Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 601, the head is cooked


The top of the top of the military farm and others, including the many strong people on the banquet, heard this, not coming out of the smile.

They also thought that Lin Hao wants to do anything, it is just that I want to give birth to birthday.

"All, please see!"

Lin Wei tried to keep the calm, in the eyes of everyone, and there was an item immediately in the middle of this battle.

This is a coffin made entirely of purple crystals!

Yes, it is a coffin, a purple coffin!

When I saw the moment of this purple coffin, the top of the top of the past, the smile on his face instantly solidified.

The whole banquet, in this moment, it was in a dead.

Only Lynn, once again, "This is a little girl personally picking a purple coffin for the Zu Zun, and the fluid is refined by the purple crystalline. It can be kept in the millennium. After you die, you live in this The tempura is willing to be very comfortable. "

The face of the Holy Ance is difficult to look hard.

Many strong people on the banquet, also looked at Lin Hao.

Perhaps this purple coffee is really treasure, who can be in the birthday banquet, use the coffin as a birthday gift?


The holy ancestors have an angry fire, and the big hand is shot, and it is immediately smashed in the crush in front of him.

At this time, in the play of the martial arts, the sword with the long sword is unparalleled, retreats to the fight, slowly stand up, and the center of the dynasty is coming over, the cold voice is issued from the sword. Slow slowly.

"Shengzu, my disciple gives you birthday, do you not satisfy?"

"You should be content, at least you still have a good one, and other few photos, you can do so good."

The voice falls, the shape of the sword has also come to the most central, next moment, the sword, but the sword is slammed, and today's killing, like a wake up dragon, rushing up, in an instant smoothly The whole performance of the past.

The big play is now getting dead.

The air becomes cold.

On a case, the appliances, foods, food, under this strong killing,! Snapped! Snapped! They burst into open, and the wine was madly splashed around.

The original lively and extraordinary banquet, the time seems to change to a funeral, and the atmosphere is terrible.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were gathered together.

At the top of the past, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

When they look at the sword where the sword is unparalleled, the eyes of these Lingxiao strongly ridicule.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The sound of the holy ancestor is cold to the extreme.

And the stone ancestors, winter, and thousands of stars and others are immediately excited.

"It's him!"

"The little guy where you know the sword, the ancestral hall!"

"This little child, finally appeared!"

"Haha, kid, immediately said the position where the Jianzu Dongfu is, this is not dead!"

These Lingxiao strong, but also the spirit of the spirit ancestors is more complicated to the sword, and the other few people are full of hot.

See this, the sword is unparalleled but can't help but laugh.

"These people, die to the top, but also remember the Jianzu Dongfu, ?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled, and there was no more nonsense. After the heart of the sword, appeared in his hands, after him, then after him Respect has been upgraded to thirty-three feasons, and the fierce soul of the limit is hidden.

The golden sword soul vision with a unparalleled sense of the world, I can't help but hop in the heart of countless strong people.


The Nao Zu, Shizu and others are also slightly, they also see that the sword at this moment is unparalleled, it seems to be more stronger than before.

"The Sheng Zu, Shizu, Winter Ming, Qianxing ..." The sword is unparalleled, and one of the names are read.

"In addition to the town sword, I said, can you remember?"

The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Recalling that after the small family in their eyes, the words were facing them in the face of more than ten Lingxiao strong.

That's all, I have been remembering them in my heart.

"Today's hatred, my sword is unparalleled in the heart!"

"You will be forced today, I will remember one by one."

"He day, when I have the soil, I will go to Jiu Yibu, and I can't escape!"

"wait for me!"

When the sword was unparalleled, they had a disturbing that they had risen, but they had time to pass away.

But now, this sword is unparalleled, really coming back!

"Hey, how come back? Is the district less than a year, where can strength?" The Sheng Zu, the stone ancestors still dismissed.

The sword is unbolded and cold, and the killing of the body has reached the extreme.

"My sword is unparalleled, never lost!"

"Today, just here is a banquet, the head is doing, blood is wine!"

"You ... one by one, you have to die!"

The sword is unparalleled, it is not necessary, as if it is still completely announced the death penalty of these tops.

His voice is falling, and it is still a long time in this play.


A burst of drizzle sounded, but saw a short man in front of the top of the case in the top of the case, but it was awkward.

This little man is one of the five strong people from other planes, thousands of stars.

"Kid, this is, you are here, where are you arrogant!"

The thousands of stars have a heavy breath, and when they don't know when they have a purple long sword, this purple long sword is unpaired, with the shape of the thousand stars in the sword, the monster Purple long sword stab.

The whole void has a strong violet, which is just a sword, but it seems that hundreds of thousands of swords shadow simultaneously.

Seeing this scene, the holy ancestors reminded: "Thousands of stars, be careful, don't kill him."

"Still use you." The thousands of stars face cold. Although his sword is stabbed by the sword, you can rely on the power of strength, you can take your hands in time, avoiding the sword without double direct killing.

"Well? This little child is still not moving, is it difficult to be scared?" The purple sword waved by the thousand stars, and the eyes of the horse should be in the sword. There is no double body, but it can still be unparalleled. Thousands of stars can't help but surprise.

But the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but suddenly.

There is no flower, it is very casual, and the sword is flat.


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