Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6002 Sword Wushuang

Extremely detailed planning, let the sword do not look at it.

I finally had a good news and comforted myself. .

The sword has shrugged, standing up, "Bamata, directly open hidden flight, with the fastest speed to the ancient times of time and space, and find this hole location."

With the existence of Bamata, he doesn't have to go to Find a specific location of Tongtian Buddha.

Directly gave the Baba Tower.

Yourself returned to the cave, four hundred years, and won't waste.

This source is improved, and it is not going to slow.

The three universe can be used to defect the seventh.

At present, the realm is here, but there is no treasure, and it is slightly slow.

He dare not delay.

And he also got the secret law of Visses "is very strong"

Although there is only one half, it is difficult to get started.

It is estimated that the seven-robbery can be entitled, and now I am familiar with it.

Once started, his combat will have a growth.

Attached to the very high work, divided into five levels.

Getting started, small, big, peak, success.

In the upper half, it has encompassing entry, small multiplication, big multiplication.

According to Vis, he went to the nine knob to cultivate to the big multiplication, basically invincible.

As for the second half, you will see the fate.

This is in the world.

But that is too far away.

I don't know when to wait.

If you don't think too much, you will be familiar with your feelings, and you can really bring something.

When seeing Vissen, he can only see the secret law of the battle class.

In the same order, even if the power is different, you can do the following.

This is a special context.

On the way to the ancient times, he is full of enthusiasm to put a very strong skill.

Returning to the temple.

Repair the pyramid is the first step.

Here, he is also burst.

Become the Lord of the seven-robbery, and then enhance the foundation.

Finally, it is a very great job.

Will be comfortable to entry.

If it is not an opponent who is not a life, it is also possible to use it with its own greatness.

In addition to these substantially targets.

There is also your secret law to practice.

The first two swords of the Star Tickets have been successful.

The round sword has some effort.

It is the time and space of the fourth sword, he is quite understanding.

And more than the reincarnation, you must be careful.

This is much more thanks to watching the game.

Simulation to the end, watching the birth of the long-term long river in the break, letting his time concept have grown, the establishment of the affiliated universe, also got the time and space.

Star emblem, the top five swords.

Not sorted.

Like the first sword, it can be death or life.

The third sword can be a reincarnation or time and space.

The fifth sword must be rounded back.

This is the continuation of the road.

The sixth sword, although there is no ongoing bondage, but he can feel that the sixth sword go out, "Angeles can also enemies!"

That is a sword invincible gesture.

Just need him to practice the road to success.

After mastering the time and space reincarnation, you can truly do the invincible of the sixth sword.

Simply, it is not necessary to cultivate the sixth sword, pay attention to it is natural.

The starry sky shows the nine swords, the first six swords have a direction, follow-up three swords, he is a little bit.

Also wait until I will crack.

In addition to the Star Chart, he also has to cultivate it.

Nowadays, the super ancient changes have not yet come to the perfect level.

Perfectly full of super ancient times, can increase the power of 100 times.

According to fifty times, the foundation is doubled. Once the perfect period reaches the perfect period, it is twice that of the infrastructure.

His current infrastructure is $ 15 million.

This is the power of the body.

After wearing a robbery, increase one million.

Also increased in the body.

The foundation is two hundred and 500,000.

Show super ancient times, that is twice.

Two times five million.

At that time, his power is from 750,000.

The source of the country, the blessing of the three univers, and the increase is 60%.

Add 450,000.

It is a thousand two million power.

The Lord of the Six Bodyless Universe, a thousand two million power, and the peak of the eight puffs.

This is still not a seven-robbery that he ferries successfully.

With the head and enter, he has hoped to force the enemy to fulfill the fullness.

That is, a strong person above a thousand and five million power.

The blood of the Temple will barely arrive at this level.

While cultivating, the progress is planned.

The ancient times and the stars are also constantly practiced.

The power of the beast god was somewhat waste.

The power of the beast is really a good treasure.

It has a small role from Daojun to now.

If it is supercomproad, it will not be eliminated.

It's a pity now.

But the sword is unparalleled, there is no better way.

"The power of the beast god, if you can use the super ancient times, you can use it, then it is good!" After this idea, the sword is unparalleled, and it is unfortunately.

This is normal.

After the super ancient change, the burden on the body has reached the limit, and the force of the beast is used.

Not only is the body that cannot be supported, but the beast will not be supported.

At the beginning, Moro is time, the god of the nine beasts.

The candlelon is just one.

If you can collect other beastists, you can support super ancient times.

It only needs to increase your own body, it is also possible to cover it together.

Super ancient times plus the power of the beast.

Think of something terrible.

"Molo or space, god, beast soldiers!" The sword was unparalleled and cleared, and this idea buried in the heart.

During the life and the gods have trading, but it is impossible to encounter God.


Ancient moonlight!

Taikoo in nine days in the daytime.

Unlike other places is the too ancient daylight, but the whole ancient month, the most stable is also a powerful space that is not broken.

Even the ancient moon gods are stationed here.

Compared with the comprehensive strength, I don't know much than the original ancient wood mainland.

But it is also similar to the top of the current ancient wood mainland.

Because Shen Mu Wang's strong, and the joining of the Lord of Hengmu, now the ancient wood continent has been treated, gathers a lot of universe.

There is a momentum to surpass the daytime.

But the ancient times, but it is uncomfortable to this.

Once the day, it is not ancient times.

There is also an eight-star door.

"White Pool!"

The Old Day of the ancestor is created.

Speaking of the white pole mountain, no one will think of the Bai Nationality.

Instead, it will mention the contemporary pope of ancient moon.

She is from the white house.

The Lord of the Universe of the Eight Beach Peak.

It is also the first strong in the ancient wood continent.

5998 chapter

If Shenmao consumes the treasures given by the king, I have embarked on the road to restoration, and I hope to surpass this ancient pope.

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