Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 600, Hao Zuquity

The sword is unparalleled.

The level of "straight nine" is perfect, reaching the ultimate!

His flesh has also reached the extreme, wants to improve, can only wait for the future to make a breakthrough.

It is now just that it is just a flesh force.

The increase in the strength of the flesh, the attack on behalf of the sword is also raised again.

Next, it is the holy ancestor will start.

One of the sunset in the Shengzu, Shenzhou, his two thousand years old, a banquet, and almost no face.

Other three ancestors of Shenzhou, except for the ancestor, because of the world, it is easy to rush back, it is coming to the ancestors.

In addition, there are also several Lingxiao strong in Shenzhou, and they have also rushed over.

Like winter, thousands of stars, these are all participating in the swordsman, and the sword will be unparalleled to escape from Shenzhou, and there are them.

After another, it is the eight monarchs of Shenzhou, as well as a lot of princes.

In short, this banquet is definitely a banquet at the highest level of Shenzhou.

At the banquet, many strong people gathered in a vast military farm, at the top of the play, wearing a white robe as if it is bathed under the sun, giving people a holy holy wish, sitting in the most conspicuous location, at this moment He smiles with a smile, it is intoxicated.

"All, this is the old man to travel to Ziqiong mainland. It takes a lot of Ziqiongqi that it gets from that. This purple Qione is the most beautiful wine seen by the old man. You taste it." Wine bowl, sound is magnificent.

At the sides of the Holy Ancestors, Shizu also has winter mound kings, and thousands of stars and others have raised wine glasses.

The existence of these Lingxia is talking about each other. They have their circles, and at the bottom of the campus, those monarchs, Wang Hou gathered there, and talk each other three or two.

The quantity of the princes in the scene, in addition to this, there are many core disciples under the Hao Zuyi, have gathered in that, with more than hundreds of people who densely numb, in this group, the sword has no double with a fight against the face. At the same time, the situation of the gods will hide the breath, and no one will pay attention to him.

Next to the sword, Lin Hao, Zi Zhong Wang Hou, Qi Yang Wang Hou three people sit in front of the criteria, the three sides of the three are quietly appearance, some people talk to them, they will laugh and deal with a few words, Can be in the bottom of the heart, they are very nervous.

They all know that the sword is unparalleled to this, and this purpose, in their view, it is crazy.

"It's coming, it's almost." The sword didn't lift his head and glanced over the play of the play.

There, the gathered Lingxiao strong, has exceeded eight.

In addition to the Holy Ancestors, Lingzu, Shizu, and five strong people from other faces.

"Among the eight people, the spirit ancestors are not my enemy." The sword is unreliable.

He carefully checked, and the many of the many Lingxiao strong in the initial sacred, but there were ten in the dozens of strong people.

Based on the information he got, the spirit of the Sword is still not bad, and the reason why the swords Houfu can have been completely destroyed, that is, because there is a constraint of the ancestor.

When the sword is unparalleled by many lives, the spirit is also coming, but she has never said that he said that the Jianzu Dongfu is.

Therefore, the spirit of the ancestors is naturally not his enemies, and there is also a grace in the sword.

As for other seven people, they are all enemies, they have participated in the murdere of Jianzu, and they also come to forced him.

"These seven people, there are five only ordinary first levels of Lingxiao, there are two people, the winter of the holy ancestors, but only barely reach the second floor, depending on my current strength, kill They have a grasp. "The sword is unbeded."

The same is Lingxiao, but the strength has a strong point, and in the elderly, it is really a strong, and it is also roughly divided into three levels.

The first level is that the strength is normal, more general Lingzhong.

This level accounts for the vast majority, like the blood knife who is dead in the sword.

The second level is that the kind of strong Lingxiao, most of them have a high degree of confidence, or have some very strong means.

Like the Horizhen Temple, who has been killed by swords in the demon spirit, belongs to the second level, and is also extremely strong in the second level.

As for the third level, in this ancient world, it is already a true peak strong, and they are extremely strong, and they are terrible.

The three demon emperors like the demon spirit, the Muan Ling Temple of the Human Difficult League, and the Jianzu in the peak period is the third level of Lingxiao.

Under normal circumstances, the third level of Lingxiao can easily sweep the second layer.

When the Jianzu in the same year, he was in a serious injury after competing for the age of the ancient, and then he was killed by dozens of first levels, the second level of Lingxiao. It is still unable to get the ancient rules, so you can imagine how strong the Jianzu during the peak period.

And the sword is unparalleled ... After he reaches Ninem, it will perfect, plus thirty-three feasons to achieve the ultimate strongest sword soul, and many means to assist, the power is also comparable to the third level of Lingxiao. And in the third level, it is also very strong, and the Jianzu than the peak period is slightly better.

These strengths, the seven first levels of the first level, the second level of Lingxiao, of course it is not difficult.

"Acts." The sword is unparalleled next to Lin Wei, made a look.

Lin Yan is in the heart, and immediately spit, slowly stood up, and the director of the dynasty.

The banquet is working, and many strong people are smiling while eating, when I just saw Lin Wei to go to the central center of the military, these strong people have lifted their doubts.

"The King of Moon, what are you doing?" A strong man in the Holy Veneus frowned.

Lin Hao did not answer, but looked up, and looked at the top of the top.

"The ancestor of the Holy Large." Lin Wei opened, the sound echoed above the whole banquet.

The top of the top of the Holy Ancestors, and the eyes of those who are strong, they are not overlooking.

"Little female moon, once the opportunity, I got a treasure, the treasure didn't use it for me. Since it is a Holy Ancestor, you have two thousand years old, then I will spend the Buddha, give this treasure!" Lin Wei Zhengqi.


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