Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 607 Dark God

Under the leadership of the bones, the sword is unparalleled to the dark continent of the Dark Temple.

"Is that the dark temple?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the huge black palace in front, he can feel a strong breath in the palace.

Dark Temple, after all, is a strong horizontal force in the ancient world, and there is a lot of strong people who have the Lingxiao level.


The bones are in the dark temple, and they take the initiative to exude their own breath.

Just a moment, from the Dark Temple, there was a digital figure, which is the middle-aged man wearing a black robes, as if it is completely enveloped in the dark, this middle-aged man is deep, released. Extremely light, it is like a gem very dazzling.

"Bone dragon."

It took a few hoarse voice from the mouth of the black god of the dark, this darkness also glanced at the sword and unparalleled, "this, should be the sword monarch of the near-end time to rise?"

"The sword is unparalleled, I have seen the Dark God." The sword shouted, and the sound took a harmony.

"Darkness, since you know the sword is unparalleled, then you should understand the purpose of the two people this line?" The bone Dragon is directly.

"Your purpose, this is of course knowing." The Dark God opened, "You want to kill the nine holy temples of my Dark Temple."

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, and it is said: "The Dark Temple, the satellite and I have an unspeakable hatred, I hope that the Dark God can do it."

"Is it convenient? Hey, sword is unparalleled, what is the dark temple?" The dark God is cold and staring at the sword. "No matter what you have for you, now, now, the sister has become me. The Sacred Temple of the Temple, that is naturally sheltered on my dark temple, you want to kill him, just as an enemy of my dark temple. "

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled with the bones, and did not feel unexpected.

Just just three words, this darkness is naturally impossible to let them go to kill him.

"The Dark God, I have a compass in my hand. This Luo is about an elderly. If you can do it, this Luo I naturally serve, with this compass, the Dark God, you can easily get an elderly "The sword is unparalleled, and the pale yellow compass will take it out.

The ancient rules are definitely enough to make a lot of money to compete for countless Lingxiao, this is unquestionable.

After all, the representative of the ages, but the people who went to Wancha-in to participate in the day of Qiongfeng. .

"The compass is related to the ancient rules?"

The darkness of the emperor moves, and looked at the sword. He nodded. It is also indeed found that he left the ages, but ... "

The Dark God said this, but it is cold and cold. "The sword is unparalleled, you think this seat will really care this compass? Run, don't say this compass, even if it is in front of this, this seat Will n't feel your heart, after all, the age of the ancient, but there are five feet! "

"I heard that you are the descendants of Jianzu, the Jianzu, the age of the Jianzu, who got to work, should have fallen into his hand, plus the tolerance of this East Zone, but only two, there can be three o'clock In this ancient world, and this seat, I have got an early morning. "

The Dark God said, it is a wave of playing.

This, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer.

"This darkness actually has an elderly to have an elderly." The sword was not double-colored.

He originally wants to drive the Dark God of the Luo, but now it seems that this compass does not have much to use the Dark God.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the area of ​​the area is about the jade of the ancient rules. I want to make this heart. It is really ridiculous. Don't say that this book has a thousand ancient agency. Even if there is no, this is not for an ancient Let you kill a sacred temple in my dark temple. "The Dark God smiled.

"Trouble." The sword has no double-colored slight change, "Don't I really have a face, go to the elderly?"

"Don't worry, I will talk to this darkness." Bone dragon royal low voice with the sword unparalleled, then it is brushing.

"Dark!" The bones Dragon Emperor directly went to the near front of the Dark Temple.

"Bone dragon, don't you plan to do this sword without a double?" The Dark God is cold.

The sword is unparalleled. He doesn't care, but he has to pay attention to him.

"I didn't plan to shoot for him, I just want to tell you something." The bone is smirk, and then the sound is lowered to say something to the Dark Temple.

The sword is unparalleled, as well as the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred Some are even surprised.

After short diagnosis, the bones will return to the sword.

"My Bone Dragon, what did you say to this Dark God?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"I just told him that you are now old, no more than 30 years old, this is enough." The bones said.

"Is it so simple?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't worry, this darkness is not stupid. On the contrary, he is also smart. It is more than 30 years old. If you give you a few years, your strength is completely possible to surpass him. It can even kill him, with this darkness of selfishness, he will never go to a genius like you like you, the bones are smiling.

"I have talked to him, he will make you have the opportunity to go to kill the sister, but the same, you have to let him find a step, after all, he is the temple of the Dark Temple, it is impossible to be a thing Don't do it, you will be able to kill him to the Shengzun. "

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

On the empty, the darkness of the Dark God has been seen in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, since the bone is coming, the seat gives you a chance." The Dark Temple said, but there is a quiet man in his hand. "This is good at the gun, and the seat will be fully shot, as long as you can take the three shots, this seat will not ask you to ask you and the ninth sacred, but if you can't hold, die in this Under the gun, it is also your own, blame others. "

"Next three guns?" The sword is unparalleled, when you understand this is the stairs of the Dark God.


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