Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5987 Blood Color

The sword is unparalleled, and it can't stand it later.

"This is the Lord of the Magic Temple, the potential is good, why bother to pursue blood!" He couldn't help but sigh.

The secret of Night Ling Taki, I am afraid he is aware of his life.

Because of the power of this blood, he helped him not very much.

It is very impressive.

The blood of the Magic Hall is mainly done, and he is almost like him.

They all want to use blood color to force to improve their infrastructure.

The Lord of the Blood, the main foundation of the world, can reach the level of 10 million. .

So the ordinary power of the power, there is no increase in increased.

Need to get the gods of the nine hobbies.

However, there is no nine knocked north.

So he stared on the boundaries of the world.

The world is not in the world.

Finally, I stared on the power of blood.

To force the infrastructure.

If you don't have to secretly, you want to upgrade your strength to the Eight affordable limits.

This is also a way of cultivation.

The sword is unparalleled with super ancient times and can do the biggest increase.

I don't know hungry.

It doesn't understand that those who have no peak of the sacred sacredness.

This is also normal.

After all, it is not God.

I can only look at the madness of the Magic Temple.

The power constant pour.

The main foot of the Blood Estate attacks a quarter of an hour.

The point where you are tired are stopped.

The whole person is somewhat decadent.

"........ Isn't I really can't surpass your father?" The blood of the temple was back.

Inside the pyramid.

Wu Z. After seeing this scene, I grew up, "It seems to give up!"

Although they can't feel the power of attack, they are afraid that the other party can rush.

"What is this?" Dong Sheng is to find above the pyramid, there is a bloody stone, which is constantly flashing.

After hearing Dongsheng's words.

Wu Zuo has also seen the past.

Red triangular wafer is constantly flashing.

And the rays are getting bigger and bigger.

"It won't stop it?" Wu Zuoshi slowly rose, close carefully, worried that the pyramid can't hold, just reached out.

I don't touch it, this touch, but makes the pyramid vibrate.

Originally, the silver pyramid of the main attack by the Blood Deva.

This moment suddenly vibrated.

Not only is that Wu Zhi and others are shocked.

Even the swords of the outside world are unparalleled, and they also look at the eyes.

At the bottom of the heart, I quickly gave Wu Z. Xu Zhi asked about things inside the pyramid.

"Red Crystal?" After the sword was unparalleled, he did not know.

He has a little about the pyramid.

When he was complete, he just saw a few times in the outside world.

Later, when I entered the internal killing of the metal.

He has not been able to study.

Now there is a sudden change, he can't hold anything.

Can only comfort in U., don't touch things.

The Blood Magic Temple will see the pyramid vibration, but it is a surprise expression.

I thought it was my own attack.

When I broke out myself, I continued to attack the pyramid.

He didn't find it. At this time, the top of the pyramid has become red.

A huge red light column is gathering.

The power of the stock has been hit by Red Jiuyi.

It is necessary to know that Red Jijiu, that is, reaching the existence of the nine hobby level.

I have been hurting it.

Don't say a peak of eight hobbies.

The Lord of the Blood, but did not care about these, but also crazy attacks.

This doesn't blame him.

But the red light column, there is no power atmosphere.

Colorless tasteless.

When the Blood Magic Temple is constantly attacking the pyramid.

Suddenly broke out.

The red light column is like a streamer, directly toward the chest of the Blood Moul.

This hit is in the middle, and the blood of the Temple will inevitably fall.

After the sword is unparalleled, the first reaction is to escape.

The light of the light column, he is seen.

The distance is far away from the burning sensation.

The red light column after the burst.

I will expose it.

The horror of the power has exceeded 20 million.

The Blood Magic Temple is completely stunned.

He has never seen such a powerful power.

It is in the original place.

The sword is unparalleled to escape.

There is no death at all, the death of the Magic Temple.

Dead is also white.

He said, the pyramid is a nine hobbies.

Can't open at all.

The other party does not believe, there is no way!

Those who are fighting this battle, feels the sound of time and space.

Subsequently the red rays cover the sky.

I don't know it later.

The sword is unparalleled and buryed.

Although the mental force is observed.

It was shocked by the red light column.


Only Wu Zhiyi people look at the pyramid.

At the time of the red light column, it is about to kill the Lord of the Temple.

There is a gine figure.

Broken time and space, instant recovery.

Time and space cast is eternal.

The gary of the shore, a lot of the blood of the temple.

After blocking the other party, he gently blocks it before the red light column.

Because you can't come, you can only hard.

Weights, hard work, hard work.

I only feel that my body is being crushed.

The hands have disappeared.

The body has also been hit hard.

It is difficult to block this red light.

Inside the pyramid.

Wu Zhi and others have been treated by this scene.

I didn't expect that the power of the red light column would be so powerful.

Dongsheng they don't know who is the blood of the Magic Temple, but I understand that I have just hit it on the main body of the Blood, the other party must fall.

Can take the initiative to help the blood of the Magic Temple host the attack.

It must be more powerful than the Lord of the Blood.

Used is very familiar with people in front of you.

Because of the introduction of the kings recently, I met each other.

The true hegemony of Tian Yong Yongneng.

"Tian Cang old people!"

The gain of the mage, but the front is a flower old man.

Seeing here, Wu Zuo also responded.

No wonder him joined him to Tian Cang, the blood of the temple is not a double shot.

It turns out that two people have a greasy.

I don't hesitate to hurt to help the blood of the temple.

The fool can also see that the relationship between the two is not general.

And I think the length of the performance, the big probability is the father and son.

The power is exhausted.

The calm is restored in the sky.

The hands of Tiangang's old man also recovered, and did not take care of the blood of the Blood, but the head shouted in the pyramid: "Wu brother?"

The look is very funny, just like a child.

Wu Zuo also stretched out, did not see the old man, but first went to see the Lord of the Magic Temple.

Obviously, doubt whether it is safe.

Tiangang people saw this, and even the busy compensation was not a way: "It's late, let the dog have to be alone in front of the brother."

"Cough!" Wu Zuo Zuo, directly from the pyramid, steady, and arrogant, looked at the old man, did not say good luck: "You are not a dog, I see is a dragon, age Gently becomes an eight puff, people in the dragon phoenix! "

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