Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5978 Dongsheng and Finishing

But he did not do this.

Because of the real power, pursue the power.

This is the pattern!

The ancient moon god will want to emphasize his position in order to stabilize his position.

Take the ancient moon god as God.

The solidification of strong people.

Instead, it is not conducive to the power of a time and space.

Tiandong will never, from top to bottom.

They are all governed, the strong in the time and space is like the spring bamboo shoots, and tens of thousands of era may change a batch. .

In these campaigns, the eight robbers may fall.

The fall of the seven hobbies is more common.

The six majors in Tiandong will never.

In addition to "Tiangang Palace", almost all have the rise of recent times.

In addition to Tiangang, there is no forces that can be circulated.

The sword is unparalleled with Wu Zuo.

Mainly do two things.

One is the pyramid that repairs the metal whit.

The other is to find Dong Sheng and finish.


The pyramid is not known that the ghosts have entered the Tian Cang Yongweng, in the endless star.

The eternal community is selected is the universe.

The mainland is very rare.

Instead, the planet is more.

Most planets, survived or except.

The real power is in some secret territory.

Looking at different sights, swords are unparalleled.

"The eternal circles, it's really not normal!" When you look at time and space through space, you can see more stable than the ancient month.

At least the battle of the eight knobs can be affected.

No, a battle, even time and space is destroyed.

Take a wide range of U.S. "

"Then I will teach it later!" The sword nodded, and then asked the specific information of Dongsheng Finishing.

Wu Zuo Xue said: "Dongsheng followed the two brothers, in fact, it is also good, when the king of the beginning of the world, the king of the beginning of the world, the potential of the universe, soon became the master of the universe. Your original time and space, no Inheritance, most of them are practiced in talents, after the foundation of the Shenshen, plus the champion of my old man, their progress is very fast, but these years have some stagnation, but also meet It's not a small trouble! "

"Trouble?" This sword is unparalleled, it is troublesome, and it is a small thing to Dongsheng. It is a small thing to him.

"It's almost, after two people enter Tian Cang Yongyi, they joined the blood magic temple with the Lord of the universe. Later, because of the task, it was awarded the blood of the temple, which has been chased for tens of thousands of era, recently The temple is even sent a seven-robbery power to chasing them! "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is surprised: "Such a big hand, send a seven-bit robbery to chase the mains of the two six-hearted universe?"

He heard about it.

It is the super forces of the new Jinjin.

Not the six peak forces of Tian Cang Yongchang.

However, this is the Lord of the Temple, and it is also a person, and individual is the master of the new universe of the Eight, the power is very good.

The background is also mysterious, it seems to have a non-transparent relationship with Tiangang Palace.

"Then look for them!"

The sword is unparalleled, with the pyramid as the core, and there is an explosive force that has a cause of causality.

Start chasing Dongsheng and finishing figure.

Tiandong will never.

Thousands of sails!

This star field belongs to the edge of Tiandong, and is very close to the wilderness.

It is a must that many foreign practitioners go to Tiandong's neither world.

Because there is a lot of flow, this place is also mixed.

There are also some seven-robbery power, and the Lord of the six-minded universe is also very common.

Most importantly, this place belongs to the place where no one is.

Less oil, mixed.

Who is not good, all parties are very disgusting, and even a strong person stationed.

Because of this thing, it also made this place became a happy neighborhood.

Some strong people who have been wanted, they also drill.

Dongsheng and finish are also because of this, hiding into the thousand water star.

And just on the Milostel.

Qian Shui star is made by a large energy, comparable to the size of a universe.

There are many internal power, where there are.

It is the core of the killed star field.

There are thousands of waterchens.

Billion tribers are extremely spectacular.

Among them, the three people are slow to travel in the sea.

Two men and a woman!

Three people quietly entered Qianshui City.

After entering the city, the three did not stop, followed by a huly population and eight turns.

It is said that it is an alley, but it is situated in this trail.

Some of these cavers are used to rent.

Three people were free to have a short door, and they took out some cosmine and entered a cave.

Although the Dongfu is somewhat worn, the space is not small, there are dozens of miles, with a garden and the court.

After entering the cave, the three did not relax, but after checking the big array of Dongfu, she got a big array, she took a breath.

"I finally arrived!" The three people were taken down the hat, leaking the face of scars, sighed.

"Three days!"

"I only take three days, which one will pick us up with the predecessors I will contact us, when I will leave Tian Cang Yongheng!"

The knife is a man, and the tone is deeply sneaked: "Don't care. Which predecessors don't know our chart, the blood of the temple, you are aware, even if it is a thousand Shui City, there will be a lot of eyeline ! "

"Don't say these, wait until the ancient times, it is really safe!"

The woman in the three people is very curious about the ancient times, "Finish, to the ancient times, you have what is going to!"

"Hey, you will know, I said, we can have a big secret!" He smiled.

The knife is also a laughter after hearing.

Are waiting for the moment to return to the ancient times.

These three people, in addition to a woman, the rest of the two is the Swordless and Face of the Sword Unparalleled.

Just in the past, the face of Yingwu, the face is more scars.

And the finish lost one arm.

This is a camouflage, and it is really unbearable.

They brought this woman, escaping all the way, and met many strong people in the middle of the road.

It can be said that it is a thousand water city.

"Dong Sheng brother, you said that we have two power, return to the temple, have a few people?" Which woman is not avoided, just say it.

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