Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 606, the strongest of the ancient world!

On the overall strength, although the Dark Temple is more than that of the bones, the Dark Temple has an unparalleled palace.

The palace is in the age of the ancient world, and it is called the Dark God!

In the current elderly, this darkness and bones and other people called Mingjun are recognized as three strongest.

The strengths of them, every one of the third level is strong, and it can even say that they have reached the fourth level.

The Dark God, has already standed the top, even if the bones, the bones, the .

In addition to these three, there is also the Lord Temple of the Muan Ling Continental Human Union, she is more special.

Her own strength, the peak of the third level, almost the Jianzu in the peak period, but she can borrow the sacred belief of the demon alliance, that is, some of the power of the floodn.

Despite this, it is very big for each time, the load of the Muan Ling Temple is very large. Even if it is desperate, it can only use it twice, and once it is used, even the strength of the bone dragon king and the Dark God. It is enough to kill easily.

Because of this, the Muan Ling Temple has the powerful shocking power in the demon spirit, and the three demon emperors include the bones, they don't dare to force her sword. Otherwise, the Muan Ling Temple will use madness. That officer, three big demon emperors, at least two.

The Xuan Ling Temple is borrowed from the break, and the power has a super power, and the truncation finger cannot leave the demon continent, so the Muan Ling Temple is still the strongest in the ancient world.

"The sword is unparalleled, the darkness is although the sex is ordered, and it is very selfish, but its strength is very strong. The dark temple is clear, but it can be straight in the ancient world, but it is still horizontal, because this darkness is The existence of the emperor, and since the sister is now in the dark temple, then this darkness will definitely not allow you to kill him. "The bones said.

"Is there a way?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The way is there." The Bone Dragon is over, "You can tell the master directly, please ask the owner, the strength of the darkness is quite right, in front of the master, there is no struggle, When the owner came out, you can naturally kill the sister. "

"Ask the elderly for the emperor?" The sword is unparalleled, "I am not anxious, unless it is forced helplessness, or not to easily go to the elderly."

"In this case, there are two ways. The first kind is that you will come to see the dark God, you can pay some costs, such as getting out some treasures that make the darkness of the Darkness, with the Dark Temple Selfish Character If you come up with the treasure that makes him, he will not stop you to deal with the sister. "The bones said.

"Let the darkness of the darkness?" The sword is unparalleled, this method is a certain possibility.

"Is there another way?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The last way, then you will slowly improve your strength, wait for the future strength to improve, don't have much, just reach this level, if you want to kill the life, this dark God also It is not necessary to stop you, but to achieve this level, it is estimated that it is estimated that it is estimated. "

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

This last way, he is directly ignored.

Perhaps, like his talent, reaching the bones, the bones, the mid, the Dark God, will not use too long, but he is tight, he wants to handle these things as soon as possible, then Going to the Xiao Emperor, preparing for the feast of the sky, then there is so much time to prepare for a Dark God.

"The sword is unparalleled, how do you plan?" The bone dragon looked over.

"Let's go to this darkness, I just have a treasure in my hand, see if I can touch him, if it is best to do it, I can't do it. I will ask the senior for the emperor." There is no pair.

"That's good, I will take you now." The Bone Dragon is immediately in front.

The Dark Temple, its old nest is one of the many people in the world, dark continents.

The huge palace, this palace flutters black, surrounding a layer of black fog around, these black fogs are full of mystery.

In the depths of this dark palace, there is a sandstimate, and the three people are sitting in front of the book, drinking wine.

Among these three people, there is a face-oriented, beautiful, the general woman is ashamed, this evil man is a sword unparalleled, a traitor, sister!

"Nine Shengzun, are you still thinking about the sword unparalleled?" Dressed in Huaqi Rong, the graceful woman who took a noble temperament was looked at the sister.

"Okay." Sugong faintly.

"In fact, you don't have to worry about it. Although the sword is unparalleled, those people who kill them are some of the people who have not had a big background, or the background is small, and the strength is more general., these people are not asylum, once the sword is unparalleled to find their position, even flee can't flee, they are killed directly, but you are different. "The grace woman smiled.

During this time, the sword is unparalleled with the bones of the Dragon King, and the world is in the world, and the 14th Lingxiao strong, all of them have been killed by swords. The whole age is spread.

The sword is unparalleled in the ancient world, and has a good name. These people like the Dark Temple have heard of this matter, and the sister is a person who is unparalleled by the sword. Of course, he will know. .

"Nine Holyzun, you are the sacred temple of my dark temple, I have my husband asylum, the sword is unparalleled, how can you do it?" The gorgeous woman laughed.

"I hope so." Suvanti nodded, and the completion is some cold.

"I didn't expect it to be short of time, this sword is unparalleled, which is very strong, but I am strong than that of the old man's peak, oh, my brother, talent is good!" Su Life.

But his heart, but not too much.

After all, he is now different. Now he, but the nine holy temple of the Dark Temple, the sword is unparalleled to kill him, then you have to pass the Dark God.

In addition, in his hand, there is another topic, that the card is the biggest reliance.

"Teacher, I hope you can know difficult, or ... Although I don't want to use the conceit card in advance, it can be too tight, helpless, as a brother, can only do it. "

Su Ji is cold and smiling, and the smile is cold.


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