This is his trip, where he fights with him, even if he is a fight!

Hell in chaos is a day of day, he is free to surround the sword.

Everything around it is in his manipulation.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is close to the buddy and keeps the sword.

Placent to move!

He also wants to wait for the first to shoot, so as not to get the opponent.

But it is too late to wait, and there are some urgents.

Brow nature beating.

But let the opportunity to grab the opportunity. .

The magic road is most confusing.

Just everything is his bureau.

In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled.


There is a big hands and ten, there is a magic.

Ten thousand, rushing to the sword with the magic flame.

There are countless ghosts, condense becomes a drop.

In done hell, there is a god, he is not a magic.

The enemy is the magic.

The role of hell is to shock all the magic!

"You really want more!" The sword rushed to rise, he just had a bit anxious.

It is not because of the day of day.

But he itself is such a character.

The mitigation slammed from the sky.

The sword is unhappy slowly open the scorpion, and the sword of the light fluttering, only a word "born!" In his mouth.


Jian Yings made a universe from a weak shadow, and even a time and space.

This is a sword that contains the true life of time and space.

One time and space is long, don't say hell, it is a universe, you have to be silent.

But this sword, it has a hope of life.

There is no fear that is unprecedented, and the fear is facing the heart.

The light blue starry sky, the moment it has killed his magic flame.

The power of power is extremely strong, when touching the sword, it is instantly broken.

A sword broke his life!

His body only felt a hard feeling, and his body is still retreat.

The corner of the mouth also leaked the blood, severe anti-allerge, let his body began to break.

At that moment, he thought of falling.

Just rising, is it falling?

Although there is not sweet, it also maintains the power of the magic!

Not afraid!

Herd of anti-anti-anti-body shape.

The sword is unparalleled here, it is a lot of rumored swords, "the hope of life is so magical!"

His fingers gain it softly, time and space resumed calm, just a sword returned to his body, and the demon was also resumed.

It's just a day of injury, there is no disappearance.

This sword is unparalleled, but for the opponent's face, there is still nothing.

"No day, you have to pay attention to your commitment!"

There is a slight head, the voice is low: "You really didn't let me down, did you get the boundary of the world?"

He really does not understand why the sword will be so powerful, and the next consciousness I thought of the boundaries of the world.

That is, the token just got, and the introduction to the mainland of the world, I understand the nine core time and space, but the attached time and space outside the starry sky.

The same attached time and space, as well as three.

On the four major space, there is a boundaries of the world.

Only the boundaries of the kings took out, they can go to the world.

"This ......." The sword is unparalleled, I am so embarrassed, he really didn't go to the world, and the boundaries were also taken to repair the pyramid.

When he saw him hesitation, it would not be more and more, and it becomes very introverted.

"For the time, I will explain it later, we are still very long!" He is not so embarrassed, but the boundaries of the gods, he still have to solve it early, all people are rushing to the mainland, he is currently Although the biggest goal is done, it is necessary to consider it later.

The two people have a chat, but they ignore the Lord of the seven-robbery universe of the white pole.

At this point, the other party was standing in the corner of hell shiver.

Just fighting.

No matter which side, you can get rolled with him at will.

Will not be afraid.

Especially the most fear of swords, just like watching a monster, watching the sword.

The six robbery, so strong, does not look at the realm, saying that the sword is unparalleled is the Lord of the Eight Beard, he believes.

"Almost give you!" The old name is bored, it is more boring, the other side has already changed, and it is extremely intricular, but also can't say a few words, it will transfer the topic, and look at the seven white The Lord of the Card, "Baidao, the loss of this place, you estimate, there is no hell, and there is a blow to your heart, you need to buy this!"

"This ..." this is really not good.

Hesitating, "There is no double friend, this thing is not going to win, now the old ancestors are waiting for you in the outside world, it is better to win by the ancestors?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is very familiar with three eight puffs, and one is still very familiar, and it is very powerful. He is not an opponent.

Shenmu King!

There is still a weakness, the power is reduced to about 5 million, and the atmosphere is very similar to the universe in front of you. The big probability is the ancestor of the white family.

The last one is also the strongest existence.

Even is the strongest of ancient times.

The Lord of the Eight Bearding the Universe, from the white family, sitting in the ancient times.

Contemporary ancient pope.

He didn't see the details of the other party, and the power did not attribute more than 15 million.

"It's really lively!" The sword was unparalleled, and there was no hell, and the Lord of the universe wrapped in the universe was directly left.

Before walking, there is no hell when you naturally receive hell.

! ! !

The three people have a flash, and they came to the clouds of the white pole.

Shenmu Wang was still narcled to the ancient month. Seeing the sword has no double with people, it immediately stood in front of the tea table, and quickly greeted: "Warrior brother, you will not say it, this time is not enough!"

White old ancestors and ancient pope have also got up.

Treat the sword is unparalleled, it is definitely in the same order, even high-level.

Especially the white family, bypassing the king of Shenmu, smile, but didn't have the sword unparalleled to break into his own white pole gods, but somewhat charming, "I have long heard that there is no double friend's name, it is better to see it. Sure enough, it is a hero! "

"It's just a little thing. I think that Shenmu brother wants to rebuild the ancient mutting. I haven't got to be hired!" The sword is unparalleled, and the god king will be paid. Look at the white family, and apologize. " White pole, add a lot of trouble to the predecessors! "

This time, I came to the White, I really got a lot of mess!

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