Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6007 Infigured

Just now there is no day, but there is no such thing as the sword.

After breaking, it has achieved a day, and there is no previous bondage, but the memory is still there.

I know what the sword is nothing to find here.

Returning to the temple!

"The sword is unparalleled, I am now not interested in the temple, you have come to the wrong place!" There is no day to get up, and the breath is suddenly skyrocketing.

The horrible breath sweeps everything and shakes the whole dead hell.

The hell itself is a good gabbed to Bao, and when it was born, it also contained the geographicization of the kingdom.

But now this hell has begun to integrate with a day. .

The whole hell is his way.

The breath is extremely pound.

Which of the seven-hidden universe of the white pole, it is a little panic, this is the treasure of the white pole, but now it falls into the hands.

When the Buddha came to the White Pool Mountain, it was still because of a holy slam of the white pole, so it was suppressed in this hell.

However, at the beginning, I didn't quaint Tianshi, and I said, or the Buddha punish the evil and trocked the white family.

That is, the seven-robust universe master.

As the hegemony of Taikoo White, it has eaten this loss, and immediately talks about the Buddha.

When the name used by Tianfo Buddha is no day.

In the sake of his reputation, Bai Chi Qi Mountain did not kill Tongtian Buddha, but by scrubbing the other party's scorpion, suppress Tong Tian Buddha.

Achieved today!

But I did not expect that stealing chicken did not erode rice, and there was no hell to integrate into his own universe.

After continuously spent four robbery, there was no day of the seven-robbery universe.

When you raise your hands, you can kill the Lord of the seven-torn universe of the White Pool.

Even if the old ancestors of the white mountain came, it is not his opponent.

In the nineteen king, it is extremely attacked, and it supports one breath.

On the good fortune of Shenmu Wang, it returned to the peak. The rest of the Wang Qiang, although he also got a lot of life, but the peak is still very far away.

Without the kind of luck of Shenmu Wang, not only returned to the peak, but also in one step, arrived at the eight robbery.

It is even more than the spirit of life, and the road to restoration will be on the forefront.

"The old ancestors are in the outside world, the sword is not double, take me, please the old ancestors to suppress!"

The space of this place has been blocked, and the Lord of the seven-robbery universe can't be separated, I want to let the sword have no doubles.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is unreasonable: "Everything in your white pole losses, there is me, the rest is nothing to do!"

Now he is also qualified to say this.

I bought this unsuccessful hell and what I have.

It is nothing more than some of the power of life.

However, which one of the seven-robbery universe is somewhat entangled, and the voice gave the ancestor.

Originally thought that it would be awkward, but I didn't expect the old ancestors not only not angry, but I was very excited, inform him that everything can be sold to the sword.

As long as you take out the power of life, everything is worth it.

The sword is unparalleled to this very generous, and there is no search.

Anyway, this treasure will finally fall into their hands.

Although there is no one, I am not interested in the Temple.

Tong Tian Buddha after the incarnation of the magic, has become a day, the character changes, the ordinary people may not trust each other, but the sword is unparalleled.

He can see that there is still a love of the Temple, and he has just helped the other party, or now it is still trapped in the water moon.


That is the magic of the right road.

There is no relationship with swords.

And the magic road is not a monster that is ignorant, but it is not so terrible.

Like the nine, it belongs to the magic, but a strong horror.

Talent is a real devil.

"You have really changed, but you don't forget, you come from, don't forget, who gives you everything!" The sword is unparalleled stepped into the Heihe River, and the breath is also a shock.

After hearing, he was a big smile: "That depends, do you have that qualification!"


The breath is instantaneous, and the power in the hell is gathered to have a day, and the power is from two million, and it has been out of 3 million.

The speed is fast, and the sword has no double one jump.

3 million, 4 million, 5 million.

After arriving at 5 million, it slowd down.

It is indeed similar to U.

There is a blessing of unsuccessful, plus the mutual secret law of the king.

The increase in this level is also normal.

The more powerful, the longer the sword is unparalleled.

"Now I, are you still satisfied?" There is a laughter, rampant, and temporarily temporary.

The sword is unparalleled to raise the sword, and he will pull the sword for every hector of the Shenshen.

This is respectful, did not treat the other party as a small person.


I have to lose, around the magic flames must be excessive, light blue stars, and the world is strangled.

"One sword is divided, I lost, just when you still have a human situation, and erase everything you have, if you lose, you will return to my temple with me!" The sword has no double tone, after the sword He also happened some changes, it was the killing of the sword.

The desire to fight is over.

At this time, there is also a state in which sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are moving, and there is no answer, just nodding.

After the transition, his character is naturally unlike, some things can be opened.

It has become a little proud.

I don't want to face reality.

Magic flames become a huge deceased, and the magic light is from the sky.

The horror World of Warcraft in the incarnation of the magic flames brush brush, rushing to the sword.

That is the fear of everyone.

The sword is unparalleled, and the super ancient times will become a lot, and after the explosion, it will make the strength of the sword and the unparalleled strength.

"Six puff?"

There is a lot of time, I can't believe it.

It's not the power of swords, but I don't believe that swords are unparalleled.

How can it be lower than his realm?

In fact, many people are so low in the unparalleled realm.

Many people are also a later known.

The realm of itself carries the power that does not belong to this realm, it must have a high person.

This truth is still very shallow.

It is just a day of memory inherited Tong Tian Buddha. How horror is known to know that Xiao Yan is a unparalleled potential, and when the emperor has stabilized everyone.

In their cognition, it recognizes that the realm of the sword is unparalleled will transcend himself.

Even if I have just been inherited, I think so after I got it.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be the Lord of the six-knocked universe. Don't blame me for bullying!" There is a little bit of the sky, anger, "there is no hell!"

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