Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5998 collapse

And on the robbery, I have been very blurred.

You have to say it is God!

But he saw several people.

Just say the god of life!

This is big enough!

Controlling the life of a world.

But the combat power is so common.

This is in him.

If Danbao creates a constipation that you fill enough, it may be more powerful.

It's just that the other party doesn't take the way.

"Although Danbao is God, it is not in the cultivator!" He shook his head and thought of Vis, "Vis's power is very powerful, powerful, powerful, I can't define However, that kind of force does not seem to be a practitioner! "

On the Lord of the universe!

Time and Space

This location cannot be considered a triberator's level. .

More like a gain.

Accurately, the king is the owner of the north time, that is the Lord of time and space!

"Forget it, you can't show up, or you will think about it!" He disregarded the chess game and no longer depends.

After him chaos the game, the time and space in the middle of the chessboard, it succeeded.

The handsome pray is condensed time and space with the back of two pieces, directly entering the time and space.

The three gods of the chess pieces, at this time, Ding Dinghe Road and the middle.

A terrible life, suddenly broke out.


The sword is unparalleled to be shocked and stands directly.

The robbery on the body is flying.

From his body.

This scene gaked his sword.

He didn't know, the eyes in the starry sky were still staring here.

After sigh, take the initiative to watch the watching chessboard and evolved everything.

The birth of a long-term long river.

Just appearing in front of the sword.

He looks at the god.

Did not feel changes in time.

The exterior of hundreds of millions of years did not make him change.

Until the time and space of the long river thoroughly.

Then collapsed!

Everything is natural.

It's so perfect.


After the time and space is broken, the board also begins to collapse.

Finally, agglomerated into a point.

one eye!

Ink green eye, floating in the position of the original board.

The sword is unparalleled because of the sound, consciousness returns to the body.

"Call!" He breathed the gas, and he was afraid of just the scene.

Uncontrolled trembling.

This is the awe of the long river of time and space.

A long-term long river!

Complete time and space.

The whole northern time and space is like a long river.

Just were split into the core, and it is divided into upper and lower.

Extremely cumbersome.

But the long river that just has just, is complete.

"Big opportunity!" The sword was unparalleled, and couldn't help but tremble.

At the beginning, a black hole was watched, and he affected, and now I will watch the birth of a long-term long river in the break.

Let his own realm of this source, they have skyrocketed.

The frame of the second universe is formed instantly.

Countless treasures investment.

Direct birth.

Then the birth of the third universe.

Finally, the treasure is not enough to stop.

He uses the treasure of the original source.

But the realm came, as long as there is treasure, he can quickly build a third universe.

This is indeed a big firing.

Although I don't understand, what is the watching chessboard, suddenly turns this.

But I can't help but shake.

Eyeball, robbing!

Fly along him.

The robbery is still very familiar, but the internal power is extremely huge, he finds that he can't wear it.

As for the eye, he is unknown.

Just touching it, I found a chessboard in the eye.


The watching the game appears again.

He is a fear, and the chessboard is turned into his most powerful opponent "Die".

Subsequently, it turned into an eye.


The sword is unparalleled.

The long river is destroyed, but the internal heavens remain.

It is this eye.

You can spy everything.

"Unfortunately!" He sighed, "I don't repair the heaven, but the heart is like a heaven, there is no use!"

His heart is walking is the heavens, and there is a day of love!

It is ruthless, he is ruthless.

But this is ruthless, not the love of the brother, the feelings of husband and wife.

It is facing the feelings of the weather.

He doesn't have the heart of mercy.

Like the heavens!

But don't know the balance.

So not suitable for him.

Perhaps, it has a suitable person! "The sword was unparalleled through the eye and saw a familiar figure.

A white dress is not dyed.


Or, Hui Qing!

This time it is completely passive.

If you don't have the chess pieces, you will always walk into the magic.

Finally, I don't know what is going on, and the board is turned into the eye, and I left the robbery.

And I also saw a perfect time and space born in destruction.

The receipt is still not small.

Almost the same.

They all simulate the road in front.

"My Road, I am walking!" The sword is unparalleled, and I caught the eye and increasing the mustard.

Running this moment, as I recognized the owner, directly returning to his body.

Eyeball does not belong to him.

But robbery, but he is not him.


Completely closed the robbery, directly covered his whole body.

Black warfare, incomparable dazzling.

The dark red breath is revealed from the robbery, it is a force of the rules.

It is the power of the high rule.

At this moment, a token has also appeared in his mind.

Above the word "robbery"!

When I move, I will talk about the information in the token.

Now the robbery has reached a success.

Instead, your strength can't keep up.

The full name of the robbing, also appeared on this token.

"Nine robbery!"


At present, the robbery has the force of six robbery.

The increase in the basement of one million!

Six times to high robbery, raising the power of the rober to million.

There is also seven robbery, eight robbery, and even nine robbery.

At the same time, there is still a sentence that makes him very crazy.

"One force breaks the way!"

I thought it was not self-tactive, and now I have appeared here.

And he also believed.

This treasure, Eight achievements are the teacher of Xuan Yi left him.

How could I not believe it.

This robbed, gave him a blurred road.

Perhaps, after the bailout of the nine robbery, he will completely see where his own path!


Rober hidden into the skin, the sword is unreasonable.

The figure flashed and left his own source.

In that eyeball, he saw Hui Qing, wait for Hui Qing, he will give this treasure, give Hui Qing.

After all, I can't use it.

Give Huiqing, you can also enhance their overall power.

And about the things of Tiandao, he has always been unknown.

At that time, you can also witness it through Huiqing.

After leaving the source of the source, I felt the passage of time.

In the past, it has passed billions of years.

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