Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5975 is ash

One listening is that there is an ancient existence, the sword has no difference.

In fact, there is an ancient existence, but just I have just met in Used.

But helping to fix a treasure this little thing, still no problem.

The two were first in Tung Xi, and then they were sitting on the side and said that these years have encountered.

The sword is unparalleled, and Wu Zuo is also aware of seven or eight eight.

After all, there is only three era, although it is very exciting.

But it is also finished.

However, Wu Zhi, but the truthfully followed the king of millions of era. .

What you have encountered.

For example, the sword has encountered two people in Fan Tianfeng and Zhenwuyang.

Wu Zuo is almost all of them.

In addition to Hui Qing.

He knows where those people are.

"Hui Qing should be in the ancient moon's remains!" The sword is unparalleled to give an answer. When Hui Qing also reminded him that he should not go to the ancient moon, still have to take a trip.

Wu Zuo heard the ruins of the ancient moon, the face pulled down, shocked: "How can I be in ancient moon? Nowadays, it has become a dead place, and I have made ashes soon!"

"Ah!" The sword was unparalleled: "It turns into ashes, when is this!"

At the moment of Dan Bao, the ruins of the ancient month were ash.

This sword is unparalleled or just known.

Some of the heart is also worried.

I saw the color of the sword unparalleled, and Wu Zuo took the topic and said Fan Tianfeng's things.

The other party has fallen.

Contains of which flame god.

I heard this thing, the sword is unparalleled, but the Buddha of the flame god is falling, some curious.

However, according to the king said, the original universe is weak, and the strength is very weak, but it also has the war of eight knocked peaks.

Kill a flame god is normal.

Even if you are so far, you can kill.

The battle of the flame gods, even the top of the eight knocked top is difficult.

God is about 5 million.

"I advised her at the beginning, still too insisted!" The sword didn't drink a wine, regret.

Wu Zuo Zhiqi poured into the wine, the opening: "In fact, if it is not the old man, the old man is stopped, maybe it will go back!"

Speaking of the god of the temple, their faces have changed.

The sword is unparalleled, just thinks the three erases have been passed.

Wu Zhuo is really a million era.

From the emperor, step by step from the seven-robbery.

For the temple of the temple, I have had a heart.

It also makes him unparalleled.

Knowing the true Wuyang house must not have a wife, after choosing to stay in the universe of Wanliu Shenmu, I am in the same time.

"Forget it, he is just a five-knocked body, the ability is limited, and he probably he has seen the gap with my, and I chose to leave, knowing that I have returned it!"

How is Zhenwuyang that said that he was a noble person in the original, helping the other party saying a good word.

"Hey, don't say him!" Wu Zuo smashed his mouth and wiped his mouth.

They arrived in ancient times.

I have embarked on the power.

In fact, look at the northern time and space.

Most of them are still practicing.

There are fewer cultivation to cultivate our own.

So the two people talk about the power, or they have said the power.

"My current infrastructure is not much, only one hundred or five hundred thousand!" The sword has nothing to have a different kind of infrastructure.

A hundred and 500,000 basic power, the standard of the seven-robbery.

But after the experience of more thanks, I heard it, some disappointed: "That's really!"

Seeing the other party dare to be ourselves, the sword has no doubles.


Speaking of the head, there is a hole in the sky.

The inside is what he is built by him, and it is rugged.

"Try it!"

Wu Zuo is also a little itch.

Although the sword is unparalleled, there is only one hundred and 500,000.

I haven't said that I broke out!

He is disappointed, because the original sword is unparalleled to give him a strong sense of impact.

When the emperor, the power broke out to more than 100,000.

The Lord of the Hexagged Universe, the at least 2 million came!

In the case of a sword where the sword was played, the sword was unparalleled is a Daojun, can't bully a junior.

Later, two people arrived at a level, and the result is not an opponent.

It is now finally chasing the pace of swords and unparalleled, and even the sword is unparalleled.

The hierarchy of the main master of the seven-killed universe.

And he repaired the peak of the king, and he also integrated his own roadside into the body.

Like the sword, there is no arrival of the border, you can give your own home universe.

Simply, it is to put the origin of the origin and put it in your own body.

Although Wu Zuo is only the Lord of the seven-robbery, it is possible to rite a top rumor with his universe.

The ordinary seven-robbery universe, with the road to hobben.

Wu Zuo as the king of the king, the strength is naturally strong than the general seven-robbery universe.

"Please!" The sword is unparalleled, and the two people shink at the same time and entered the play.

Spatial changes.

"What kind of battle venue wants?"

Wu Zuo said: "Desert!"


The play of the Warm City became an infinite desert.

"Can this?" Wu Zuo was surprised.

The sword is also in order to reveal one hand, and said: "Of course!"

The two are far away.

The power is not moving.

Didn't hurry.


Wu Zuo took the lead in shot.

The figure instantly arrived in front of the sword, and took a palm.

Vibrate the entire desert.

The surrounding gravel swept the sky, covering the sky, like the end of the day.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is necessary to touch.

Otherwise, what is interesting.

After you will follow this palm, he regrets it again.

"The foundation is very good, it is very good!" The sword is unparalleled, the heart is dark: "No wonder is so mad, the foundation is more than 2 million!"

When I heard it, I shot, while she shot, she was modesty: "Not high, it is more than one million!"

"Yes!" The sword was unparalleled, and there was a dark armor.

The power of the power increased by 500,000.

This is the robbery!

The robbery of crazy running brought him about 500,000 basic skills.

In an instant, I took a grade and took the initiative to marvel to the chest of U.

Wu Zuo does not prevent it, in order to keep, one finger, countless light wave shocks the sword unparalleled face.

Each of the light waves can kill ordinary seven-bit hobby.

The sword is unparalleled back.

However, after the distance is opened, Wu Z is not still qi, the hands are out, and the light waves rush to the sword.

The burst and shook the whole desert.

Wu Zuo is low, every moment, there is a million attack, and after a time, it will stop.

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