Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6021 Night Ling Yu

The sword is unparalleled, and it will take the time and space of Hui Qing, and ask: "Hui Qing, what is this?"

Although he also thought about the night of the night, he didn't think about harm each other!

Always pursue all win.

How can I Hui have killer?

This is not a personality of Hui Qing.

With Hui Qing met so many years, he did not believe that Hui Qing would do this, but the truth is in front of him, what can he do, can only ask.

I haven't returned to the temple since I haven't returned to my heart halfway.

"There is no double brother, I will give you a confidence, but not now!" Hui Qing held the blood of the blood, handed over the night of the night to the sword, the hands of the hands, start to prepare in Indu.

Holding the cold body, the sword is unparalleled, and turned to look at the monster. He can be sure, it is the one that he ran out.

At the same time, I also found that the sword is unparalleled in Xilu. There is a complex color in the eyes, turning to look at the blood color of Hui Qing's hand, and the color of greed is self-evident. .

If he is able to swallow this source, maybe it can also reach the peak of the first phase.

Hui Qing gave a proof, turned to look at the Night Lord, who had not left, will take the treasure of the king of Night Owl.

A piece of blood lingering.

That one above the pyramid.

Seeing that all swords are unparalleled, it seems that the body of the night is coming to the side.

"Complete, you can rest assured, her soul as long as there is no return to the long river, I can help you resurrect!" Wu Zuo is comfortable.

As long as there is a soul, he can seek the king, let the king are shot, and the night will be reincarnated again.

But memory may disappear.

The sword is unparalleled, I don't know how to persuade, I have to take the shoulder of each other.

Everything will look at Hui Qing explained.

He has no way.

It is Hui Qing and Xilu to fight together, and Xilu is also seriously injured, he is a little curious.

Why do these two people fight, according to the reason, the two should have no intersection!

Others are also very surprised.

At this time, a vain falls from above.

In the green, the forehead has a tentacle, which is the projection of the king.

Seeing the king of the king, the sword has reacted.

Pulld to Wu Zowi quickly forward.

"Meet the king of the king!" The sword was unparalleled.

Wu Zuo has become honest, and the guest has put forward the reincarnation of the night.

Kings is a smile, pressing the palm, "Reassured, I have prepared a new source and flesh for her, it has been successful!"

The reason why it is so slow, that is, because of the soul of the night, go to the world.

And one birth, it is an emperor.

It has the ultimate source.

This is not difficult to say this.

After listening to it, I am grateful in my eyes.

If he knows, the death of the night is because of the king, I am afraid it will not.

In fact, everything behind is all the kings are planning.

Night Ling Xiao appeared around him, and he created one hand.

"Well, wait for the Qing Qing seal the Xilu, let him explain it again!" The king of the world is light, but the bottom is thinking about Hui Qing seal Xilu, he took the West Lu to the world .

The rest of the thing is good.

It is not good to make him do it, but also to do bad people.

Honeless Huiqing, it is resistant to all.

Everyone carefully looked at Hui Qing and Xilu.

Wu Zuo is also awkward: "Hui Qing, is it so strong?"

Beyond 1,500 million power, crushing everything.

It is much stronger than God Mulu Wang.

It is currently the first person in ancient times.

Only there is a weak shape than those ancient times.

"This power, some strange?" The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the opponent is somewhat special.

The power is indeed Hui Qing, but it does not belong to the present.

It is a thousand and nine million power, this combat, only the original red nine.

The sword is unparalleled.

I thought I was already enough to go back, I didn't expect Hui Qing strength, which is so powerful.

Kings look so strange, explain: "This is the secret of Hui Qing, in fact, his book is not so powerful, but it is also the battle of the peak of eight hobby!"

"Secrets?" The sword is unparalleled, "" What is the secret, it is so powerful! "

The peak of the eight knocked, there is a thousand two million power.

The limit is a thousand and 50,000 power, but it is too difficult to do it.

How long does Hui have practiced?

"Future!" The king is carrying hands, there is a colorful color, "After I dial, and the power of the day, let Huiqing created the heavenly secret, the future, can master the future The power! "

In other words, the future of the Qing Hui able to reach this level.

Sword Warriors soon found focus, sighed: "? Overdraft power of the future, it will backfire."

"Yes, indeed there will bite, but he's been practicing to the consummation of Heaven, but unfortunately in the wrong era, if in the past, I am afraid that this position will allow industry the king out!" World king could not help but sigh Road.

Sword Warriors is not too unexpected, Hui Qing already mastered the Zen one end of the road is Heaven.

It also reminded him of the sinking of the eye.

Sky turned the attention of the board.

Time and space within the checkerboard Avenue turned into a robbery armor.

The eye is the board itself.

So dependent, he also assured the eye to the clear benefit.

The other side has the strength to grasp this treasure.

Although this is a mysterious treasure left by a teacher, but it does not suit him.

Only showed the clear benefits of use.

Now the benefits clear, that there is strength.

Future body!

Dressed in white robes do not dye dust, the ancient god enough to shake the entire month time and space.

Hui Qing handedly unite the French and Indian, one hand holding the bloody Ling crystal.

Owl Although Wang can not be reconciled, but too timid.

Compared to the treasure or West, he believes the benefits clear.

Because the other side did not have any murderous.

Although the night Ling Xiao Qing Hui died in the hands, but he still believes the other will not hurt yourself.

The key is the Lord of such a strong eight-hearted universe. If you want him to die, I am afraid that I can get him.

Hui Qing really didn't care about each other.

The imprint is integrated with the blood color, combined with the blood of the source, Hui Qing whispered: "Magic Ball!"


Surrounding time and space is stirred.

The original is complete, such as an ancient black sky, is not complete from this moment.

In the void, there is a pale.

The distorted time and space, turned into a dragon roll, rushed to Xilu.

Want to seal the opponent.

This is the law of the king of the king, and only this approach can be sent to the seal.

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