Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6019 can dare to come to the empty!

If it is not forced to impact Nine hobbies, he can always maintain the identity of the Lord of the Eight's Coblin.

Everything is because of greed!

And this kind of greed has not stopped.

Seeing that Shen Mu Wang exceeded himself, the white family also registered the peak.

He is anxious!

So choose which horror that comes from the blood color to the treasure.

At the beginning, the power of life, all the fake, because of the treasure.

Today, he doesn't know that it is right.

But for the pursuit of strength, let him have no choice. .

"No way, this time you have worked hard!" After the king of the night, there was a gentle color, turned around and looked at the night, looked at the back of his most like.

As greed like him.

The pursuit of strength arrived at the peak.

Even your daughter can sell.

That is also his descendant!

Although this post-generation, the probability is a reincarnator, but also the blood of their night home.

No way to stay in the night, I don't know what the old ancestors mean, some kind of god, "the ancestors ...."

"I will go to see which day, I will go to see which day, when you are steady, you don't trouble him, let me leave a clean person!" Night Wang live for so many years, some things Also lighted.

"Yes!" There is no good face in the night.

Things were finalized, he did not stay in the hill, directly returned to the government.

But on the hill, which night, the king, but it is standing.

The closing thing has also fallen.

Looking at the blood color in the sky, it is in thinking.

The next day!

A selection of blood is all over the sky.

Long night city, I also ushered in the next day.

There is no day, there is only night.

Use blood to distinguish it.

Just the practitioner, it doesn't pursue black and white.

Can pass.

Hui Qing has not come out in the room, waiting for others to actively go door.


One is not in the breath of his, and it is coming in the Zongfu.

In the first time, I found the other party, and I wandered a smile in the corner, starting to have a tea, "I'm really fast!"

I still don't forget to ridicule.

Originally, he worried that the other party would observe a paragraph.

At that time, I am afraid that the sword is unparalleled.

This is some unfavorable to him.

Hui Qing wants to do it, solve everything before the sword is unparalleled.

Then I took the initiative to find a sword and unparalleled, and I returned to the temple.

This place is just an episode.

It is also to entrust him to come.

So it will be so strong.

If someone is delegated, he has already take the initiative to find swords.


A crisp sound came from the wooden door.

Hui Qing voice is quiet: "Please come!"

The branches are pushed open.

An eagle nasal old man wearing a gray Safe Station before the threshold, but not in, but smiled: "Dao You, can you come to the empty!"

It is said that it is forcibly taking a powerful power to pull Hui and clear the time and space, and enter the void of too ancient black days.

Hui Qing also took a tea in his hand, surprised: "So direct?"

"Hey, are you not the same?" The Night Lord was a smirk.

With the night, I returned to the night, but I didn't have an opening to pay.

This is very suspicious, and it is also a super powerful.

In the ridiculous place, with night, the sky is coming, it is ridiculous.

An eight robbery is super power, do you need to go to the Barnie?

The night home can still look at the ancient times, but look at the northern time and space, only a family of eight puffers, not the first class family.

The top is a second stream.

The super power of the eight knocked, it is impossible to go to a second-class family, then there is only one reason.

The other party spokes them.

Spoke their treasures.

What is the night at night?

Blood color!

There is also the blood color of Night Lord.

"You enter my night home, for what I don't want to know, but you have to die today!" The night owl is open, and the sprinkle is suddenly solidified.

"Blood splash!"

The blood color is wrapped throughout the time and space.

They also include two practitioners.

Just in addition to them, there is a thin monster that came from the distance.


The person is also the goal of this time.

"West Lu!" Hui Qing's face, this kind of direct him liked.

I have played.

There are a lot of bends around.

In fact, he can do it in Long Night City, but in order to kill those practitioners, he waited for the other party to find it.

He is not willing to hurt innocent, but the other party is not exposed.

Xilu heard the other party directly called his name, some surprised, the body has stopped, and the eyes were surprised: "Do you know me?"

"Products from the mechanical family, at the moment you were born in the north time and space, someone stared at you!"

Night Lord is also very surprised!

He didn't expect that there were still people to know the things of Xulu, "Not good!"

Soon he saw the inconsistency of things.

Hui Qing knows the existence of Xulu.

I am afraid that there is a guidance of a big person behind this.

Come here, it is also to eradicate Xilu.

He is also known to West Lu, there is no bottleneck's monster.

Let's grow, it is definitely the scourge of northern time and space.

Hui Qing came this place, I am afraid it is to eradicate Xilu.

Can be so confident, then ..............

"Show together!" The night of the night did not hesitate, directly angry, and the power of the body soared to a thousands of millions.

Xilu also knows this time, it has encountered iron plates, and the golden strength of the body broke out, and the power directly broke through a thousands of millions.

A eight puffed peak, a bouffore is a complete.

The two jointly shot, even if the ancient moon is coming, it is difficult to suppress two people.

Hui Qing is extremely calm, he is ready to come.

The hands open, the one-end sunset, the power is like the spring.

At the same time, there is also a huge sky.

That is Hui Qing 's own path.

The native road of the eight knocked.

He inherited the final origin of Tianwu, and became a full of eight hobbies.

The power also broke out to a thousands of millions.

In the middle of the month, we will make a round ancient stick and sweep everything.

The spatial spatial spatial is shocked.

"How is this possible?" Night Dang did not dare to confuse, his own space blocked instantly, and also felt the true power of Hui Qing.

The grandeur of the embarrassment is a complete universe.

The road is coming, let the Shen Dynasty have skyrocket.

Already arrived at the level of the ancient month.

Xilu is also a little panic, and he is only a thousand and five million power.

Seeing the time and space, the two have a danger of life.

"Night Lord, I don't give me the treasure, otherwise everyone must fall!" Xi Lu is anxious to see the night , when it returns to the night, it is for the blood color in this treasure.

But he smashed the ambition of the king of the night, how is the key to Bao?

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