Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5986 Sword

It is necessary to take the home universe to the body.

Eight beaches can be done.

The principle is actually very simple.

It is the god sports home universe to reach the state of highly consistent.

The Lord of the universe that is lower than the eight hobbies cannot be done.

It is because of this.

Now a six-hearted universe master can do this.

Many people can't accept it. .

Especially the Lord of the seven-robbery universe.

The sword is unparalleled with the Blood Demon Palace.

There have been gathered countless power.

Many are the strong people of Tiangang Palace.

Even eight hobbies have come.

It's just a strong man in Tiangang, no one comes out.

After the Wushui passed the news, it was in fact that Tian Cang has already rushed along this.

However, there will be some time.

And Wu Zuo's voice did not make it clear, I still don't know that they are in the sky.

Speaking, weird God.

Open a party, pulled three ancient times, and gave himself to the face.

Otherwise, there will be back to Tian Cang and never.

He rushed back, and he also gave the blood to the Lord Hall.

"Don't move them!" The five words of simple single, let the blood of the Magic Temple dare not shoot again.

Even the Tiandang has no sound to warn him.

He didn't dare to shoot again.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled is actually like that.

It is not possible to have the main body of a six-hearted universe.

Six puffs are strong, how big is the background.

So the Lord of the Blood, the opening of the sword, and the unparalleled identity.

The sword is unparalleled is very calm. "The unknown kid is not worth mentioning!"

Said that I was recovered.

Just just the sword, everyone has shocked everyone.

The blood of the Magic Temple is not out.

He is not necessary.

"Nameless boy?" The blood of the Magic Temple bite his teeth, he wanted to shoot.

But the order of Tian Cang, he did not dare to violate it.


In the eyes of the Lord of the Blood, greed.

Greedy defeated fear.

There is no pair of swords, nor does it say that it is not allowed to shoot the rest.

He is aware of the background of the night.

There is no scruple.

As long as the sword is unparalleled.

If you can't, you will have no swords.

But night Ling Tu must catch it.

"Since you don't want to say, the Temple didn't ask, but the night Ling Wei must be mine!"

The blood of the Magic Temple finished, the figure flashed, and the sword was not double rushed to the pyramid at very fast speed.

The sword is not moving.

Even like a fool, watching the Blood Devil's Temple keeps the pyramid.

Wu Zuo, who is inside the pyramid, is to see the Lord of the Blood, the blood of the pyramid, but it will not only feel any power atmosphere, but even shake.

The sound of the attack is also isolated.

It is still quiet inside.

There is no threat.

Wu Z. They have confident to the pyramid, but they did not expect defenders so amazing.

Those bystanders are some don't understand, and the Human Temple mainly widespread the sword unparalleled, moving towards the pyramid.

Among them, there is also a strong man, and it is clearly said: "Although the blood of the Temple is not afraid of anyone in Tian Cang Yongxin, there is also a scruple. It is also a wise choice. Nowadays, now, now, it should be In order to grab people! "

This time, many people nodded.

There is still a matter of this voice.

The sword is even more relaxed, the sorry is standing in the distance, and when a disc look at the bloody temple, the main attack of the pyramid.

Bloody storms are constantly swept.

God's power, soon breaking tens of millions.

The peak power of the Lord of the Blood, almost aboutaces about two million.

It is already the peak power of the eight puff.

But unable to shake the pyramid.

This makes the heart of the Lord of the Magic Temple more collapsed.

First, a six-knocked sword road broke out in the peak.

Then it is this silver pyramid.

Let him attack, you can't shake.

The routine attack is not good, he mobilizes the Blood Moul.

Want to suppress the pyramid.

The blood of the blood is a good-top peak.

The treasure is not in the words.

Even if it is the same as treasure, it can also be suppressed.

As long as he can suppress, he can open this pyramid.

Seeing this, the sword is unparalleled to remind: "The blood of the temple, don't worry, this pyramid is the treasure of the nine knocked, you can't suppress the copper, it is can't suppress it!"

"Nine hobby!" The Blood Magic Temple was completely collapsed.

No wonder how he attacked him without moving!

The treasure of the nine hobbies.

If he can scream, it is strange.

Moreover, the silver pyramid is created in the South Time and Space Metacity.

In the South Time and Space, metal life is dominated.

For the reincarnation treasure, the most research.

This silver pyramid is in the nine hobbies to the treasure, or the top.

More than the nine hobbies in the North Time and Space.

The Blood Magic Hall is mainly able to scream, then the code is also the peak of the nine hobbies.

But there is a nine hobby?

Even the treasure of the nine hobbies is very small.

This is not the original Moose time of the temple.

Molo can sometimes be empty to treasure.

Still because of the superfluous.

The world of the Wanliu Universe is a lot of nine hobbies.

Even time and space is treasure.

For example, watching the chessboard.

In fact, it is in fact.

The sword is unparalleled to calculate, and Xuan Yi is from the stars.

Because of the watching chessboard, it was originally in the stars.

It was passed through the sterling and flowed to Mo Luo, first got the first true king, and finally fell in his hand.

Don't look at the top nine short time and space, much stronger than Moro.

But there is no real time and space to treasure.

Some is just the treasure of the universe of the Nine hiking level.

That is because of the boundaries of the world.

From the boundaries of the world.

So in this regard, it is still powerful at the beginning of Moulo.

However, it also brought a unprecedented disaster.

During your life is a big trouble.

"Oh, why bother!" The sword didn't swite and shook his head, "the Lord of the Blood, this person is Baoding, even if the Sky, you can't move her!"

The blood magic temple listens to Tiancang two words, the look is moving, and the turning should look at the sword is unparalleled. There is also a jealousy.

The coming is a huge bloody road.

That is the source of the Lord of the Blood.

That is, the origin of the origin.

The trend of the road, the power of the Blood Moul, broke out again.

From one thousand and two million, the outbreak is around $ 1,400.

Shen Li shook the entire skygon domain.

If it is the core of the eternal world, it is afraid that time and space must be shocked.

"It's over, this blood is the main man!" Among the bystanders, a seven-robbery universe from Tiangangguang, couldn't help but retreat.

Eight's attack, even if it is Yu B, they can't eat.

For a time, everyone retired again.

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