"Oh, come, come, so urgently?"

The sword is unparalleled, the sound just sounded next to the purple Zhongwang Hou, and the purple Zhongwang Hou immediately found a unusual horror killing directly to him. This killing, ancient times.

The shape of the purple Zhongwang was immediately stopped in half empty. He glanced at his eyes, and his face was full of sweat.

At this moment, he had a kind of illusion, as if he moved a little, he would fall into the ground.

"Hey!" The sword is unparalleled again.

This coldness is like a heavy hammer, squatting on the Zi Zai Wang Hou, the purple Zhongwang Hou immediately spurting a big blood, his body shape directly down.

The purple Zhongwang Hou is half a squat, and the face has gone to the extreme. He lifted his head, a horror, staring at the sword.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is definitely stronger. There is no resistance to the Qianzhuang Wang Hou.

He didn't know, even the seventy-two princes were in the first evil kinghou fire, swords were unparalleled with killing breath, but not to mention him.

"Forgive, adults are forgive." Zi Zhong Wang Hou looked up, this time, he also didn't care about his face.

This scene, the Qianyang Wang Hou next to it, Lin Yu saw it, all completely.

What did they see?

Tang Zhou Zhao Wang Hou, did not have the power of the resistance, directly in that?

"Master, Master He ..." Lin Wei was very excited to see the sword.

"Xiaoyu's Master? He, he ..." Guyang Wang Hou is completely shocked.

He just thought that the sword was unparalleled, he saw Lin Hao to become a prince, this only came to the door, but it could be in front of it ...

The sword is unparalleled, I will not pay for the two people with the Qianyang Wang Hou. The dark eyes took a cold, and the Zi Zaoyou saw it. "Zi Zhong, I asked you something, you are old and old, I will answer, I If it is a good mood, maybe you will give you a life. "

"Yes, yes, the adults have something to say," Tang Zi Zhongzhu, at this moment, I will be with a pug.

He is very clear, his life is completely controlled in the sword.

"You have always been attached to the sister, you can know that you are, where is it now?" The sword was unparalleled.

Previously he got the intelligence, only knew that he became the fourth ancestors of Shenzhou, but he became the ancestor, but did not mention it.

"Soon adults have become the ancestor, they left Shenzhou, went to other faces, but I went, I didn't know." Zi Zhongwang Hou Road.

"Are you leaving?" The sword was unbrick.

He returned to Shenzhou, only for the Sword Zu, for the Jianzu, and revenge himself.

And so many enemies, he wanted to kill, no doubt, it is a sister!

Unexpectedly, the sister has already left Shenzhou.

"Trouble." The sword is unparalleled, "there are so many people in the ancient world, the light is in the face world, who knows where this is going to go? I want to find him revenge, I am afraid I have to spend some time. Establish. "

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled: "I just mentioned the sacred banquet, what is going on?"

"The Sao Zuqucy is in person, it is three days later." Zi Zhonghou said: "This holy feast will be actually an ordinary banquet, only because of the two thousand years old, this is held. At that time, the many strong people of Shenzhou, including a few of the top existence from Shenzhou, it is said to participate. "

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, "if it is true, the banquet will attract all the top strong people in Shenzhou, and it is saved a lot of effort, not let me find their trace. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the purple Zhong Wang has seen it. "I have to go to the holy banquet, is there a problem?"

"No." Zi Zhonghou is busy, "If the adult is going to go, I will immediately arrange it for adults."

"That's good, you have made this for me, then you have a grievance with me, you will have this, but if you dare to play, you will die, don't doubt, now I, if you really want to kill you, the whole of the whole No one can stop me. "The sword has no double.

"I dare not dare." Zi Zhongwang Hou has been scared by the strength of the sword unpaid, and I don't dare to violate it, when I will arrange it.

"Act." The sword is unparalleled and looks to Lin Wei.

"Master." Lin Wei looked excitedly. At the moment, the Qianyang Wang Hou has become congratulating, and there is no more saying.

"You go to me to prepare things ..." The sword did not have a few words in the ear of Lin Wei.

After listening to the words of the sword, Lin Hao, but he exposed a shower.

"Go." The sword waved his hands.

Lin Hao took a sigh of breath and then prepared it immediately according to the sword unparalleled command.

On the house, the sword has no double independently, there is a hand standing, looking up, looking at the empty, his face with a touch of smile, this smile is like a blade.

"Two thousand years old?"

"Hey, two thousand years old, live longer, but also damn!"


The Sheng Zuquet is still three days. The three days of swords are unparalleled in the house of Lin.

Lin Wei is a two-disciple of swords, and there is no double natural respect for the sword, and her husband Qunyang Wang Hou, after knowing the true strength of the sword, the sword is unparalleled.

In these three days, the sword is unparalleled in addition to occasionally pointing some swords, and the sword is unparalleled to improve its own strength as much as possible.

He just broke through, the strength also has great improvement room.

Like the bulls, it is also the bones of the secret articles ..., before the swords are unparalleled, they can only cultivate themselves to the tenth floor.

As he broke through the nine-year-old, the flesh growth has reached perfection, and the remaining eleventh floor with the twelfth level, there is a possibility of cultivation.

And cultivating water to the channels, within three days, the eleventh floor is refined with the twelfth level.

Task, this twelfth layer of method, in the history of the Lingling Continent, has never been sorry, but the current sword is unparalleled, the twelfth layer is quite relaxed, and there is no major obstacle.

"Unfortunately, my flesh has reached perfect, even if I refine into the eleventh floor with the twelfth layer, it is just to make my flesh power again, but the strength of the flesh is not changed."

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