Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6015, I haven't seen you for a long time.

The strong people in the periphery, feel that the whole seven mystery is shaking, and they found that there is no two in the sword in the stream.

"The daughter of the ancient wood mainland, the top of the top of the seven-robbery universe!" After the identity of Yunzhou, the unknown strong, I took a breath.

In the seven-mystery, the scattered robbery of the seven, it can be called the king to dominate.

The Lord of the universe of the seven hobbies, that is, it is a super power that is comparable to the fight.

Strong natural dare!

In the entire seven-mystery, the seven-robbery of the fallen, there is no use of the universe.

But it is not good to say that all internal dangers are exposed, and maybe there will be hidden banks to threaten the seven hobby universe.

The sword is unparalleled, but all the way. .

The power of the horrible starry sky, will random, and some don't know the death of death, I want to block, and it is also smashed.

The desert beast is smart to hide far away.

On the way, some of the relics were torn, and countless outbreaks flew out, but the sword was unparalleled but lazy to look at it.

Some treasures in this place, the value is still a few hundred thousand, and the most expensive have a super-treasure of millions of mixed yuan, but the history is rare.

For the current swords, even if it is a million mixed yuan, he dismissed.

If he is hundreds of millions, he is willing to move his hands.

He doesn't care, but gave the opportunity of the onlookers, countless robbery, crazy snatch, broke out another life and death battle, extremely exciting.

Just, unfortunately, the sword can't be seen.

The Emperor of the Emperor in the heart of seven mystery.

At this time, it is confronted with two seven-bit robbery. Although the emperor got the sword without a double treasure, it has reached the peak level, but in the face of two seven-bit robbery, it is still weak.

If it is not an external rumor, the sword is unparalleled is her son-in-law. I am afraid that I have to live in the spot.

Meta-dimensional core of the fire.

The Emperor Feng Chen arrogant two major seven-seven-seven-hidden, and the mouth hangs blood, but it does not refund.

"Why bother!" One of the seven-robbered strong people sigh, "Feng Chen, if the sword is unparalleled, I will be killed, don't know!"

The other seven-robbery eyes are cold. Here is the seven-mystery. This is the treasure of killing. Have a hand.

If it is a general treasure, they will not take risks to besieged with the sword without having a relationship.

But the treasure is very important to them.

Because there is a source of life, the value is very high, if the two get it, you can restore the peak.

So I dare to take risks.

"Don't talk nonsense, you want to take out your strength!" The emperor is extremely persistent, and it does not refund.

The last time she fell, and they got the whole country.

Got the sublimation of strength.

It is done that I have lost everything.

The original incomparable vision is all gone.

Southern Person?

The ancient mouse is rebuilt, and there is no position in the saints.

She is not willing to go to the sad land.

After the two seven-bit robbery, they nodded and made the final pass. "In this case, don't blame us!"

The voice just fell, and the two were just ready to do.

But I feel that the surrounding time and space is shaking.

This situation is either there have been a lot of time, or there is a super power to destroy the seven-mystery.

"Well?" The three people who have just prepared to do have a glimpse.

This place has just appeared a lot of treasures, takes out millions of mixed yuan stone.

The chance of presenting the treasure can be too small, and the 80% will be the movement caused by the super strong.

"No way?"

"Will there be a super power so soon, know that this place is born in life!"

The two seven-bit hijacity have some panic.

Because the appearance of life, let the whole northern time and space beat it,

For the power of life, it has reached the point where you don't want the means.

If it is really a super power, then they will no longer have the opportunity.


For a time, I didn't have any hesitation, and the two people wanted to get the power of life before they came, and then used it.

Female Emperor Feng Chen felt a familiar atmosphere.

That is the breath of Yunzhi State.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled breath, she can't feel.


"He has come, dare to shoot!" Among the abyss of the Time and Space, there was a huge face, and the face was anger, but he snorted, and the two seven-bit robbers were collapsed.

After breaking, recover again.

It is still seriously injured.

The female emperor looked at the majesty face in the abyss of the time and space, and his eyes were jumped. Something stunned, lips, slightly sandy, and no doubles: "Sword is unparalleled?"

! ! !

After a breath, Shen Li fade, the Buddha is unparalleled with the Lord of Yunzhi, and it is completely coming.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!" The two seriously injured seven-bit hiking shouted the name that made them afraid again.

The joy is because the sword is unparalleled with infinite life, and it is afraid that it is because of the strength of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but the two-bit robbery, but the radio to the female emperor Feng Chen, the voice is also eased, "Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The two haven't seen it for a long time, and the dragon is one other old, the outside world has passed millions of era.

Those again, the strength and status of the two have changed the earth.

I looked at the horses in front of the original, the fate of the Female Emperor Feng Chen's five flavors have long, it is expected that the sword is unparalleled to be a robbery, but I have never thought that it would be so serious.

Although the overnight of Vietnam, there is no relationship with swords, but everything I have, I really can't open the sword.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the sword is unparalleled, letting her think that the original thing is very confusing.

Seeing the opponent's face sinking, the sword was unparalleled, and he was stopped by the main owner of Yunzhi. She still leaked the smile that could not reject, gently floated to the female emperor, pulled the other person, gentle road: "Feng Chen, no double is because of the country's things ........."

The following words are comparable to the secret, Yunzhi National Lord chooses the sound.

Then the sword is unparalleled to see the face of the emperor's color, slowly ease, the heart is inevitably sigh or the character of Yunzhi State, dealing with the girl's own, still getting soft.

Moreover, Yunzhi National Lord personally come.

If he comes, I am afraid I have to be entangled.

"Okay, let's go back!" Yunzhi State took a shot of Feng Chen's shoulder, and the tone was light.

It is not a problem like everything.

The Emperor Feng Chen did not answer, it was an acquisuit.

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