Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6017 Night No

It is also the father of the night.

"Night no way!"


Zongfu backyard, a shadow, an instant to come to Zhangfu Gate.

"Singer?" Night has a little trembling.

His children have their own potential, not to say that the son night Ling Yun is serviced, and the big daughter is in the evening.

But mysterious disappearance.

I have been looking for so many years, I am back, he is not happy.

After seeing the people who wanted to see, I gently extracted the black robe and appeared in front of the night. .

Also at this moment, night Ling Tu resumes awareness.

It was originally forced to take away, and then lost consciousness. After recovery again, he saw his father, and the familiar family house.

There is no sense of mood in the night, grabbing the daughter's hand, a cold as warm.

However, nightization is a bit lost.

I went to see a look, but I didn't impress it.

Everything is like a dream.

"Walk, go home!" Night has no way to walk towards the house, and then I saw Hui Qing, if it was not the naked eye, he did not find the existence of Hui Qing.

At this time, he reacted it, turned his head and looked at the daughter, obviously wants to let the night will introduce.

He can't see this, it is inevitably a super power.

At least the Lord of the seven-robbery.

But Night Ling Wei, I don't know who Hui Qing is!

I haven't waited for the cold field, Hui Qing took the initiative to introduce: "In the next machine, I accidentally discovered the news of the night-owner, and I saw a coma night, brought it!"

Ridiculous place?


If the night, the heart is not believed, she can be sure, it is definitely the white and clean monk in front of me, take her away.

It's just that she is not good now, and there is no refutation.

The other party sent her back to the family, and I couldn't miss a good time for a while.

Night Ling is not believed, but there is no way to believe in the night!

I listened to the savior of my own daughter, and I also invited Hui Qing in the busy passengers.

It is notified a circle.

Even the eldest son "night Ling Yun" was also called back.

Feed the banquet in the family, giving the daughter, and also thank you for gratitude.

The banquet is over late.

Hui Qing was arranged in the room.

As for the night, she is also passively returning to the family. In fact, she has no more good feelings to this home, otherwise, she will not want to return.

Just seeing the father's diligence today, let her have a little shake, and some are awkward.

Everything is like a dream.

The banquet ends, in order to ease the emotions, take the initiative to take a rest, but it is a room that enters Hui Qing.

Here is the night of the night home, everything is unfolded in the night.

He is carrying hands, standing in front of the window, and then is the long night Lingyun.

"The child is back, the original plan will continue!" The night did not have a losing the originality of the original, leaking a glorious face.

Night Lingyun looks well, arched: "Father, that ........"

"Hey!" The night didn't have a cold.

At night, I have a sight of water, I feel that my father is too full. He is the Lord of the universe of the seven-knocked universe, can't feel the breath of Hui Qing, which makes him solve.

"But the old ancestor, he is now closed, who is going to solve?"

"At this point, you don't have to worry, I have a way!" There is no way to laugh at night. "Xilu adults have not absorbed the practitioners for a long time. That skyline is a strong, unlike ancient moon time and space. No one cares! "

I heard the word West Lu, the contemporary blood jacket door owner "night Ling Yun" couldn't help but suck a cold.

That is a monster.

He has been extremely taboo, but his father is working with the other party, and he has no way.

It is said that his son is more embarrassing, there is no peace in the night: "Okay, I personally go arrange, don't need you to intervene, you will be fully prepared, this time our night's overall strength will skyrocket. ..... "

It is more exciting now.

Because the ruins of the ancient moon have lost their burden.

In the future, a large number of strong people will emerge.

At that time they eight stars, and even ancient times can be replaced.

Now you have to make changes, that is, hug your thigh.

Cooperate with strong people, with everything.

In the past, the power of ancient times and space was lapse, and they had to rely on the ancient moon to maintain their status.

And when the birth of the birth was rare, I can live in the earth.

But I want to go further, it is difficult.

Nine days ten places.

The nineteen eight stars, regardless of the gap between their respective strength.

No one dares to pass over.

But this balance will soon be broken.

The night has a huge ambition in the night. Although he is a scattered, there is also a hope of resurrection.

Everything is possible in the future.

Naturally there will be ambition.

"The Shenmu King of the ancient wood, has rebuilt the ancient muto, and its strength is more than the Lord of the universe of the eight, and there is a white old ancestors of the Taikoo white day. Not long ago, I don't know how the sword is unparalleled. The thigh, got a power of life, the family's overall strength broke out again.

There is also ancient moon education, and it has also obtained the power of life, probably because of the sword unparalleled, they are all stronger, how can I be stagnated at night! "There is no little speech in the night, turning to look at your son," some sacrifices are necessary, for the family! "

Night Ling Yun did not think so, but did not refute his father.

He is the Lord of the Universe, he has a better future, and there is also a strong self-esteem.

In order to improve the strength of the family, sacrificed the sister.

So will then improve the strength of the family next time, will it sacrifice him?

Take another step, only sacrificed a sister.

That is also a very shameful thing, will become a stumbling block of his heart.

After the father and son were silent for a while, the night Ling Yun said.

I don't want to take this home for a long time, because of the cold weather!

The outside of the house.

Among the rooms.

Hui Qing saw the nightization of the push door, knowing the other party's intention, the finger settled time and time, even if the night's old ancestors could not peeking this place.

"Who is you?" I found that the surrounding time and space, the night is afraid, then it will be quiet: "Why, are you afraid?"

Hui Qingyi knees on the soft collapse, raise the hand to the tea cup, drink a breath of tea, lightly: "My identity, you will know later, now you just remember, I won't hurt you!"

"Oh!" Night Ling is not believed, "You won't hurt me? Why do you want to send me back to night?"

She is not a fool, knowing some of the plans of the night, so she is not returning.

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