Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6016 I will try my best

I got the emperor, the sword was unparalleled to see the two seven-bit robbery, and it was scared in the void, and the head buried between the knees, and shivering.

This made him think of it before, and I have been so wolf.

Nothing is difficult for two people.

The mental movement, tearing time and space, with the emperor and the Yunzhi State Lord left.

However, before leaving, he left two groups to make the strength of the life of the Eight's madness.

"I have sent it ..." The two seven-bit hijacked stared at the power of the two groups and did not dare to confuse a long time.

After discovering that the sword is really left, the two are in the direction of the sword, worship a few worship, and dare to accept the power of life, then directly absorb the vitality, restore the body. .


A rockery side of the female country and the depths of the Huangcheng.

The sword is unparalleled in the peach tree, the hands are chest.

Listening to the past, the emperor's call is listening to the past.

Work hard to pursue everything doubtful.

"Black days, night home!" The sword did not have a double eyeliner.

In the end, I still heard what I want to know.

Although there is a guess, it is still a bit without bottom. Now I know that Chen Jia is from the ancient black sky, and the Chen Jiazu has also married with a female disciple of the blood jacket.

"I know these ........" Chen Jia's things? "The emperor finished, watching the sword is unparalleled, obviously wants to know some things that Vietnamese is destroy, there is no relationship with Chen Jia!

At this time, there is a last conclusion.

After a deep breath, I took the initiative to admit the way: "Your Majesty, I am sorry!"

"The murderer of the country is not a night, but a monster, that is, the original Yanlong old ancestors in the main hall, give me the!"

He said directly, this is the truth of Vietnam.

As for the night's things, the sword is unparalleled and does not want the other party to go in.

The power of blood color is very large, one is not paying attention, it may repeat the same mistakes.

He went to live, but the emperor couldn't help but Yunzhi country.

If you really have a relationship with the night, it is his business, there is not much relationship with the emperor.

And he will soon leaving the upstream time and space, in order to come back and still a matter, after the safety of the emperor, he can't be asylum.

"A!" At this time, Feng Chen's hair floated in front of him, his face leaked a helpless color, that is the fate of play, and a cockroach that can't be seen, the result is overwinning.

After aware of the murderer, she has anger, but I don't know how to vent, then began to be ignorant, in the opening of Yunzhi State, finally released.

Nothing now.


She has no strength.


Not her personality.

So the rest of the hope, only the sword is unparalleled.

"I will try my best ..." The sword has no double no guarantee, just saying that it will try his best.

Because he didn't want to give Vietnamese revenge, but to help finger the night.

Get the power of blood color, strong itself.

No so much.

At a time, some embarrassed, the sword was unparalleled, after the answer I wanted, there was no excessive stay, so he hurriedd.

Yunzhi State also has not retained, but it starts to send it.

The daughter's upper layer of empty.

"Don't send it again, this time, thank you!" The sword was unparalleled.

Yunzhi State owner has something to say, and the look is a bit embarrassed.

"Born to the road, as long as you don't regret, you don't have to apologize!" The sword didn't shake his head, interrupted the words of Yunzhi, and he knew what the other party said.

At the beginning, although he blamed the emperor behind him, now he is still alive, and there is no hate.

Just regret that those people at the beginning.

The eyes of Yunzhi State, seeing that the sword is unparalleled is not the kind of revenge, otherwise it will not send those treasures, and there is no more.


After taking the void, the sword is unparalleled stepped into it. If you say goodbye, you will leave.

When the Yunzhi State is healed until time and space healing, the body has begun to dissipate the Huangcheng of the Daughter's country.


Old black sky.

All year round is like a night!

But in the empty, there is a bloody breathing penetrating the sky.

That is the blood jacket door created by the night home.

Among the blood, there is countless universe, which is the main universe of the Lord of the universe, and some universe secrets.

Blood gates, which are in one of the secrets.

Taikoo Black Day is extremely stable in the ancient wood mainland, but there is not much treasure.

Baodi contains danger.

When the original ancient mouse, it was directly established in the outside world of Wanliu, and suppressed everything.

Bloody gates, but there is no place to be suppressed, just in the blood in the void, built its own block.

Long night city!

Night home, the blood jacket door is in this big city.

Legend has it that this place was once the universe of Night Lord, and the long night city was also called the long night, which is a master secret in the Night King's Wanyuan Universe.

! !

A white robe is tearing the void, came to the long night city, and there is a black robes in his side.

The Youth Youth is looking up at the giant city before, without any hesitation, with the figure of the gown, along with the people into the night city.

There is no difference with the sentient beings, just a lot of white, and the bare head, some of the eyes.

Into the gate of the city, the white robe is headed back to see the outside world of voids, and put it with a string of beads and buckled, and the eyes contain wisdom.

"There is no double brother, you should also come!" White robe was first sentence, and then turned into the city.

If the sword is unparalleled to see this person's face, it will absolutely greatly.

Hui Qing!

His since ancient times, he once again appeared again, and he was also coming to the long night city of too ancient black days.

And what he is coming, there is no difference with the sword.

Affected by people, solve the disaster.

Hui Qing just entered the night city, with a black robe, straight to the night belongs!

"I am bothering to report, saying that there is a woman called night, I have to see the night of the night!"

Hui Qing's face and gas, the robbery of the two guards night portals is extremely polite.

A people who are harmless!

Two gates of the night door, listening to night, the gods are a shock.

A long-awaited night family, there is actually appeared?

If the sword is unparalleled, it is Hui Qing snapped away the night, and it will shock to speechless!

The mysterious power of Wu Zhi and others have also floated.

It is the "Hui Qing!" They're looking for.

"The former generations, I will report it!" The two gates are not a fool. I can't take care of the strength. I naturally have to treat it, let alone the other party is coming with the name of the night.

Nature is going to report.

Today's night home, is the old man of the Blood Gate.

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