Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5990 70%?

Although tangled, he still said his own appeal.

Tiantong heard the repair of the pyramid, the face was moved, but the bottom is ecstasy, and it should take it directly.

"Tiandang predecessors, you are on your eyes!" The sword was unparalleled on the spot, but it has shrunk to the size of the slap and handed it to the old man.

I don't help but look up.

Just just, he almost fell to attack by the attacks from the pyramid.

In particular, it knows that after this pyramid is still damaged, it is even more shocked.

Tangdong people who have seen a lot of people are not too shocked!

He is going to the super power of the world.

There are a lot of treasures that have seen, and he has a treasure of the nine hobby level. .

Although the pyramid is strong, he still recognizes it.

"This pyramid, it is necessary to be a mechanical family from the South time and space to the treasure!" Tian Cang's elderly observed some followed: "And it is also a mechanical special ethnic group metal, very special,"

After the sword is unparalleled, the expression is when the mechanical family.

Metal brain he knows.

But the mechanical family, he is still the first time I heard.

Through the explanation of the old man, he understands that the life structure of the South Time and Space has a difference in heaven with the northern time and space.

Not as simple as the surface.

The mechanical family is actually the same as the people, all of the ethnic groups in time and space.

But it is different from the life level.

The human awareness is high.

The mechanical family is extremely high in the top of the treasure.

The power of itself may be generally.

But using some tobau, but it is capable of fighting with the super power of the family.

And it is extremely difficult.

"Seniors, there can be a way, completely repaired this pyramid?" The sword is unparalleled and asked what he was most worried.

The more powerful this pyramid is, the more you want to fix it.

Otherwise, go back to deal with life, and he has no bottom.

After the sky, the old man heard it, "unparallert, we are all self, since you have opened the mouth, this thing I will help you, but the complete fix is ​​difficult, the whole North Time and Space It is impossible to get up, but recovering a 70% of me. "


That is already the limit of Tiandang.

In the existence of the three ancient times, the older people of Tiandang were the largest.

It is the longest time to reach the peak.

After walking, you will start to study all kinds of side.

For mechanical secrets, it is a lot of understanding.

After all, the mechanical strongest, itself is not strong, completely relying on the wins.

He thought about this way.

After the peak, although the king said, the appearance of the god of life is to break through the nine hobbies, but the first is a numerous era.

Naturally, it will not wait.

Are joining other secrets.

For example, create stronger secrets, or research casting, alchemy, and native.

As long as you can improve your war, or a fighting thing, they all have hunting.

Among them, the Skyman of the casting is very obsessed, the peak of the mechanical family has chosen the peak of the mechanical family.

Mechanics to Bao Bao, which can be refined to some ordinary hierarchy.

Now there is no double to take the mechanical to treasure hierarchical hierarchy.

It can be said that it has been exaggerated.

The harder it is, the bigger the sword is unparalleled.

At that time, you can also propose a goddess.

Even if I can't get a sense, he will help the sword.

Not only for the left of the arm.

More importantly, it is good to see the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, all parties have witnessed.

Not only is the power of life is so simple.

There is also the relationship with the god of life, as well as your own battle.

It is worth them to reach a helping hand.

It is now in the snow to send a charcoal, and the future is coming to add a flower.

"70%!" The sword was unparalleled and pared, and the heart was dark: "It's enough!"

Now the pyramid, according to Tiandong's old man, it is basically a shell.

It is a little to fix it.

He is also satisfied.

"There is no double friend, say private words, you have the boundary gods, etc. It is completely able to let the other party help to fix the pyramid, but that price will be unmarked! "

The sword is unparalleled to the world, although there is not much solution.

But it also understands where some of the strong people in the stars and the stars.

It is a different time and space.

There is also a strong body of the nine hobbies.

At the moment, I can only do this. The sword is unparalleled. Lang said: "This time is a predecessor.

The repair is solved.

Next, some treasures for repair are needed.

Repair the treasure of the mechanical family, you can't get the brink of the broken iron to fix it!

I have been to the strong people in the world, and he knows that the old man and Wu Zhi.

Wu Zuo went to the world, just to play, always followed the king, there will be mechanical treasures.

So he has to buy it from the other person.

Help repair, it is already great.

I can't always make the other party!

At the beginning, I was refining the sword.

It is not always cheap to occupy others.

The sword is unparalleled and also thinking, as long as the heavenly opens, he promised anything.

Even if it is a goddess order.

I don't say that he will tell the other party.

Anyway, he didn't plan to go to the world.

Even if you need it later, he didn't find the king to ask for love.

Of course, if Tian Cang's old man, don't be a goddess, it will make it better.

In addition to the treasure used by himself, he can give each other.

"It's all kinds of people, why are you so polite, a mechanical treasure, I have a lot of trip, it is a trophy, not enough to do it!" Tian Cang's old man is extremely atmospheric, not mentioning return.

The more you say, the more than doubles swords are not going.

If it is Wu Z., I am afraid that I will start to install the dead.

At the beginning of the temple, Wu Zuo did not have less pit treasures from the true spirit.

It is the thickness of your own face.

The sword is unparalleled.

I owe things, I am not uncomfortable than others.

Tiandang's old man is also an eye on this, will be apologized.

If it is Wu Z., he will not apologize.

After all, I have lived for so many years, who has never seen it, can you be pitted by two men?

"No!" The sword is unparalleled, "the predecessors are free to fix it to the treasure, and how many treasures needed for repairing materials, I have to come out!"

Tiandang also stood up, patted the sword unparalleled shoulders: "There is no need, the old age has accumulated a home, everyone is the north time, I went to the world in the world, but also help each other. What is this treasure? "

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