Now, it is difficult to send back to the family, and it is difficult to let her read the father's conspiracy.

She has just contacted the finish of the wilderness, telling the other person her own back, sent back to the night home.

I also have some kind of cold, tone with test and threat: "No matter what you want, it is best not to be bad, my friends will come to save me!"

Then I added: "Right, don't you look at my friends, you can grab me away, because there is no double friend, he has mastered the power of life, and it is also comparable to the peak of the eight hobby. It's a friend with ancient times, when he is coming, it will take me away! "

Night Lingyun said, his face leaked the color.

Pulling the big flag, pulling the sword is unparalleled.

When the sword was unparalleled to protect her, the Lord of the Magic Temple couldn't help.

There is a "Tian Cang old man" in ancient times.

I heard the name of the sword, Hui Qing's face is moved, and the night Ling Tei thought that the other party was afraid, and she started to persuade. "If you are scattered, I can help you redeem some life power, if you are The Lord of the Eight Cups, then there is no need to have a little figure with me, it is better to put me a horse! "

"Hey!" Hui cleared a sigh of relief, felt some explanation, said: "I can guarantee you, never hurt you, and what you said, if you really think, best Don't let them come .. "

Night Ling Xiaowei persuaded that it does not move, some is angry, turned to go directly, on the occasion of the door, stopped the body, the tone: "You are afraid!"

After finishing, the sleeper left.

The surrounding time and space, it is at this moment, it is calm!

Zongfu depths, the night did not observe his daughter and did not find it.

Just the strength of Hui Qing, he also has some taboo.

A trace of thought, turning into a body, quietly left the night family.

Drop in the back of the mountain.

Where is the nation of the night, the average person will not enter.

Because the ancestors are closing, they don't like being bothered.

In addition to the ancestors, there is a terrorist existence and a million era before.

This horror exists, is the core figure in the night no-active plan.

He was a loss of the source of the source, and it was able to keep the family power.

There is also his decisive, with a spicy.

The most precious or he got a bloody to treasure.

This piece of treasure, I am alarmed the king of the night.

So he can become a homeowner of the night home with the body of the body.

To know, the past night home is also the door owner of the Blood.

When he arrived, it was changed the rules.


The bloody storm swept on the hill.

Night has no way to go to the highest one step.

In front of a bloody giant, stopped the footsteps, and leaked a respectable face, humility: "Xilu adult, the old man has to report!"

"Hey!" A surging from the deep throat, let the blood color of the surroundings are collapsed, then the giant door shakes, open a gap, a huge eyes appear in the door, stare at the night There is no way to turn, but it is watching cold sweat behind the night.

"Come in!" The deep voice came from the door.

I haven't had a deep breath in the night, and I caught my wings into the giant.

The scene after the blood door is like a relief on the giant door.

It is a bloody cave.

At the end of the Dongfu, there is also this bloody beating.

After you have no way to enter the cave, you have been low, you can't see it.

"I feel the source of blood color from you!" Xilu's figure shakes, came to the night without there, smelling the taste with his nose.

There was no road to be scared, and I was busy, I saw a monster's face, which was bigger than his body, extremely horrible.

The face of Xilu is like a bug.

The whole body is green, with dark spots, thin body shape, but a big head.

"West Luner, is a little girl back, now in the government!" Night has no way to face Xilu, do not dare to talk nonsense, and said directly.

Which rumors were heard, there were the practice of blood color, and the West Luo noodles, "No wonder, you will have such a wonderful breath!"

But from the night, he was also known, there is a stumbling block.

"Eight be hobbed?" Xi Lu Mei stepped into the blood color in the Dongfu, and then sat down, and the opening: "Bring him into the void, the rest is given to me!"

He has a full confidence in his strength.

When he leaves in Vietnam, he has the top of the top.

Nowadays, God has arrived at a thousand and five hundred and eight knobs in terror.

The whole ancient times, he is only a jealous of the ancient pope.

As for God Mul King, you can suppress him and you can't beat him.

So he didn't dare to make a big city to do it in the long night city.

I want to get Huiqing to the empty and then shoot.

I have no actions in the night, then said: "I need the help of the ancestor, I will ask the old ancestor later, I will have fun tomorrow!"

"Well!" West Lu is not interested in Hui Qing, but it is very interesting to night.

He absorbed the practitioner countless, the cavity is not only blood, and there is wisdom, as well as all the generals of the practitioner.

Such as blood?

There is also inheritance.

It can be said that he is a super mascher that is a 10,000.

But those are helpers.

Only complete blood color can make him change again.

After a success of the Eight Body, ordinary practitioners didn't use him.

Only the Lord of the Eight Borus Universe will continue to continue.

But the Lord of the Barborn Universe, each can carry the source of the source, and he wants to kill one.

After no goals, I came to the night home.

As far as it is, he is also from the night.


I didn't dare to stay in West Lu's Dongfu, and I rushed.

Standing on the hill, starting to contact the old ancestors "Night Lord Wang"

He originally thought that Xilu can directly kill Hui Qing, did not expect this trouble, have to inform the old ancestor.

Ethnic mountain top.

A white-haired hawk nose is standing in the top of the mountain, and the face is full of vicissitudes.

I didn't speak after I didn't come back in my life.

He is the night of the night.

The presence of the ancient moon teaching.

And in the days and female era, his power is much more powerful than the original Shenmu king.

This powerful deterrent has been maintained now.

Everything is from his inheritance.

Or, it is a treasure.

After getting the treasure, his blood did not disappear.

The blood gas represents the power, the power does not disappear, then the peak is permanent.

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