Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5988 Teacher Bo?

Tiandang, knowing that Xiaumu Zuo is talking to talk.

Still complaining about the rudeness of the Lord of the Magic Temple.

Especially the hand knife.

The black half of the hit is cracking.

"Where is it, I still have to compete with you!" Tian Cang's old man turned his head to anger, and saw that the blood of the temple was still a little, and raised his hand and patted the opponent's head.

The sound is crisp.


These two words are reminded the Lord of the Blood.

The whole northern time and space can make his father so respectful. .

In addition to those gods.

It is the legendary king.

The ordinary god is okay, the power is not big, not as good as Tiandang.

But the king is different.

Tiangang old man, I have known the name of the king of the king.

Now that I'm left to Wu Zhi ........

He woke up.

Looking at Wu Zhuo!

"Why, have there been spend on my face?" Wu Zuo rushed on the blood magic temple.

Tiangang's old man turned his head rushed to the blood of the temple, glanced at it.

Until at this time, the Blood Magic Temple received reality.

After the old man stands behind Tian Cang, respectful rushing to Wu Zuo.

This scene gaked his person.

Tiandong people appeared.

Those bystanders have recognized the gains of the weight.

And I saw the ancient times in the sky, Yongxiao, which is very polite to Wu Zuo, but also the Lord of the Devo.


The Lord of the Temple of the Party is more surprised!

Why didn't he think that the Wu Zhu will talk to the king.

If it is a sword, there is no parallel, it will not lose this.

The sword standing in the distance is unparalleled, and this location is also slow.

"Tiandang predecessors, this time there is more than you!" The sword is unparalleled and there is no way to play, but the tone is flat with the legendary characters of the North Time and Time.

Tiandong is a unparalleled arrogant, and there is a peerless Tianjiao with the power of life.

Enter key characters in Wanliu.

In the north time and space, the nameless number of swords is very loud.

After all, there is a power of life.

That is a mobile treasure house.

Just no one dare to go to the sword.

Tiandang's old man is also the same, said with a smile: "I didn't expect that there is a unparalleled friend, I really let me get angry, if it is a scattered knowledge, I am afraid I will embrace the old threshold."

When this sentence is said, he has shielded the surrounding time and space.

Those of the outside world don't know what they are talking about.

But the Lord of the Blood is careful.

People who know the eyes are the swords and unparalleled, and they are also a big move.

Nowadays, there are a few strong people in the northern time, let him sin.

Fortunately, he is not scattered.

Otherwise, you must regret death.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can be raised in the north time.

It is the biggest chip.

It has the power of the peak peak.

The general bulk robbery is not enough.

Another point is that you can use the power of life, you can exchange everything.

If the sword is unparalleled, you can use your own life to buy the lower northern time and space.

Triberat in the north hour.

At least 70% is bulk.

Only 30% is the Lord of the Universe.

This is still a strong reason for the Northern Time and Space.

Before, it is good to account for two achievements.

Although I know that myself is light, the sword is unparalleled, but it is like Wu Zuo, but it is very low-key.

In the face of the old people, they also leaked respect.

Even if the other party lifts him, it is also modest to answer: "Tiancang predecessors have been heavy, I am just a six-knocked universe, but the light of rice, which dares to fight with the sun and the moon!"

Tiangang's old man listened, the secret sword is not too much to talk to Zuo Zuo.

The three ancient times exists, and it is indeed worthy of respect.

With the hit that I have just burst into the pyramid, I can hurt the original Red Jiuyi.

Tiandang, under hard resistance, the power is only a little drop.

In other words, the idea's the power I have reached the level of the nine knocked resistance, and there is not much in the original red nine.

The ancient existence is not a nine hobbian.

This is known from the kings.

Speaking, the first nine-minded power of the north time and space.

Still Babi Created.

It has the powerful combat effort of nine hobbies.

Uncomparable horizontal.

In the journey of Wanliu, it is almost violently played by Red Jiuyi.

Finally, relying on Dan Bao to do it.

And it is not a frontal defeat.

It is conceivable that there is more alarmatics in Red.

Even if there are countless strong people to join hands throughout the northern time and space.

Ok, now it is suppressed by Denba's immortal temple.

Otherwise, it is really a big trouble.

Tiandang's old man seemed to be almost the same, but also saw that the sword is unparalleled to come to Tianjan Dow, and 80% is something to find him. If you come to say: "Since few old sites, it is better to go to the old Yuefu? "

"It is so very good!" The sword is not happy.

I think the face of Wu Zhi is still good!

I felt that I was going to find an ancient existence to help, and I will have some trouble.

I didn't expect to be so smooth.

Tiandong people smiled: "Please!"

After the end of the lead, go to the core "Tianjiao Palace" in Tianyu Downs.

The sword is unparalleled with the pyramid, and I will wrap the Wu Zhi and others. I directly keep up with the old people.

After they left, those bystanders, couldn't see fight, and naturally scattered.

However, after this war.

The pyramid is more amazing.

The Lord of the Magic Temple also follows the old man.

It is better to say that it is wrapped in Tiancang.

"The speed is so fast?" Tian Cang's old man turned his smile, but the bottom is a bit shock.

Originally thought that the sword will follow him with the pyramid.

Relying on the speed of the treasure, it can be flat with him.

I didn't expect no need to go to treasure, and the speed can keep up with him.

The sword is unparalleled, there is not much reservation.

Northern Time and Space has not been worth threatening.

And he exposed the speed in the Wanliu time and space, so many people look!

I don't hide if I want to hide.

The most important reason, or he feels that he will fly to the treasure, let the owner of this place will lead them, some impolite.

The speed of a group is very fast.

Only used a fragrant time, so that he blocked the sky.

The building of the entire Tiangang has an ancient breath.

It is not known to have experienced how many times have been experienced.

However, the cemetery is permanently circulated.

In the most core "Yushu Temple" in Tiangang Palace, it is busy arrangeing an extremely grand banquet.

"Fast, the guests of the ancestors are coming soon, and the movements are all faster!" A middle-aged man in a Jinyi jade robe is an ignored commander.

His identity is not simple, but the strength of the blood in the descendants of Tiangang, extremely powerful.

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