With such a high strength attack, he did not change in breathing.

"How about it?"

In the dust, you can't see the sword unparalleled figure.

"Happy!" The sword is unparalleled to put your hands down from the front.

Just hard to prevent so many attacks.

It is indeed happy.

The feeling of fighting is quickly found.

He rarely shot.

He is still itchy than U. .

"It's more happy, still behind!" Wu Z Zhou shouted, "see me!"

"The power of the king!"


The breath on Zuo Zuo, suddenly turned into a golden.

The power has also begun to increase significantly.

The foot is raised, and it has been raised from two million to 3 million.

"Very good!" The sword is unparalleled!

The power of the king, can increase by 500,000 power, it is indeed very good.

No wonder is the secret law of the bottom of the king.

Wu Zuo smiled and said it directly.

Tell the sword unparalleled, he can display five times the power of the world.

That is to say, in the peak state, the power can reach 5 million.

It is already the threshold of the top of the Eight.

This is not a way to the source!

There is also six million power in the Dougo Road.

Wu Zuo's combat power, it really let him look around.

But he is not weak.

"The power of the beast!"


"Five times!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the power has also increased from two million to 3 million.

Five times increase the power of one million.

Now God is flat with U.

The two will fight again.

Constantly attacking each other with a madness.

The hot fire is chartered.


After spelling the power, fight again.

The two hands are supported, and they will fight their own burning.

"Huge ..." all gasped.


The sword is unparalleled, and the black is kicked directly.

"Haha, it seems that this is the strength, or I take it up!" Wu Zuo, who was kicked, was leaking a smile.

The sword is unpaired, the sweat of a forehead, disdain: "What is joke, that is, I don't have to use it!"

The two once again opened the posture.

Mutual opponents.

"How is the whole force?" Wu Zuo took a place, directly mobilized the source to restore the loss of the loss, reached the peak state.

The sword is not a double point, I feel almost the same, I have touched it with my whole.

The mind is moving, and the power of life will directly recover the injury.

Just fight, or small.

Can only be warm up.

Each has not yet leaked the bottom card.


Wu Zuo is falling out of this side.

Five times the power of the boundaries, instantly broke out.

The power also broke out from Host Million to 5 million.

This powerful power, shaking the front desert.

Around his body, surrounding a golden arc!

The eyebrows and eyes have changed a huge change, it becomes more heavy, it is the thickness of the power.

I saw that Wu Zuo arrived in the peak war.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no weak, whispered, the breath on the body began to change.

"Blue?" Wu Zuo shouted.


The powerful breath is instantaneous.

The power of the beast is completely contracted.

Instead, the sword wrapped in the blue arc wrap is unparalleled.

"This trick is called, super ancient times!" The sword is unparalleled, and the big mother and child pointed to himself.

This is created by him.

Naturally proud.

The super ancient turn-thickened, his power has also increased to 5 million.

It's almost similar to U.

But he is just the Lord of the universe of the six-minded.

I saw the sword unparalleled with myself as strong, and I left the smile.

The six robbery is as strong as he seven.

This is the sword.


The two shots at the same time.

At that moment, the ground rose a vortex.

In the vortex of the ellipse, it is their own source.

The road of Wu Zuo has increased the power of more than 30%.

The power arrived at 650,000.

The sword is also a surprised expression. I didn't expect the Zhi Zhiyuanyuan to be so powerful.

His business road, after reaching the limit, a universe can increase the four cities.

A universe, 100,000 black holes.

This is much more powerful than U.

If it is the second universe formed.

It is possible to increase by 50%.

However, Wu Zuo Zuo, he doesn't have to increase much.

Just increased by about 30%.

It reached 650,000.

Two people are in the peak state, and they can crush space when they are handed.

Break everything.

They all arrived at the top level of the eight knocked.

Every hit together, and each shock of the earth is shaking.

"Warrior brother, you still didn't let me down, this can be het with me!" Wu Zuo acts as a bracelet that was shocked.

He hasn't experienced this peak.

Some time is not very habit, it is really comfortable to have a lot of time.

The bones are so weak, this is not!

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no such feeling. "You have to pay attention, I'm not careful, I have to rush you again!"

"Haha, it is impossible!"

Wu Z. rushed again, and the fists added!

He does not use the treasure, and the body is the strongest to treasure.

He can break it.


The sword is unparalleled, and the surrounding time and space will fall into the ice point. The sound becomes cold, "Yes!"

When the god sword came out, Wu Zhi regretted.

"I forgot this!" He forgot the sword is unparalleled is the sword practice.

Still the ultimate sword.

In this way, there is a gap.

Still the sword is unparalleled to the other party, otherwise simple power will win the black.

Wu Zuo can also see that the sword is unparalleled, it is controlled in the same way as him.

It is definitely to leave your face.

I miss here, he is not hidden.

"Since I have taken a meal guy, I will not hide!" Wu Zhi Hui retired half-step, holding a fist, low voice: "Let's take a look, I have learned the strongest school!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is quiet. "" "


The two kelked out of the stand.

The sword is unparalleled, thinking with that sword.

The sword of life is somewhat weak.

The sword of death is also the same.

If you use a reincarnation, it is afraid that U.

Medium and one, still use that trick.


In the first moment, there is a sword in your hands.

A black white!

"Double sword slippery!" The sword is unparalleled and dive out, life is working with death!

Wu Zuo double box gathered the power, but also angered, "King Kings!"

Boxing covers the whole sky, a boxing!

Above the sky, the Wan Dao Boxing is unless.

Like the beast, kill the sword.

The beast has collided with a black white sword.

It was destroyed in an instant.

There is a continuous boxing that is broken by the sword.

These are not enough.

The two people will only share the wins only when collision.

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