of the sword, Wu Li said to him, that is also a benefactor, when it is an initiative to invite Wu Li to enter the boundaries of the world together.

"Since the god of life is open, I will not give the face again. Ok, let's go to the mainland to see, the way to give Danbao to guard the guard." You can wait for him to finish, those The gold armor soldiers, as well as the original three life messenger.

Wu Li took the hand: "Just, joke!"

He is not ready to grab a bowl with these guys.

Arrange everything, it has also arrived.

Before leaving, the king also gave the sword without double a surprise.

This surprise, I haven't thought of the sword.

" !"

This sword is unparalleled is really happy.

It's just exciting to tears.

His hometown is known!

And this except that it is still fertilized oil.

I saw the other party far away, I felt a breath of a seven-robbery.

"Warriors!" Wu Zuo saw the sword is unparalleled from below, and also take the initiative to go.

Immortal Temple, has been torn and empty, leaving the ancient times.

The super power from all parties, as well as left ancient times.

Waiting for the god of life to create a reunification.

However, some people have left the sword and unparalleled.

Want to buy some life.

Wu Zuoi thought that these people should threaten the sword unparalleled, and the feet are big, and they are different.

Those who are scattered, some are not strong in ancient times.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no need to help these people.

But he also wants to prepare for future ferry.

Solder has sold a lot of life.

Harvested a large batch of mixed yuan.

Hundreds of million.

It is enough for him to rob the eighth.

This makes those who have not arrived, very envious.

The power of life is non-selling.

Countless auctions will not meet a trace.

The sword is unparalleled but there is a life ocean.

How can it be shocked and surprised.

Although there is a treasure.

But no one dares to peep.

Not only because of the relationship between Wu Zhi, there is also a strong sword unparalleled.

The Lord of the Six-Bombia Universe has such a huge life.

The strength is more Tongtian.

It's hard to finish everything.

The sword is unparalleled to the invitation.

I want to attract him into the two hands of the ancient mouse.

Helpless sword is unparalleled.

Finally, I was given to the Lord of Honthmia.

Their two are odor.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Zuo, there is not much stay, which is not a place where it is not talking.

I know that he is selling life, I am afraid that countless people will succeed.

He has to die.

The treasure is collected enough, and it will pull the Wanliu domain.

Prepare to go to the daughter country.

Their two are the silver pyramid.

Demnistributed the pyramid of the sword.

I have already been transformed by him.

Nowadays it is used as a flying to treasure.

However, some of the internal things can be used, and a master of the master is needed.

I have found a thin star, but the other's level is limited.

It can still be seen in the ancient times.

But look at the whole northern time and space, still some gaps.

Want to put this metal to treasure, restore it.

At least there is a metal computer.

This kind of thing is either looking for in the South time and space, or go to the world.

Extremely troublesome.

Now there is no time in the sword, I have to wait for ancient times, and I will find a Master of the Goss of August.

For example, you can give birth to metal life!

He has endless life!

There is also an endless power.

The power of everything can be converted into power.

At that time, with the silver pyramid, you can give birth to countless army.

This time, in the treasure you get, you can see this pyramid.

Although the treasures given by the king are precious, they can also buy it.

But this pyramid is a lot of money.

Even in the South Time and Space, it is also the top metal to treasure.

The treasures of the nine knocked hierarchy are minimized to make the master of the universe of the eight knocked universe.


Inside the pyramid.

Wu Zuo is free to visit, curious: "Warriors, you can, you can be strong, the space is good, sitting in a face!"

Now Wu Zuo, like a family of family, preferences.

Holding a wine glass in hand, there is a big honor.

"It's also casually transformed, in fact, the internal origin and constructs have damage. At the beginning, I will be too embarrassed!" The sword is unparalleled, and I will boast myself.

It is also true, it's really because he shot too.

Otherwise, it is also possible to keep more complete.

Wu Zuo shook a glass of wine, heard this Bao treasure has broken, immediately said: "That has to be repaired, I will introduce you to personal, our northern time and space, drilling, casting hundreds of millions of years, can help you repair ! "

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