Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 605, 14 people, kill one by one!

"The sword is unparalleled, there is already a result."

Bone Dragon Crossing in front of the sword, said: "The remaining twenty-one, which are seven, in this millennium, or because of the big life, or because some grunges or treasures The killing, now still staying in this ancient world, only fourteen people. "

"14 people?" The sword didn't have a little bit, and it didn't care.

After all, the millennium is not short, and the life of a strong in the general situation will be around three thousand years old.

And in this millennium, a few people are also normal.

"The remaining fourteen people, in different plane worlds, the detailed location has been found, I can take you in the past now." Bone Dragon Highway.

"So, I have it." The sword has no double.

Immortal emperor led the sword to the world.


Ice and fire world.

This world is very strange, and half of the territory is in the annual volcanic group, and the other half of the territory is completely in the Ice World.

At this moment, it is within the world of ice.


The shape of the sword is unparalleled with the bone dragon suddenly appears in the void, and the eyes overlooks.

Below is a piece of ice, in addition to this, no thing.

"According to the information I got, the ice wings are closed in this snow." Bone Dragon Crown.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point, "I forced him."

The voice is falling, the sword is unhappy in the heart of the sword, and a unspeakable sword is spreading.

Boom! The huge ice and snow ground was split into two halves. There was a wide and huge crack, a large amount of ice and snow into the crack.

"Who is, dare to disturb the old way."

A burst of drizzle issued the bottom of the ice and snow world, and the burst contains unmethabited ice and snow, and a horrible breath is also raised.

Soon, a white robbery and the old man with a faint cold frost appeared in front of the sword.

"He is a ice wing?"

The sword has no doubles this white robe, and then directly opens, "the ice wings, you can remember the millennium, you have kill the swordscent with many Ling Xiaoyu in order to compete for the Millennium."

"Jianzu?" White Robe's old pop-up is slightly smoldering, immediately sounding the unparatorable swords in the millennium.

"Is there anything, how is it?" The ice wings rose.

"My name is a sword, but I will come to you today, I will come to you today, I naturally be a revenge for Jianzu, so ... You can die!" The sword is unparalleled, there is no more nonsense, determine the identity of this ice wing. It's directly to do it.

Ice wings, but it is an ordinary first level of Lingxiao. Despite the closure of the past millennium, it is still not a big progress. In the face of swords, there is no big resistance, just for a moment, it is unparalleled Give it.

"It's another one, there is 13 people left!" The sword has no double eyed is cold, "the bones, we will find the next one."

"Okay." The bones of the bones should be, and when it is the second place in the world even through the space worm.

Time passed, the sword is unparalleled in the leader of the bone dragon, after another side world, according to the exact information from the bone dragon, will participate in the strong people who participate in the murder of the Jianzu, then One of them killed.

With the unparalleled strength of the sword, it is only a first level to follow the second level of Lingxiao. After all, he has a field auxiliary, the speed is fast, these Lingxiao strong people want to escape Drop.

Wink, I have passed for two months.

These two months, the sword is unparalleled with the bones, mainly to hurry to use a lot of time. As for the killing of those strong, it is quite easy.

Tiantu's face world.

On the huge river, there is no number of strong people watching in the surroundings, the sword is unparalleled with the nine kings, killing, the two killed the animation, so that the whole world is empty.

The nine rings, after all, is a strong person in the third level of Lingxiao. Although the war is weaker than the original Jianzu, it is not too much, the sword is not double wants to kill him, it is not easy, and The ability of this nine ride escape is also first class.

After a while, the Jiujie Wang knew that his strength was more powerful than the sword. He wanted to escape. Although the sword was unparalleled, it was still difficult to stop him. The king of the ninejus is stopped, which makes the sword unparalleled to kill the nine kings.

Since then, the power of the Sword of Jianzu, except for the eight bones, it is not comparable to the bones of the bones, and others are dead.

Most of them are directly killed by swords.

"People who have kills the swords, except for the eight bones, all kill, then, only the last person is left." The sword flakes.

This last person, even though I didn't participate in the ranks of the swordsman, but the sword is unparalleled to him is bigger than everyone.

This person is a sister!

The traitor of the Jianzu, which was the news of the Jianzu with avenm, is the secret of his leak.

Later, the sword is unparalleled is helpless to escape from God, and it is also given by this sister.

This sister is the people who are unparalleled by swords.

"The sword is unparalleled, the sister you are looking for, I have already gave you, but you want to kill him, but some difficulty." Bone dragon.

"Oh?" The sword has no double look.

The Suyi has only broken through the Lingxiao, and the strength should be not strong. It is the most difficult to kill?

"This is the case, just before, the sister has joined the Dark Temple, and became the ninth temple of the Dark Temple. You want to kill him, you will be in the dark temple." Bone Dragon Crown.

"Dark Temple?" The sword was unbolded.

He went to a place world in two months, on the way, he also listened to some things in this ancient world.

He is in the elderly, consisting of countless faces, or more people in these faces will have a few Lingxiao strong, these Lingxiao strong people have smashed in many people, and they will appear. The battle, there is a killing, so some large forces have been formed in this ancient world.

These forces are all in the town of Ling Xiaoyu.

The way to the bones, the top of the elderly, the top of the old people, the bones of the dragon is also the alliance of the forces, saying that it is the top super power of the ancient world.

The Dark Temple is the same as a strong thrust in the ages.

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