Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5980, seven-robbery?

The pyramid is suspended over the monumental star, the power is unlimited.

Most swept the whole Qianship.

In addition to half of Qianshui City, the rest is completely cleaned up.

After experiencing the sword of Wanliu, there is also a restraint for the murder, and there is no threat to those weak practitioners.


There is even the breath of two eight knocked ones in the Qianshui City.

However, it is all scattered.

Not the owner of the universe of the eight knobs.

It is possible to become the owner of the Eight's affordable universe, almost no hidden house. .

If you join a party, it's all grabbed.

Brake is different.

Value is limited.

These two eight robbers are the hegemon of the Qian Qianxing.

Now that the sword is unparalleled pyramid, I have ruined half of the planet, and they can't sit two.

However, it is not to be a hand.

But ready to escape!

It is possible to operate such a powerful to treasure, and the at least is the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe.

And it is still the main thing of the top eight knocked universe.

Otherwise, it is unable to transfer such a powerful.

Just with the sword unparalleled, you can't really mobilize the watch.

"Well?" The two eight pockets, the eyes of the eyes stared at the two people in the pyramid, and the look moved, surprised: "Seven True?"

Then they saw the nature is the realm of U.

The sword is unparalleled, and now there is no presence of eight hobbies.

It can only be seen with the naked eye.

The two eight robbery, I found that there is only a seven robbery in Wu Zhi, but I can't feel the breath, just like a beggar.

I'm not afraid of it.

At the same time, it is still a killer killer in the siege of Dongsheng and the finish.

There are countless strong people on the Qianqi star, and they look at the sword unparalleled and Wu Z.

Two people went through the roar of the pyramid.


"My old day, what is this going to treasure?" In the population below, some people are incredible to stare at the pyramid, and only feel that the above power is endless.

It can be arbitrarily suppressed.

Most of the strong people on the Qianqi star, most of them are four-hobby.

It is difficult to see the seven robbery.

This time, Qianshui City was destroyed, and there were dozens of seven-hugging.

"No matter what is going to treasure, this is not what we can, thousands of sagments come out, wait until there is a good show!" One of the people in the crowd, the figure continues to retreat, return to the void Stop.

There are also many people who have left Qianship.

Worried about implicating yourself.

It can be seen more.

Most of them from the power of Tiandong, and they are carrying over.

Everything is the kind of desperate, not to live.

This big scene may not be seen in a lifetime, naturally unwilling to leave.


Qianshui double Sheng, come together, block the sword unparalleled with Wu Zhi, the tone is cold: "This Taoist, no reason to destroy me thousands of water, is it two people?"

"Some garbage, there is no need to be so serious!" Wu Zuo took the ear, and the tone was light.

One of the sansures of the Shengzhi is the most popular, and I heard that others say that Qianship is garbage, and immediately want to work.

But it was blocked by the sea space next to it.

However, the completion is pulled down, the voice has also become cloudy, and the sustament has been so long. They didn't shot for a long time. I didn't expect to encounter such a person who didn't give the face.

"The Taoist said is quite right, it is indeed garbage, but it is necessary to see who is the garbage!" Feng Tian's holy voice is cold, the power of the body is constantly turning on the sky.

It has reached more than about 5 million.

After hearing this sentence, I quickly made an embarrassed expression, sway: "Sorry, it is my problem, just when I just sweep the garbage, I forgot to send you two together!"

"You ......." I can't help but I can't help it.

"Deceived too much!"

Before the other party has not shot, Wu Zuo has already opened his hand.

The power of the king, outbreak.

Shen Li arrived directly to six million.

One person pressed Qian Shui Sheng.

God wandering, the remaining half of the thousand Shuo City also ruined a lot.

This scene was scared to see the lively people, and I quickly retired.

But there is still a somewhere, no way to escape, and it is spatial cracks that are marked by the Shenli vortex.

Directation of the body of the body.

Standing in the same place, there is a unparalleled, covering his mouth, dry cough, self-speaking: "This is too polite!"

It may be that Wu Z is lost to him, some grievances, now I am holding thousands of water doubles!

Wu Zuo and Qianshui double holy playing hot.

The sword is not idle, and the figure has a flash of the void of the Qianship.

"Dongsheng," Huan brother, you can also recognize me! "

Seeing that there is no breathless sword in front of you, Dong Sheng is not a recognition.

I still heard the sword and a lot of words, I was red.

"The unparalleled brother, it is really you!" Dongsheng was excited, rushed to the past, and his eyes were the traces of the years.

Ten thousand era did not meet each other.

Although they are the first batch of five-level emperor of the original universe, they have not experienced too much.

It's true that it is true to the second world.

Zhenwuyang is because of the baptism of the years, eventually, it will eventually be found.

Dongsheng and finish, good is two people together, warned each other, and hometown.


"I am late!" The sword didn't even shoot the shoulders of the two people.

I also have a sincerity in my eyes.

Even if they have forgotten the promise, they will not blame them.

After all, hundreds of era were experienced, and the mentality had already changed.

Three people recognize.

For a time, the memory was also pulled back to the Temple of the Magic Temple.

At that time, it was the first to enter the Temple of the Magic Sound.

Later, the sword was unparalleled and finished.

Three people embarked on a wooden bridge.

Everything is too fast.

"This?" Which of the seven killed killers saw that sudden appearance of swords did not have a sinking, immediately explained the news of the blood of the Magic Hall.

He is not stupid, seeing the sword unparalleled from the pyramid.

Wu Zuo one person struggled two eight puffers.

So, the sword is unparalleled.

Naturally, I don't dare to shoot again.

Even if you want to leave.

"Hey!" When I wanted to go, I was shocked by my sword unparalleled.

A cold snort, directly putting the Qi Qi's strong in the void.

This is also more comfortable to give Dongsheng, bringing a small surprise.

The sword is unparalleled is serious: "Don't use me to help you kill him?"

Although he is now suppressed to kill.

I rarely use the sword.

Can not be soft.

Since the chasing the East Singsheet, then you won't let the other person easily slip away.

Cohes out the power of the two groups, in the body of the East Sheng and the color, lightly said: "Don't have pressure, look at the northern time and space, now no one can threate us."

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