Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 604 Bone Dragon


"Anters, I can't use it for a long time, I will leave Shenzhou, and even leave this way. If I come back in the future, I am afraid I don't know how to wait until the year." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Master wants to go?" Lin Wei was shocked.

"Since I have to leave, it will not be able to point you again, everything in the future can only look at yourself, there is a Qiankun Ring, there are some swords or treasures, and there are some Swords to stay. Some of you should use it for you. "The sword is unparalleled will give a Qiankun.

Lin Hao hesitated once.

"You can't get rid of the Shang Shang. In the future, the business will be careful, maybe how long, I will come back, when you have a good time, you will have a good time." The sword is unparalleled, it smiles, then turn it directly Go away.


Lin Hao looked at the back of the sword and the back, but the figure was a little trembling.


"I worshiped me for so long, but I never really pointed to her, saying, I am still not duty." The sword was unparalleled, and when I left the Lynch, after leaving the line of sight, He has stopped.

"The people who have kill the priests now, I am only killing some of them now, and I will find the remaining people to kill, and then I should go to Xiao Emperor's adult, preparing for three years later. "The sword is unparalleled."

When there is a foot and foot of the prostitute, it can be died in his hands, plus the previous blood knife, and more people, there are more people, the sword is not born, I have to find it. Get up, I am afraid that there is a lot of energy and time.

"Seniors of the Emperor." The sword did not have a tailor with the nature.

When I was in the demon continent, when the sword was unparalleled, the emperor gave him a tinner and can be directly communicated directly with the vision.

"Kid, I have trouble,?" The scenery of the night came.

"It is a bit trouble." The sword has said that the simple story of things will be said.

"There are a lot of people who have kill Jianzu. I now even have no one who has not fully figured out, and I have to find them, then go to kill them, it takes time, waiting for me all. I am killing them, I am afraid that the day of the event is over, so I want to ask for my predecessors, have there any quick way? "

"This is not difficult, you are waiting, there will be someone here to help you." The Nijing said, and interrupted the message.

The sword is not waiting for it. After a long time, a Cang's old shadow appeared in front of the sword, this is a face, but quite majestic, the eyes also with the bald old people with a faint man, this bald The old man has a strange purple rune on the bald.

"The sword is unparalleled." The bald old man opened, and the voice was indifferent.

"You are?" The sword is a little surprised to look at this bald older, although he is convinced that he has never seen this bald older, but this bald old man is faintly giving him a very familiar feeling.

"Don't you know?" The bald older looked at the sword. "It's right, I am now a human model, but you see this, you should recognize me."

After saying, this bald elderly waved out, he took out, it was a bell.

"Bell?" The sword is unparalleled first, but the next moment is immediately reacted, "Are you, the mount of the Emperor?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the dynamic scene is in the past, the dynasty is the whole process, and then he will show a big means, and one of the top existence of eight bone cave is for a bell. He took the mount of the mount.

The mount, it is a dragon's head, a weird monster.

Now I see the bell taken out of this bald older, and the sword is unparalleled to understand, this bald older is the mount of the nature.

The bald older did not speak, but the bell in his hand, this bell is immediately turned into a movie in the void, this is a barefoot middle age, is the eighth day.

"Bone, Bone Dragon!"

The original breath violent, the temperament is not comparative, the eight bones of the eight bones, and it is a man, but it is stood over the thrilling.

"Bone Dragon Emperor?" The sword was also surprised to look at the bald older.

He also immediately understood the identity of this bald older, and he was one of the three demon emperors of the demon spirit.

This bone is actually the mount of the emperor.

When Yang Chang Xuan came to him, he came to him again.

"The sword is unparalleled, this eight bones, the Lord also participated in the ancestor to kill your, and who had participated in the killing of Jianzu, you asked him to know, rest assured, he dare not lie." The bald old man is also the opening of the bones.

"Well." The sword nodded, then looked at the eight bones, "the eight bones, said."

"Yes." The eight bones are very respectful. When it starts to tell, "there is 28 people in the beginning of the Sword of Jianzu. These twenty-eight people come from different planes, most of the strength is only the first level. Or the second level of Lingxiao, as for the third level of Lingxiao only two people, one is me, the other is the nine king from Tianyu, the world! "

"As for others, the Winter Mingzu, Shizu, Luoyang World, Shenzhou Mainland, the thousand stars of the mainland ..."

The eight bones of the eight bones will be said to the Sword of the Sword, and the eight-year-old house is, and there is 28 people.

"Twenty-eight people, now have been killed by me, there is still twenty-one people!" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled." Bone Dragon Looked over, "The remaining people, I can help you find it in the shortest time, but you have to give me a face, this eight bones, the Lord, the life, Just let him turn into the bell to beside me, give me a slave. "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

Only eight bones, there is nothing, and the eight-door cave is now miserable, and there is no difference in death.

"Take a moment, I have already ordered it. I will have results for two days." Bone Dragon Crown.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point, and he did not urgently.

Bone Dragon, strong strength, has surpassed the third level, the power, in which the ancient world is invincible, and at the same time, he is also the alliance of the top forces of the ancient world, with the highest right, his order He immediately began to trace the information of the twenty-one strong.

Two days later, the exact results came.

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