Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6023 Heart Soft Hui Qing

"There is no double brother!" Hui Qing turned to see the sword is unparalleled, the bottom is happy, and I am busy saying: "There is no double brother, now I will leave Xilu, there is hope, speed!"

Don't wait until the other party, the sword is unparalleled, "Hui Qing, you have to see the current situation, here is the north time and space, is our hometown, do you want to leave a permanent scourge for your hometown?"

"There is no buddy ..." Hui Qing's look, he doesn't want to leave a scourge to the north time, but do not want this scourge, put it elsewhere.

Here is the north time and space, he can also suppress it.

If you let Xulu have arrived in the world, it is over.

No one can press it.

There is no boundaries of 20 million power.

"All I have clear!" The sword is unparalleled, "But don't forget, the strong people in the world, more than you, there is also the gods, there is no terrible," Let's take your business now, let the king to send the other party, everything is still coming! "

But the heart of Hui Qing is not going to go.

This time, I really want him to make a bow. .

Seeing Hui Qing leaking, hesitated, "You can rest assured, to the world, we also have the opportunity to overcome Xilu, but in the north time, it is not as good as you listen to me, etc. , I will go to the world with you, together with the two brothers, we haven't teamed up for a long time! "

"But ....." Hui Qing still can't put down.

"No!" The sword didn't have a double angry. "If the West Lu is dead in the north time and space, our north time and space is finished, go to the world, there is no worries, you have to be clear!"

At the time of his speech, it was also observing the changes in West Lu, the other party is still constantly absorbing blood color, and the power has also reached a thousand nine million.

Now Hui Qing again, can't kill the West Lu.

Hui Qing is finally not insisting, low!

On the side of the king, it took out a super time and space transfer, always ready.

As long as Hui Qing stopped, he will move the West Lu to the array of Duo to the world.

"It's now now!" The sword is unparalleled, and the king is reminded.

Unfortunately, this time West Lu didn't want to do this.

The king took the initiative to contact Xilu to send the other party away, but it was rejected.

"I have been playing so long, I want to let me go?" Xilu leaked the face, "I think it is very good!"

His power broke out again, and he arrived at 20 million power.

Hui Qing turned to find that Xilu's power beyond himself, the color is also changed.

"How?" The sword is unparalleled to ask the king, but wear a chest by a stream of direct caves.

The robbery can't be resistant.

At a moment of time, the sword is unparalleled.

Xilu shot.

He attacked the blood color while attacking the people.

One of the luck is just hitting the sword.

As for Hui Qing, he can block the attack of Xilu, and the other person has not made a complete body, but the power is the same as him.

But others can't hold this attack.


Hui Qing's Shen Li broke out again, incarnes numerous phantom to help others block the attack.

"Finished!" The king of the world is like a dead ash, has notified the three ancient times.

However, Xilu's power is still growing.

Waiting for the three ancient times, it is also sent to death.

Because Xilu's power broke through 20 million, it reached the hierarchy level.

"Hey, complete body!" His whole body has burst into golden light, a pre-rush, killing Hui Qing.

To make your hand, you can make the entire northern time and space vibrate.

All practitioners feel the power of this horror.


Before all broke out, the Baba tower used the pyramid to put the sword inner incorporation.

And arrange the treatment cabin, unparalleled recovery for the sword.

Just attack, I crushed the body directly, the sword was unparalleled, and the power could not be mobilized, not to mention the power of life.

"Master!" Seeing the sword unparalleled from the coma, Babaga quickly came forward.

The sword of the weakness is unparalleled, or it is still unable to mobilize the source, and now Silu has been almost the same as the beginning of the peak.

His can withstand each other's attack.

"Bamata, the strongest blow, attacking Xilu, do not hesitate to do!" The sword did not have a difficult hard to see the outside world, and the eyes leaked the fear.

Xilu is not Chijiu, he has absolute wisdom.

I want to calculate, it is impossible.

Only positive attacks.

Bamata is desperately at all costs, and disappears in the control room.

Mobilize the essence of Wanfang Black Yao and prepare to break the boat.

The secret level of the level, now there is no big role in the nine river.

Only the universe attack can kill each other.

Barba touches the essence of Black Yao, condenses the strength of the entire pyramid, and the red spar is shaking.

It is ready to go, universe attacks.

One hit of 30 million power.

It is enough to kill everything.

It is a moment of ruining ancient times.

Kings also noticed the reaction of the pyramid, a happy heart, I think there is hope.

"Hui Qing, let it open!" The sword is unparalleled.

Just that hit, he almost fell.

Don't die, they have to explain here.

Originally, I just thought about getting some blood, I would like to enhance my own power, but I didn't expect to get this point.

Hui Qing in the void, is still a little surprised after the first phase of the complete body, heard the sword unparalleled emotion.

"Let's let go!" The sword was unparalleled, all the power angry, a red button also appeared in hand.

Barba Taggong Shen Zhen: "The master is ready, the universe level attack, ready to show!"


When I saw Hui Qing, the sword was directly pressed the red button. At this time, he realized that this attack is the attack of the universe.

The whole pyramid directly broke the dazzling red rays.

A blue light column starts from the sky.

Blue breath.

That is the power of the Starry.

Seeing this, the kings are extremely surprised!


There is a blow of 30 million power, and instantly broke out.

Blue light column, straight Xilu.

"Well?" Xilu has not been surprised, and he felt the comminution of the power.

After the whole body, Xilu, the power of up to 2,3 million.

It is already a hierarchy level.

However, in the face of 3 million power, he also wants to fall.

At this moment, he regretted!

"Northern King, I am willing to leave, send me!" Xilu's double arm is difficult to resist, rushing to Wang Loud: "If I fall here, you must finish the northern time, I created it. He will also find you trouble. "

The original king is dead, ready to let Xulu fall in northern time and space.

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