Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5999 Blood Color

It is indeed very long.

Tiandang promised time has passed.

It was in a mood. He couldn't wait to go out of the Dongfu. He just got out of the cave, he found an acquaintance on the hillside outside the cave, is watching the sun in the morning.

"The Lord of the Blood!" The sword was unparalleled. I didn't expect to be waiting for him.

I have been in the past, and the other person is still in the sky, it seems that the intention of the gods is in the heart!

Just, he also has something, want to ask the other party.

Walking around, bathing in the first warm people in the sun, two people stand side by side.

"I thought that I had to wait for a long time, I didn't expect you to be so fast!"

The blood of the temple turns the head, actively opening.

The face has a smile, apparently there is a meaningful meaning. .

But the bottom of the other party is still uncomfortable.

As long as he gets the boundary, he has confidence to exceed his father "Tiangang"

In this world, there is no one who makes him, the ambition is very big.

People with this ambition often do not be too bad.

The sword is unparalleled to take a sigh of breath, there is no need to ask the pyramid, "the blood magic temple, some things, I want to ask you, I don't know if I know!"

I wanted to follow the sword unparalleled to the blood magic temple, I stunned, then I wake up, I immediately promised: "Despite the opening!"

"It is about the bloody breath on the night, do you know how much?"

The sword is unparalleled, the sound of the blood of the Magical Temple wrinkles.

It is good to guess what I have, but I am not surprised.

Nowadays, there is a gods, and he is not so big about the pursuit of blood color, says that he has to chase the night.

There is almost the same as the sword, and it is forced to enhance the power.

He has known that he has also done it.

However, if you want to use blood color, forcibly improve your strength, you still need a thing to help.

For example, the beetle in the original.

All anti-allophallate can be sent to the body of the beetle.

It is simply promoted the power.

Then the Lord of the Blood, there should be similar methods.

Just this kind of thing, too privacy, he is not good to ask.

I deeply saw the other side, and the sword was not exported.

"In fact, there is nothing, the native of night, is the source of blood, and it is very similar to me. If she gets her, my foundation will be able to upgrade two%!" The Blood Magic Temple saw the scruple of swords There is no concealment, directly said that I have a bloody inheritance.

He has great confidence in himself, and he is not worried about exposure.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is extremely shocked!

Not because of blood colony, this name can also see.

Just adding two finished infrastructure, some scared him.

At the beginning, he had only 20,000, it was doubled, it looked nothing.

It can be reached now, or directly said that the Lord of the Blood, with a minimum of 10 million basic skills.

One achievement is millions, then adds two%, that is, two million.

Blood color!

"Is there so powerful?" The sword did not help but ask.

The main point of the blood, "blood color, the representative is actually the blood gas in the body," the promotion of the power is this, increase the two men or because my body is in the limit, if I put the body, I will upgrade a grade again, More. "

This time, the sword is unparalleled.

According to the Lord of the Blood Demon, the source of night Ling Xiao is the source of blood, then there is a chance to grow.

The stronger of the origination, the tribener with blood color, that is, the tonic.

I have to remind each other in the future, be careful, I can't expose.

This temptation is too big.

Even he can't help but move, this is the same as those who have become a practitioner who has mastered the source of life.

can not resist.

The night is like this.

And it is also from the night home of the ancient times!

At the beginning, he got the blood color, which was also ancient times, but it was in the ancient wood continent.

Unfortunately, Chen Jia has been out of him, otherwise I can catch it deeply, where is the source of blood color!

As for the Lord of the Blood, it will not be necessary.

If there is a source, I am afraid I have been found by this guy.

Perhaps, night Ling Xiao knows!

The sword is unparalleled from the head, and no longer ask.

This thing may be an episode, perhaps an increase in the opportunity.

After waiting for the people, I will go through the feelings, I will learn about it, I am in love, Xiao Zhiyi!

I have to ask someone else.

In short, this kind of thing is not anxious.

After talking about the power of the blood, there is nothing to talk to each other, so that the blood of the temple will take him to find Tian Cang.

The fixtures of the pyramid are over.

! !

With the Lord of the Blood, the sword is unparalleled, and it will come to the upper cloud of the sky.

Where is the place where Tian Cang's Bundeuda is located.

When he was in Tiangang, he would speak from the body from the body.

Of course, it is the main universe.

The main universe is the first universe, and the subsequent origin is called an affiliated universe.

With the blessing of the road, you can benefit a lot of practitioners in Tiangang Palace.

After all, it is an ancient origin.

It has already entered the way to the nine hobby level.

The whole northern time and space, the three arrived at this level.

If it is not anxious, the sword is unparalleled to practice this.

The road is magnificent, and the sound is surrounded.

It makes people feel very comfortable.

In the rear of the road, there is a fence.

Tiandang is generally practiced.

The peaks are generally speaking, and this respect is very small.

This is also why there is a mysterious place in ancient times.

The average person does not see the real body.

Even if it is the body, the main thing of the universe of Tiangang Palace can see.

The number of the entire sky, the number of the universe is not much.

It is more than 100,000 thousand people in other paramenors.

After passing through the road, the sword is not paid.

The Tiangang Palace is still the elite route, not that kind of teaching is unsatisfactory.

Most of them are elites in the same order.

Each is strong.

In this way, there will be a constant super strong person.

There are thousands of lords of the hexack universe, which can see the heritage of Tiangang.

According to this quantity, the Lord of the seven-robbery universe is dozens.

Eight hobbies are rare, perhaps only a few.

No way, the current life level is not enough.

Future Balm Bessing will be more and more.

It will be more exciting!

The two have just come to the fence reception, and they see that Tiandang has opened the hospital door, and the smile is waiting for the sword.

"Tiancang predecessors, hard work!" After the sword did not double the land, even quickly expressed his gratitude.

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