Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6001 Black Yao Entry

Up to block the strong power of the eight puffs.

Then the black hole shield.

The current pyramid can only display black-level shields.

You can block a thousands of millions of power attacks.

Once the shield is broken, then attack the pyramid can weaken the attack, but it will also be injured.

When the Lord of the Magic Temple attacked them, the autonomous shield of the pyramid was this level.

The sword is unparalleled, some sitting can't stand, and quickly asked the most concerned things, "Bamata, the pyramid itself is not absorbing the thrill of attack?"

"Master, absorbing Shenqi attack requires a kind of black Yao essence, and absorbed attacks will also harm the pyramid itself. It is simply to open the star Chenchen guard shield, which can absorb the attacks below, but will consume black Yao, Once the essence of Black Yao is fired, it can't absorb again. "

The Babata is explained, and the sword is unparalleled to sit on the throne. This is really a gap with him. .

There is no free thing in the world.

Absorb the power attack, the god of the god can burn the shield, or create a liveliors.

But there is a need for a more special treasure.

"Black Yao essence!"

That is what it is, he doesn't know.

"The owner should not worry, the essence of black Yao can be said to be the energy center of the pyramid. All aspects need!" Baba tailed to pull the pyramid, and pointed out the drawings and continued to introduce: "Finished Defense, talk about attacks, attacking the power required, also need black Yao's essence, otherwise, it is impossible to reach the power. "

The level of attack, similar to the defense.

The universe level is divided into four levels.

Stars, black holes, secrets, universe.

The star's attack must first inject 10 million power, and then add the true peak attack after the essence of the black Yao, can be seriously injured in the peak of the goblie.

It is also possible to instantly kill the top of the eight knocked strong.

Black hole attack can reach a thousand and five million power.

The attack of the pyramid is currently a custom secret level attack.

The power is up to 20 million.

Of course, it costs the emperings, there are many.

The Lord of the Blood Temple attacked the pyramid touched the self-protection, and the outbreak of attack was a secret level.

Like the power of attacking Red Jiubi.

As for the universe level, the black Yao essence is more, the current pyramid is not so much in black Yao.

After listening to the introduction of the defense, the sword is unparalleled and still can't sit. I quickly asked: "Is it the essence of black Yao, what is it?"

He is also understood, and the operation of the pyramid is inseparable from this place.

Must be more.

"The essence of black Yao is a very black material. The special product from the mechanical family, similar to the origin of the practitioner! It is accurately, it is the mixed yuan stone that the owner's universe is pregnant!"

The sword is unparalleled, and he is dumbfounded after you know.

Where did this come to me!

I am afraid all the northern time and space.

Tian Cang's old man will definitely know this, the other party has not taken the initiative, apparently not.

"The world of the world!" The sword was unparalleled, and I thought of the boundaries of the world.

Where there is a strong power of four major time and space.

There is definitely the presence of mechanical people.

Even the strong people in the star air practice.

The northern gods are all in the world.

Perhaps only the world can get it.

But now his boundaries have sent people.

Even if you are still, he can't go to the world!

"Bamata, how many black essence is there?"

"There is also seventeen!"

"Can it sustain a secret level attack?"

"You can maintain a secret level attack, seventeen black hole attacks, one hundred and seventy-seven stars attacks!" Babata explained very detailed.

The cosmic level of the attack requires the essence of the hundred and black Yao, but also the pyramid is fully repaired.

He didn't even think about this.

Ability to maintain a secret level attack, almost enough.

But the secret level of the shield, he couldn't use it.

Can only maintain a black hole shield.

As for the power, this is simple, he makes a feeling of power, and it will continue to instill the power.

There is still a key role in the pyramid, which is to make a life warrior.

This also requires black blue stone.

Star-level life warrior, has millions of power.

If you want to create a perfect star warrior, defense attacks and durations can be compared to the star warrior of the peak of the Eight's affordable, need ten-party black Yao stones.

The sword is unparalleled, and this thought is canceled.

Too extravagant.

Life and the power, he is not lacking.

It is the lack of black Yao stones, and the perfect star warrior, the needed body, and some mechanical treasures will be refined.

He lack this.

A series of bad news, let his mood have fallen to the ice point.

Bamata saw his emotional downturn, "The owner should not be sad, the black Yao essence is very small, and the speed of the black hole is currently maintained.

If the front is a bad news, then this is really good news.

The sword is unparalleled and weak: "Go to the temple, how long it takes."

The next consciousness said that the temple is just exported, he will regret it. He doesn't know the location, how can Babata know?

What he didn't expect that Baba immediately finally.

"Go to the god hall, need four era, the way to the middle of the northern time and space, the big probability will encounter the Lord of the Eight Branch of the universe, and has planned the route for the owner!" Baba tah took a small hand, I moved a piece of the sky to the sword where there was no double, and there was a twigted route.

The sword is unparalleled when I am joy: "Bamata, you know the coordinates of the temple?"

"There is a calendar in the power of the owner, I can feel the position of the temple, and the ancient times of the owner wants to go, I can predict it!" Barbatagi explained.

This time, the sword is unparalleled.

It also realized the convenience of the mechanical family, basically lying down.

Everything has to go down.

"How long does it take to reach the ancient day and space? How long is it, and the location of the surrounding?" The sword has asked many problems.

Barba is ignorant, "The current time and space is always in the world, and there are two time and space long rivers from the ancient times, and it takes four hundred years according to the current speed."

"There is currently the main appearance of the universe, and there is a lord of the pyramid, and there is a six-pyramid, and the main scene of the universe is about 174, there is no threat of the owner and the enemy. Please relax before, thirty years later, will pass a strong power of the border, will open hidden flight! "

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