Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5979 is coming to Qianshui City

After the East Sheng heard, he held his fist and felt his own power. He was confident: "Invincible!"

"Ha ha......."

They have a lot of confidence in their strength.

Even feel that I have saved the world.

But I don't know, there will be a malfunction waiting for them.

Dongsheng and the color of which have a mysterious woman, in front of the Qianshui City, there is a seven-robbery strong, with a hundred-tenth pavilion universe, coming to Qianduo.

"How is the news of the three news?" The first seven-bit robbery is cold.

The Lord of the universe behind him, and quickly hold the boxing report: "The three people of the Tianzi No. 2, hiding in the water dragon alley, after three days, and the folded triple meeting!"

"Good! Just wait three, you will do it!"

The seven-robbery strong under the black robe, and there is blood color in my eyes.

This time, it is the strongest battle.

The sky of the blood magic temple killer, when the main thing of the universe, killing the same order. .

Although it has become a scattered robbery, it also maintains the level of seven-robbery.

The power is as high as 2 million.

Originally according to the standard of the Blood Devo, the robbery can choose to be older, but because of the appearance of life, he has to play a knife again.

Earn the power of life and maintain your life.

Waiting for the recycling secret law.

Not only him.

In addition to those who are lucky to get Dan Bao and the power of the sword, the smash, the smart, the smart, the power of the strong, is desperately searching for life.

no way.

The road to restoration, I don't know when it can create it.

Now those bulk can be done to maintain their own vitality.

The Lord of the universe also has its own pressure.

I don't have to grasp the robbery, suppress my realm, and I have to ferment when I have it.

Before the robbery, it will also prepare your life in advance to prepare for it from time to time!

The power of life is very valuable.

The current price is stirring.

At the beginning, there was a lot of rugging of a lot of life in the sword. I found that I only need to sell a treasure that spent the treasure, I changed.

White has obtained the power of 90%.

Even if this is the case, no one will do it.

Now the power of life is standing the top peak.

This is also short-lived.

Once the road of resort is created.

At that time, the power of life will explode.

Although it is not worthless, it will not follow the present, and the price is high to fight.

It is difficult to buy it with a key.

It can be such that there are not a few people dare to go to the sword.

Of course, there will be some upcoming eight porsails, have reached the crazy situation.

I want to find a sword.

It's just that these eight puffs, the power is so bad, and the sword is not a parallelism.

There is no better way.

They are the most desperate.

Life is both this.

Danbao is also struggling to create a rebirth road.

Just take a long time, this is also something wrong.

For kings, you can have the god of life, it is enough.

Creating the power of regeneration, just the problem of morning and evening.

Now people die, can't count.

From ancient times, I don't know how many eight hobby is flying.

Qianstrokes outside.

A silver pyramid is rotated into a quiet void.

"They are still able to run, they are all here!" Wu Zuo can't hurt.

With the Lord of the two six-knocked universe, in the case of chasing, it is possible to escape from the core of Tian Cang, Eternal World, and the speed is so fast.

It's really amazing.

After all, the two are unlike the sword where there is a pyramid leaving the metal.

Single alone, I am afraid it takes a few era hours.

In addition, it is necessary to retrore multiple times.

"After a quarter of an hour, I can see these two people!" The sword didn't have a double mind, the pyramid broke into the thousands of sails.

If it is not for low-key, he can reach Dongsheng and finish in an instant.

Thousands of sagregations, in the south of Tiandong Yongxiao.

Their two have entered the Tian Cang, and they are forcibly come in, and they don't look at the road.

So arrived at the edge of the eastern part of Tian Yong Yongxun. After finding the Dongsheng followed, it took only three days to span more than half of the sky.

This speed, I am afraid that the ancient times of Tian Cang Yongwee can be reached.

"Well?" Wu Zuo, when he jumped, leaking a bad smile, "They seem to have encountered trouble, it is difficult to fight against an hour!"

The sword is unparalleled, also uses the mental exploration of thousands of stars.

This discovered that Dong Sheng was hiejen from a group of strong people.

The abnormality of hit.

He is Zhuang Zuo, which uses the projection of the pyramid, lying on the chair, watching Dongsheng and faces.

From time to time, I also commeminated the power of the two, if I was seen by Dongsheng and the face, I will lose blood.

"Yes, two of them are around a million, which can be comparable to the general seven-robbery, and it seems that the king of the king is very good!" The sword is unparalleled. .

Everyone has become stronger together.

It is better than him.

Wu Zuo has a mouthful of tea, lightly said: "If nothing next to, two should be able to escape!"

In the projection, East Sheng and the two people were separated.

Dong Shengli resists which black robes seven robbery.

It is a colorfulness that has blocked more than a dozen homologists.

Unfortunately, the two have a scruple, and they can't start, and they have been injured.

The sword walked for a while, I feel that the projection looks too boring, the bottom of the pyramid, the power of the pyramid suddenly inspired to the peak, and the moment is like moving, reaching the sky.

"Don't lying, go to help!" Take a look at Wu Z.

Wu Zuo acts a wrist, sigh: "Unfortunately, it is too weak, or you can play a game!"

Indeed, which is the sky of the temple, the strength is in front of them, and it is indeed not enough to see.

Only two million.

Under the road, it is possible to fight each other.

There is no difficulty.

Two people stand together on the pedal of the pyramid, slowly dropped from the pyramid.

at this time.

They did not feel the time and space brought by the pyramid in the pyramid. After going out, I practically feel the violent time and space.

The whole thousand water city has ruined most.

This is why the sword is unparalleled to be low-key.

Helpless East Sheng and the color are really unable to stop.

No longer come, the two of the two people have to be.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is so much, can only stimulate the peak power of the pyramid, instantly move.

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