Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5983 Blood Deva

And it has been passed to where the Lord of the Blood is.

Among the core of Tiandong's nephr.

There is a bloody star field.

There is a bloody star in the star field.

This is the core of the Blood Memot.

The Blood Magic is also situated in this place.

On the planet, a towering of the mountains top.

The inexperienced blood is situated here. .

Around the hall, blood color is surrounded.

Some of the blood sacrifice with the eternal one family.

However, the blood color here is more rich.

In the temple, there is a bloody breathing. If the unusual power is contaminated, it is very blood and blood, and the rules are fallen.

However, the bloody tang armor wearing the guards in this place is fully immunized to the bloody breath.

Inside the temple.


There is no fakement.

Only the center, there is a blood spring.

In bright red spring, there is a generous back.

Look carefully to see the generous back, there is a bloody magic eye.

Back shadow bath in the blood spring.

Next to the Spring Eyes, I still stand in a red robe, I don't send it!

"What is the matter, how is it checked?" The sound came from spring water.

Standing on the red robe old, even busy, "The Hall, has been found out, the pyramid comes from the ancient times."


Blood water splash!

The generous back is standing, and there is a black robes when I suddenly.

I heard the report of the old man, apparently disturbing his mood.

"At the beginning, still a small look!" The back is slowed down, leaking an extremely British face, the five senses have slightly rhombus, the eyebrow is generous, and the forehead is full.

It is a rare beautiful man.

This person is the temple of the Blood Deva.

The red robe old man is moving, then said: "The Temple, the night, the night, the old days, this two things will have some association."

"I need you reminded?" The Lord of the Blood Temple snorted. "Now it is, find the pyramid, then do it, understand?"

The old man in the red robe hesitated, or said the truth, "there is a person in the pyramid of the temple, I am afraid it is difficult to fight!"

"Then I will find it out, I will do it personally!"

"Yes!" "The old red robe, I dare not say, hurriedly left the bloody hall.

After a while, I will return it again.

The intelligence of the Blood Demon is too fast.

Just, I received the location of the pyramid.

The Lord of the Blood is also very surprised, I didn't expect to be so fast.

"Tian Cangguang!"

After listening to the position, the Lord of the Blood Temple was laughing.

When you are moving.

The Blood Moul is lifted up.

This big temple is sitting in the town of hundreds of years old, has not left for a long time.

Every blood magic temple leaves the bloody star field, which will be a slaughter.

Even in Tiantang, the Blood Magic Temple is still choosing.

If it is the other five peak forces, he may hesitate.

But in Tiantang, there is no need.


The rising blood magic temple, the power is instantaneous, and the bloody star field will be left to go to Tiangang Palace.

For the night Ling Xiao, the blood magic temple is alive.

The last time, it is big, not personally shot.

The results have attracted so many troubles.

The reason why no hand is personally, in fact, there is still a concern.

The Lord of the Blood deeds personally, and went to catch a woman with a five-tujacity without a background.

But now, there is no need.

Because in Tiangangguo, you have given him a bad stall.

This is also the name of the blood magic temple, but no one dares to go to the blood and blood of the temple.

The sky is in the sky.

The pyramid has slowed down.

At this point, it is an ancient existed site, can't be willing to

This time, they have the other party.

Face, it is necessary.

Wu Zuo, but feeling that the sword is not too much.

Now just take out the power of life, it is the other party.

The sword is unparalleled is to advocate your own point of view.

Treat a strong, or have a heart.

Can't step.

Perhaps the king is the three ancient times, there are great environments.

As a disciple of kings, Wu Zuo Talent dared to do.

But the sword is unparalleled. In addition to having life, he is an ordinary person who has a war in the top of the Eight.

There is no way to become a child.

The pyramid is slowly walked toward the Tiangang Palace, and it has also attracted a lot of people's onlookers.

In the sky, it is not the practitioner of Tiangang Palace.

There is also the Tianjiao from all parties, and the robbery is living.

They see that the pyramid appears here, they are very curious.

It is guess that the pyramid is not a super Tianjiao in the Tiangang Palace.

After all, the seven robbers burst out the eight robbery, which is definitely one of the top Tianjiao to do.

It is still the kind of no ancient people, and there is a move.

The sword is unparalleled, I didn't expect, because of the war, it will lead to so many people's attention.

You must know that swords are unparalleled with red and nine!

At that time, I didn't cause such a big vibration?

"Wu Zhi Xiong, how is it after a battle?" Dongsheng's wine glass, looking to the outside world, the many strong people attracted by the pyramid, "Sadly, there are many women to repair!"

This is a laughter.

The sword is unparalleled is a knee, and there is no hipster.

Instead, it is cultivating yourself.

And further improve your super ancient times.

If you want to make super ancient times to succeed, it is still difficult, and it has already reached the bottleneck.

I want to break through, not so easy.

Once the arrival is successful.

He showed super ancient times, almost twice the thrill.

It is now two million.

After a successful super ancient times, it can increase to 60 million.

Plus the increase in the universe of the origin.

It will be easily able to upgrade the power to the top level of the Eight Beacon.

This is still not a star emblem.

It is still not enough to play with the peak of the Eight.

In order to deal with the life.

You must do full preparation.

Otherwise, it will be dangerous.

Now Weis is not around him.

He can't do it at a point.

And his second yuan God is also in the temple.

If you die.

That's really dead.

There will be endless motivation with pressure.

Even if you have time, you have to grasp, go to practice.

But this peace, when he just fell into practice, it was broken.

He did not use his mind to cover too wide.

So the power of a threat, he found out in front of him.

A tile color is coming.

The black robes are floating, and the Handsome Hemon Temple will take a step, and the pyramid is stopped.

There is no hyperactivity force in the sword without manipulating the pyramid.

It is impossible to stop.

The Lord of the Blood is forcibly stopping the pyramid.

This is also because the pyramid does not start the peak power.

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