Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6022 Future

Because the other party does not belong to the northern time and space, it comes from a more powerful south time and space.

Even in South Time and Space, West Lu is also a terror.

Created by the mechanical family, but the accident flows to the north time.

I didn't find the beginning of the world, or because of the emergence of the pyramid, the slight breath leaking, the king found that there is the same power in ancient times.

It is the power of Xilu.

Also, I didn't let the other side become a complete body, which can be sealed.

Otherwise, the entire northern time and space have the possibility of being destroyed. .

"Damn!" Xilu has no way to face the seal, the flesh is broken, and it can't be avoided.

Just as he desperate, the eyes of the eyes were spyed to a moving machine.

It is the power from the ruins of the ancient month.

Xilu mobilizes the last personal power in the body, and the appearance of the appearance has become a manner.

That is the power of the ancient moon disappeared, he absorbed.

This power is out, Hui Qing's method has paused.

Xulu face is big, "it's now!"

He opened his hands, and there was an endless blood color in the sealed vortex.

You can seal him, he can also get absorbed!

The reason why he is seriously injured, I am afraid it is to prevent him to absorb blood color in the seal.

Blood color to treasure and blood color.

This is the necessary treasures that West Lu becomes the first stage.

Once absorb, he can enter the nine hobbies.

Kings also discovered things in the matter, and quickly reminded: "Hui Qing, don't hesitate, expressive hands!"

But it is still late.

This key moment, as long as he hesitates a breathing time, it will make a big mistake, let alone Hui Qing still read the power of Xilu.

Originally thought that the other party did not fight, but did not expect to take the initiative to absorb those blood color.

"Haha, thank you for your progress!" Xilu crazy absorbed blood color, mad smiled: "You must die!"


The seal was broken.

In the deep void, Hui Qing's book directly appeared.

Head with future body.

Shen Li broke out again.

"The princes of the king, let you down!" Hui Qing regretted, "I had to stay in the north time!"

Originally, it is to send the other party to the world, then kill.

But now can't control it, it can only kill each other.

Although it will leave a scourge, that is better than letting the other party become a complete body.

This time I panic this time, I am busy advised: "Don't, let him become a complete body, I can send him away from the north time."

Just at that time, he couldn't kill Xulu.

However, as long as it is not harm to the north time and space, the king is too lazy to manage so much.

Hui Qing stunned, but did not follow the king of the king, but the initiative to attack Xilu.

Now in West Lu, the most is restored to the peak, far from Hui Qing's opponent.

With the future, Hui Qing, the power of the power broke out directly to 20 million.

This is also the limit that the North Time and Time.

Xilu has just returned to the peak, and once again been disabled, turned to the king of Wang Wan: "Northern King, my inheritance memory, there is your existence, you are a dead, if I am falling North Time and Space, I vowed to let your north time to collapse, quickly stop the madman, I promise to become a complete body, leave the north time and space! "

The sword is unparalleled, and I don't know what happened at all.

When I suddenly became back.

Kings are hesitant.

The complete body of Xilu is terrible, but die is more terrible in his northern time.

He can't make a choice.

"No." Lu Jun will not exceed 20 million, and the three ancient times will seal him if it will seal him? "

Anyway limit is 20 million power, when it comes four, how can it be lost!

Four super power, the other person is driving away.

The face of the king is very embarrassed. This idea is not there. The main other party is a special existence of the South Time and Space. He doesn't dare to gamble.

It is better to send it now.

"It is best not to look at West Lu, and his creator is a person you want to think. In case there is a change, the north time and space is over!" Wang frowned, Negative the Sword Wushuang Suggestions.

The next next to it is uncomfortable, breaking the tissue breaks: "Daddy, we will run the road to the mainland, I see this northern time and space, even the nine hobbies can't exist!"


The king kicks up the feet, knocking down the head of Wu Zuo, big, you don't forget, your soul is from the north time and space, the north time and space is gone, do you think you can live? "


it should be OK.

Their Soul This source comes from the north time, but it is not tied to the north time.

But I really want to do this, I am afraid they have no hope of promotion.

Your own universe is gone, can rely on the way of resurrection.

The north time of the north time is gone, and the tribepers in the north time and space are really not practiced.

After all of the people know the seriousness of the matter, they looked at the king.

It is obviously to agree with the other's approach.

Send Xilu first.

No matter fromseum.

As long as it is not in the north time, then there is no matter what they are.

"I have to stop Hui!" The sword has no doubles to hold the pyramid, turned around the king said: "I can launch a secret level attack, but I need a lot of black Yao, this thing is not, the world is not You have to give me enough black Yao! "

Kings heard the words, this I thought that the sword was unparalleled and there were mechanical to treasure "pyramid"


"Be sure to stop it!"

"Rest assured!" The sword is not a hyper point.

Now Hui Qing, is not willing to carry a charge, so I want to leave Xilu.

Blue breath broke out, directly showed super ancient times.

After the sword is unparalleled, the pyramid is above him.

"Bamata, no order, don't attack!" He didn't think about attacking Huiqing, can persuading it, or the best choice.

Those words that have just been in the king, just for the essence of black Yao.

But he also believes that the king is right, sending this scourge of Xilu, more than left.

"Hui Qing, let go!"

His voice is dignified, and the eyes are stable.

At this time, the crazy attack is clear, and some are somewhat helpless.

Because his attack can't catch the other party's absorption.

The power has surpassed one thousand five million and arrived at an amazing one thousand million.

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