Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5977 is that you have won


Double sword open.

Black and white scratches the world.

The boxing shadow is sinking into the world.

One of the two people has been outlined.

Back facing each other, two people have also collected their own breath and returned to the normal state.


"No, it wins, winning my downtown!" The sword didn't help but laughed: "The day I built this hole is to practice under normal normal, can also resist eight puffs. The battle of the top strong, did not expect it to just hit it, so that the Tongtianization has made two halves, but also let your fist smash! "

Wu Zhi listened to the Lang Lang: "I said, I really have cheap, but you can rest assured that I am giving you a better life."

So said on the face, but the hands behind him can't help but tremble.

Just that sword, I almost give him hands. .

If the sword is unparalared, it will be collected, and the sword is in this hole. He is also seriously injured.

The sword is unparalleled, or it is still so horrible.

Even if he followed the king of Wang Xiu for so long, it is not as good as the sword.

However, it is also possible, at least you can now give up the sword.

In the past, there was no ability to connect.

So he is not too lost.

Two people discuss, but there is time.

At this time, they have long been in the daughter's country.

The pyramid is suspended in the men's country.

It has attracted a lot of strong onlookers.

But you can't break this pyramid.

Even the breath can not be perceived.

To this end, I am alarmed that Yunzhi State is.

These years, the ancient wood continent is not peaceful.

All parties have passed.

So be careful, otherwise an accident, it may make the daughter in the country.

The ancient moon god is not able to keep them.

After seeing this pyramid, Yunzhi State is a great sense.

I have never seen this treasure.

Just when she is curious.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Zhi, and I walked out of the pyramid.

"Yunzhi State, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Which breathing is gentle, and the sword has risen some selfishness.

It turned up to protect Jin Chen.

Results Jin Chen still fallen.

Yunzhi National Lord looked up and looked at it. It was found that there was no more shock after the sword was unparalleled!

Feng Chen's Emperor, has told her about the endless world.

The sword is unparalleled into Wanliu Shenmu, nothing to secret.

"I haven't seen it in some years!" Yunzhi National Lord is indifferent.

Obviously, the sword is unparalleled without protecting Jin Chen, some complaints.

It doesn't even say that he is going to sit and sit still, just stand in the air.

The sword is unparalleled.

Wu Zuo did not know the mind. I feel that the other party didn't give the face, I want to reveal one hand, but I was stopped by the sword.

"Jin Chen's things, I am very sorry!" The sword was unparalleled, took out two mustards, said: "These things, I represent Jin Chen to give you with your emperor!"

There are a lot of treasures in these two mustards.

Among them, there is a mustard of Yunzhi State, and Jin Chen's relics.

Since the other party like Jin Chen, then give the Yunzhou Lord!

As for the emperor.

He can give the other party's treasure, it is already very good.

Jin Chen's fall, all blame emperors.

If it is not going to give up them, Jin Chen will not fall.

Yunzhi State Lord heard the relics of Jin Chen, and then went two mustards, and his face was also eased. Just wanted to ask the sword without double into the rest, the sword was unparalleled.

Ancient wood mainland, there is nothing to stay.

Almost grace.

Just leave.

There is also a benevolent and a refining star.

He owe each other.

However, the two people went to Wanliu Shenmu, all said.

This thing is estimated to be.

Now he still have to follow the Wu Zhi to go to Tiangong, and go to Dongsheng and the two brothers.

When you are, you will leave.

"Let's go!" The sword was unparalleled.

Returns the interior of the pyramid again with Wu Z.


Mitsubishi pyramid flashed and left the ancient wood mainland.

It is the void in the ancient times.

"Which one is there?" Wu Zuo's curiosity came up and began to ask.

The sword is unparalleled, "a person who has a benefactor!"

I didn't say too much, but I opened the topic and asked the East Singsheet.

Originally, I went to find Tianshi.

It is only the situation in Dongsheng with the face.

They have to have a first day.

By the way, fix the pyramid.

Now that the speed is not repaired, I will catch his shuttle universe.

And don't have to hurry.

He is eating drinking and drinking with Wu Zuo.

On the day, I left the ancient times.

Entering the land of ridiculous!

Where is the largest region in the north.

There is no presence of time and space.

It is said that it is the other side, but it is a desolate.

Don't say that the practitioner is, there is no life with a breath.

As long as some ice-cold stones, there is a no-purpose drifting in the void.

The ancient month is still relatively close to Tian Yong Yongneng.

It takes only a few months to get.

The ridiculous place is the most boring.

For ordinary robbery, it takes several era on flights.

They are two speeds, faster than B.

At the entire northern time, it is better than this pyramid, I am afraid not more than ten people.

So those thieves who rely on the tribeters who have been intercepted and ridiculous, they don't dare to hit their attention.

If you don't look, you know that it is a super existed flight to Bao.

I don't dare to kill them for ten courage.

Just a boring flight for a few months, they finally arrived at Tiandong.

The opening of ancient times is because of the celestial woman.

The first nine hobbian universe.

The universe of your own origin is one of the long rivers.

And Tian Cang Yongyi is different.

This is the oldest tribunal evolution.

Subsequent because of an ancient blessing and stable, it became a huge eternal world.

Never destroy.

The strong in the eternal circles is also a lot, and it is gradually enhanced, unlike the ancient monthly tribepers to take together with the women.

It is getting weaker.

Now the woman has completely disappeared, and the heritage of the ancient times will fall again.

If it is not the appearance of life, maybe it's going to defeat the whole ancient month.

This is also the gap between the eternal world.

Tian Cang!

In the ancient times there is a name.

The whole height of Hengyong Hengjie is intricate.

Instead, there is no unity in ancient times.

At least the ancient moon god is unified, the ancient times.

Eight Star Zongmen is sitting in the 9th day.

But the Tian Cang Yongyi is not doing this.

The ancient strong, "Tian Cang!" Completely there is that strength, to unify the power of the whole day.

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