"Unparalleled brother, then we will go first, encounter trouble, directly report my name, don't be polite, don't grieve yourself, there is a background, not afraid!"

Before Wu Zhi, he deliberately shouted a few times in front of the blood of the Magic Hall.

It is a drama of the Divergence of the Magic Temple.

Of course, there is also a truth.

Report his name, maybe it is truthful.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled, there is no need.

Your own strength, encountering the peak of the eight hobbies, even if it is played, you can escape.

Where is the speed!

No one is an opponent.

The three ancient times existed, all of which were favored by the king, and will not take it to him. .

He is in nine short space, even the whole north time and space, basically no opponent.

Naturally, I am not worried about this.

When I sent it away, the sword was unparalleled to see the Lord of the Blood, and did not hurry to listen to the night.

Instead, it turns into the Cave Palace gave him to him, and started a short closure.

Repair the time required for the pyramid, after Tiandang collects the material, then delay some time again.

Although he is anxious to return to the temple, he is not anxious at all things that need to be put into time.

This is related to his security, naturally.

In particular, I thought about the dark red Mitsubishi crystal, he couldn't help but excited.

It can be hit, even kills the peak of the Eight's affairs.

This is a big bottom sign.

And there is also the ability to pregnant life.

He has infinite life and power, and it will be able to give birth to a powerful blood life.

Because he is not a metal life, and the source is also a flesh and grass.

It is impossible to give birth to metal life as in the original.

Anyway, as long as the strength can reach the eight hobbies, it is enough.

The aphids are generally affordable, he has seen the scene.

This is also a top card!

The more you have, the greater your chance.

During this heart disease, it must be shovel.

After eradicating, he has the opportunity to go to the breath.

Go see the north time and space.

Go to the end of time and space, and even the source, go to see all the scenes of this world!

Don't fall, memories of the scene, not fighting, just on the battle.

Not tone!

On the jade bed of the Dongfu, the sword is unparalleled to enjoy the future.

I have begun to enter the cultivation.

When his cultivation progress is slow, it has been slow.

Not in Wanliu Shenmu, that kind of progress is.

The robbery is ready to be prepared.

It is just that the bottom of the universe is too strong. It can be said that he is too much to rob the threshold for robbery.

If it is the Lord of the ordinary six-hearted universe, he has this strength now, it can be robbed, and even the eighth robbery.

But he is not ordinary six robbery!

Now I have to pass the seventh robbery, he needs to light up the whole three universe.

At present, the second seat is not perfect.

Every universe must reach the first perfect level.

This is indeed a test.

Once the three universe lights up, his local source will increase by 60%.

A local source is 40%.

Two is 50%.

Three seats are 60%.

The limit of the road is doubled.

That distance he is far away.

Tiangang said with him that an increase in ancient times has reached the perfect level, but the universe opened up, but there are more than ten, or even twenty.

The increase in the increase is getting harder and harder.

They don't know where the limits are.

This also needs the sword to be explored.


One source is divided, staying on the Sky Mountain of the first source universe.

Where not only with Vissen, there are many treasures that can be cultivated.

For example, increasing the "Qianlihua" of the foundation

And increase the "million water"

These treasures are placed in mustard, it is wasteful.

It is better to put in our own universe, and can also increase the quantity.

In his own universe, he left a lot of borders, personally took out these treasures.

The boss left at this time is to practice your own source.

A black hole, waiting for him to light.

There is also those treasures for treasures.


The original figure flashed, entered the watching chess board placed on the edge of the Sky Mountain.

The cultivation of the origin cannot stop, the promotion of the power will take up the respect, some waste time.

I have disabled the intention of cultivation.

The foundation of 1500,000 power, is currently enough, return to the road of the temple, and then increase the increase.

This is now going to explore things above the time and space.

This is not only related to his robberm, but also related to the starry record.

The palays in the watching chessboard is almost the same.

The reincarnation according to the guidance of the king, has been initially stable.

It is time and space now.


The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of breath, and it is immersed.

Started a long cultivation career!

A hundred years, millennium, 100,000 years, millions of years.

Time is like a beam, from its own hand, there is no feeling.

This is the wonderful place.

There is also space!

I can't see it, I can't touch it!

It is amazing.

Two illusory things, fuse together.

I will be easy.

When a sitting is thousands of years, when the sword is unparalleled, I will summon the chess pieces of the gods again!

"Space cave!" He shook his head, or could not refer to this gods.

It can't be swallowed.

Mainly too wasteful.

Handsome-handed chess pieces, there is currently a lot.

He didn't dare to mess.

"The ultimate king of the king said, is the ultimate, or the ultimate in Wan Dao?"

One ultimate.

It is his ultimate sword.

The ultimate is the ultimate, it is his path.

It seems that it appears in him.

But not on both, experience the kind, all invincible feelings.

Time and space reincarnation!

The trend of the chess is solidified.


The sword has no double eyes and thinks the kings.

Why is it called a king?

Not because it controls the entire northern time and space.

Time and space are in his hand.

Can it be a king?

Time and space reincarnation, perhaps just one of his obsesses.

This obsession is encountered in the life.

Return is because of life and death.

Time and space is the road to him, the emperor cultivation space, the main cultivation of the universe, eventually fused to the time and space level.

Maybe that is not his way!

Into now.

The sword is sitting unparalleled.

Can't find the direction.

The original idea was promoted.

"Maybe, I should go to a new way!"

The sword is unparalleled!

I thought of my special.

With a variety of magical power, if you still walk the road, there is more than the ability of the former person, how do you see some bad?

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