Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5984 Do you know who I am?

Otherwise, it will not be stopped.

But these are not important.

The Lord of the Magic Temple suddenly came.

Suddenly surrounded the strong to the breath.

The biggest devil in Tiantong Yongchang.

Let the Numerous people, the blood of the temple, actually stopped the pyramid here.

One party is the old power, the other party is because the Qian Shui star is famous.

These two parties have collided together. .

The whole day is burning throughout the world.

"I remembered, some said that in the original pyramid, there is a young man carrying the sword. He saved the two traitors who were chasing the blood of the Blood, as if they were inadvertently famous in the past. Fortune. "One of the people in the crowd relatively strong, and the reason why the two parties were pointed out.

When I heard this reason, everyone still didn't buy it, but it was reversed: "Just because of the two hexacked universers, how can it cause the blood of the Magic Temple to take it?"

This book is obviously not available.

Don't say that they have these bystanders.

Even if the parties are integrated with Dongsheng.

See the Blood Deva Lord appeared.

The face is instantaneous.

Wu Zuo is uncomfortable, then turned to say: "You may not know that my true identity, don't be afraid, I will come flat!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also very cooperated to open the pyramid.

The Lord of the Blood, that is the master of the universe of the Eight.

The existence of over 10 million will.

Absolutely the peak strong.

On this big magic, you can only win by the face.

Wu Zuo is more than a gesture, and then rushed to the Blood Magic Temple: "Do you know my identity?"

After that, I jumped out of the pyramid and took the initiative to move towards the blood of the Magic Temple.

This scene is not only the color of Dongsheng and the color.

Even those bystanders have frowned!

I think that U. is crazy.

A seven-robotic universe, take the initiative to find the trouble of the Lord of the Eight Beacon.

It is also possible to say that the tweezers of the two eight knobs.

Is this the master of the universe of the Baxin?

That's not too arrogant.

The Lord of the Blood is also a glimpse, he doesn't know Wu Zhi.

He didn't go there.

Because it is not interested.

He is the master of the universe, does not miss life.

More shortage.

Naturally, I don't know the identity of U.

In fact, knowing that there is Zhi Zhi, and there is also three ancient ancient times.

The others don't know who he is.

It's so straight to the past.

The Lord of the Blood, Naturally, I will not leave.

The hand is doing a blade, raising your hand directly to the rushing black.

I knocked down the mountains and I stopped.

"He has been so brave?" The Lord of the Blood Temple thought that the other party had some means, and he did not expect it.

The power of more than 6 million will.

He is still able to defeat.

Fortunately, there is enough treasures in the Wu Zhi, the defensive power is amazing, otherwise this, do not die, you have to lose half of life.

After returning from the boulder heap, Wu Zuo is angry.

After the king of the king, he has never eaten this kind of lar.

Kings are also protected by him.

Although there are tempering, it is also a rather opponent.

Then, the Lord of the true Eight's affordable universe.

It's still so embarrassed.

Wipe a blood sacrifice on your face, Wu Zuo is also awakened by this hit.

I want to go, here is Tianxiang Dow, and I will give "Tian Cang!"

I will move.

Although he is arrogant, he will not pay free to report the name of the king.

The sound takes time and caught more time.

It still needs to go to the top now.

In fact, it can be hiding in the pyramid.

The sword is unison, and the other party can break this pyramid.

Unfortunately, the pyramid now cannot absorb attack, otherwise the more powerful of the other party attacks, the more absorbed.

"Wu Zuo, come back!" He made a hand, a piece of metal plate under the pyramid, took the initiative to pick it back.

Hiding is not his style.

If the outside is Red Jiuyi, he can bear it.

It can be the Lord of the Eight's Coblice, which is not so far to hide.

The other party came to block this place.

It didn't expect him.

But for the Magic Temple, he understands.

There is secret in the vitality of Night.

The bloody breath of the blood of the Blood Moul is very similar.

It is for this.

But dare to block them in the sky.

This is a bit amazed.

Who didn't give it to the face.

Is it a gambling?

The active shoulder, the sword is unparalleled, and I will explain it to Wu Zhi. "I will go out will be, you don't come out!"

"Unparalleled!" The color is more anxious.

Under the conversation of these days, they also know that Xiao Yan is unparalleled is only the Lord of the universe of hexack.

Going out now, too dangerous.

Even the sword is a unparalleled strength against the sky, you can fight, but this is more too much!

When I was standing on the night, I turned my eyes, and I took the initiative to say: "Wait ........." at the moment before the sword. "

The sword is unparalleled, but only hesitated, leaving a sentence, he declined.

"wait me back!"

As soon as this is a simple sentence, everyone feels relieved.

The sword is unparalleled with a pyramid, and there is a smile on his face.

At the last minute, night Ling Xiaoyu can call him.

It is already enough.

If you have been concealing, you can doubt the other person's character.

At this critical moment, I am willing to take the initiative to say that the character has been proven.

This is also to test the bottom of each other.

It seems that the eyes of the finishes are good.

Next, I will give him enough.

Even if you can't play, he can also return to the pyramid.

You can leave at any time or continue towards Tiangang Palace.

Leading, in the sword!

So not panic at all.

The Blood Magic Temple saw a man who came back to the sword, knowing that this is to save the ancient times of the ancient times of the night.

"I will handle her, I can spare you not to die!"

The sword is unparalleled, "I want you, are you qualified?"

At this time, the Lord of the Blood Moul is not blocking the pyramid, and the sword is no longer, and I laugh at it.

Talking to him, this is the first time he listens to him with him.

Those bystanders also looked at the swords.

But I don't feel the bottom of the sword.

The Lord of the Blood is the same.

However, there is an intuition telling him that there is no more power of swords and unparalleled.

This feeling cannot be masked.

Unless it is a star.

As with Vis, becomes a transparent person.

The war is scary.

That level, the sword is unparalleled.

The Blood Magic Temple and those bystanders have not seen the so-called Starpy.

Therefore, I feel that the sword is unparalleled to use some kind of anti-sky treasure, covering their own breath.

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