Nowadays, it is already the Lord of the seven-robbery universe.

It is also the most powerful Tianjiao in the sky.

Nowadays, they are told people to meet the ancestors.

Tiandang's old man, obviously the arrival of the sword is unparalleled, and the specification is increased to the highest.

Didn't have a big one.

The cool laugh is from the distance.

Feeling the breath of the ancestor, he quickly let the people returned, and the face hangs and went out "Suner, the moon has no big one to see the ancestors, see the seniors!"

But when he looked up and looked at the old ancestors, he stunned.

What is headed is the master of a seven-killed universe. The breath is similar to him. .

There is also the Lord of the three hexack universe, and an ordinary woman.

For a time, some stunned, I can't miss it!

At this time, after his body, he felt a strong force that was extremely similar to his blood.

Blood magic temple!

The Lord of the Eight Bads.

The rest is restored, so that the moon has just discovered.

After recognizing the other party, his face was slow.

If it is because the ancestors are, I am afraid I have to go directly.

This subtle change, the sword is unparalleled, but it is not concerned.

The relationship between the blood of the Temple and the old man, they all know.

The reason why the outside world has not rumored.

It is also an ugly thing and is not willing to say.

Tiandang is happy to introduce: "Wu Zuo brother, no pair, this moon is no one, is one of the most dazzling people in the same generation."

"Very good, the peak of the peak is probably about 2500,000!" Wu Zuo nodded and made a comment.

The moon has heard the old ancestors to the Lord of the seven-killed universe, and even shouted the brothers, the bottom is extremely vibrating.

The key is also said his true strength.

Gourge is a valte, the eyes and strength, and it is not general.

"Well, let's take it!" Tiangang's old man raised his hand to enter the Yushu Temple.

Wu Zuo first is welcome to go in.

The sword is also keeping together.

In the moment of entering the Yushu Temple, I feel a relaxation.

The soul is completely emptied, and the mental power has become extremely active.

This has a great relationship with the entry in the main hall.

"Tiandang predecessors, this jade tree, if I guess it is right, there should be a tree soul, but still the tree soul of the eight knocked level!" The sword is unparalleled to the side of the Yushu, and the two eyes carefully, Say the uniqueness of this jade tree.

Tiandang did not answer, but an eye in the moon.

The other party immediately understood.

At the moment, I explained the origin of Yushu for the sword, and the sword was shocked.

Some of the swords are unbelievable.

The moon has helpless, a seven-robbery universe, called his predecessors, and it is true that he is a little.

Although the strength is much more powerful than the other party, there is a lot of realm.

The other party can be the Lord of the Qi Yida Universe.

He but hesocked, some were uncomfortable.

If you don't say anything, honest.

He sat on the left side of the old man, and he had to seek each other, and there was no way to open.

Used is the seat of the guests.

It is the moon that is close to Wu Z.

Sitting in the moon next to U.

All this is definitely the old man, secretly reminded.

What is it, it is also very simple.

The sword is unparalleled and not saying, and he talked about Tiandang's old man.

Knowing that Xiaumu is talking without a serious, Tian Cang is also happy to talk to the sword.

As for others, it is more cautious.

Especially the Lord of the Blood, after entering this Yushu Hall, I feel that it is not comfortable, and I sit at the end, no one takes care.

Even East Sheng and Finished are sitting in front of him.

Let the temple of the temple, sitting in the corner.

I am afraid that there is this ability to be resistant to Tiangang.

The moon has a long chat, and it is blowing and chatting, saying that I have just war.

I heard the blood of the Magic Temple, dared to shoot the road.

I grabbed the opportunity at once, and the words were embarrassed to step on the Lord of the Magic Temple.

It is very useful to this.

Obviously, it is very deep.

Don't look at his surface, but the bottom is like a mirror.

I know what these people are so respectful.

He itself is only the Lord of the seven-robbery universe.

It is most important to treat the Tiandang's old man, the most important thing is the relationship between the king.

At the same time, he is a king of kings, and will become a super power in the future.

Because these will be respected.

The latter is not important, and it has become a super strong.

Three big ancient existence, it has the ability to become a nine hobbies.

It is just that the North Time and Space cannot be loaded.

And they all entered the world, the most visited.

I know the appearance of life of life will improve the life of the entire North Time and space, and they can break through.

After breaking, it is to go to the world's mainland to continue to sway.

Now returning to north time and space, it is complete because there is no way to improve in the world.

Only returned to the time and space of my hometown, waiting for the god of life.

They can be said to be the first batch of practitioners who have benefited from the world.

Rely on the world's mainland.

After entering the world, it has grown to the limit.

I thought that I would also send a sector to the land of the world.

I want to go to the world, but I need the most critical boundary.

This kind of thing is only the king.

Therefore, I will pass the boy from the king of the Baroni.

The Lord of the Blood, is also because of this matter, it is designed to Wu Zhi.

After the moon, I learned that Wu Zuo's identity is very very attentive.

Everything is for the benefit.

This is actually not a bad thing.

It's just a trouble.

It is ambiguous, and the bottom is not precailed.

It is actually very easy to get the boundaries.

As long as there is a great contribution to the northern time and space.

For example, when the sword is unparalleled, he has helped Dan Bao to become the god of life.

As long as you live in the Wanliu universe, you have got a gods.

It is not so easy to get the kingdom, you want to get the kingdom.

Kings will not send them freely.

Because of the limited number of places.

The existence of northern time and space is to give birth to a stronger practitioner.

Not a human life.

Even if Used Zhuang is the king of the king, it is not so easy to get excessive commandments.

If you don't have a double, you have no one in the sword, and you don't want to take care of these people.

The problem of swords and unparalleled worried questions are still coming, and there is no opening to ask for people. If others are seeking him, if other conditions, he can do it, but the boundaries, he has no way.

There is only one in his hand.

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