Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 608 Secret

"In this case, please ask the Dark God." The sword is unparalleled. "

"You are optimistic, this is my first shot!"

The darkness of the Dark God fell, but immediately appeared immediately, there was a full-footed tall gun soul vain. With the dark god emperor stabbed in the hands of the dark gun, the six tall gun soul vain, It also thorns the long gun in your hand.

A shot of a shot, a huge darkness and unreasonable dark spread out, in an instant in the world, a huge seeming to swallow the dark swirls of the world, and this cold gun tip is the core of this dark swirl, with a shares Amazing strand, the swallowing force has appeared in front of the sword.

The sword is not double-finished. After him, the fierce sword soul of the feet is three-three feet high.

Although just a sword, it is a lot of swords, but more than the six gun souls of the Dark God.

The sword is unhappy, the spiritual force gathers, the next moment, the heart is directly swing, it is like a vast and endless star river.

The sword is unparalleled, the seventh style of the sword.


The powerful power will collide, and the void is immediately loud, and the dark vortex carried by the folk gun is flying directly, and the sword is unparalleled.

The dark swirls illusion out of the dark gods, he tightly tightened the dark green gun, the darkness of the body became more and more horror, "I am a little bit of you, single one, one shot, don't say kill you, Even if you can't do it, you can't do it. The opposite is that I am in the bottom of the wind. If you use this, you will stand in this ancient world in the peak. "

"Pick up my second shot!"

"This shot, I won't have a little more."

The Dark God said, then the long guns stab out.

A very flat fire, but after the thorn, the distant distance appeared in front of the sword in front of the sword, like a lightning, a double-headed skull.

"It's so fast!" The sword did not have a double color.

"Good speed, good horror, power!" The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

The darkness of the Dark God, obviously has already used it.

When the sword is unbolded, when I see the Dark God Temple, the huge blood river is now spread, and there is a huge blood bridge in the blood river.

The secret surgery, Huangquan Road, Nai Bridge has all shown all.

Combining, the sword is unparalleled again.

This time, he didn't dare to reserve it anymore, no matter whether it was a flesh force, the spiritual force was reminded or the sword soul, and the power of the road met the extreme.

Although the swordsmanship of the show is still only the seventh style of the Sword of the sword, this sword will be displayed again, but the power is better than before.


The two collided again, producing a deafening and terrible roaring, followed by the sword where there was no double shape, and the burst of the wolf is going out, and there is a hundred and ten feet long, and it will stop the body.

"Good shot."

The sword is not a double station stabilizes, but it flashes a variety of light.

Single theory of power, swords are unparalleled now, and it is stronger than this darkness.

Can there be a trick, there is a trick, compared with the Dark God, but it has to be far away, leading to this collision, he fell into an absolute lower wind.

However, it is only in the wind, and the sword is unparalleled.

"You can pick up my second gun, and intact, in this way, your strength is enough to take the top ten, next, you will pick me the third shot." The dark emperor is indifferent, echoing in the world between.

When he heard him, the sword became unusual.

The sacred sacred sacredings of the Dark Temple are now looking forward to it.

"The third shot of the palace? Is it a trick?"

"It is definitely the strongest trick of the temple, and the secret of the Hall of the Temple!"

"Secret skills, I don't know when we can create a secret skills."

On the void, the Dark God suddenly fired.

When I shot, the void immediately became an empty, and then the long gun was silent.

The speed is incredible, the fast sword is unparalleled, and the sword is not asked to resist, and can only force the long sword to block before.


A loud noise, the sword is unparalleled, and the voids in front of them have a small crack.

"Space, spatial crack!" The sword is unparalleled.

A shot of a shot, a crack in the space, and it should be unbelievable, and the result ...

"What's going on?" The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is full of mistakes.

In his opinion, this gun is clearly awesome, there is a spatial crack, the power is very big, and when he really collides with him, he found that this gun is generally general, did not give him at all. How much harm.

"Is this?" The sword has no double eyes, the heart is also immediately understood, "This is the Dark God deliberately, and he is strong in this gun. It is actually just doing it. It is just to find it. On the steps, it proves that he has tried his best. "

I want to understand this, and the sword is unparalleled.

Since it is a dress look, the sword is unparalleled, and I saw him a sultry. He spilled blood in his mouth, and the completion of this moment was, and it was the same as serious injury.

The darkness of the soul is also wrinkled in the sword. It is not necessarily to be better than you. "

"I am dark, since you have already received my three shots, then your grievances between the Nine Shengzun, this seat will not pay back."

After that, the Dark God turned directly to the bottom.

"Fu Jun!"


The Saint Temple in the Dark Temple heard this, and the completion is changed.

"Thank you!"

The sword is unparalleled, and then the eyes have seen the corner of the dark temple, and the old man will notice that there is a strong breath.

The owner of the breath, naturally it is the soil.

"Suspension, come out to die!"

The sword is unparalleled with anger, and immediately echoed.

In a temple in the dark temple, the satellite is sitting quietly, everything that happens outside, he knows.

When I saw the sword where the two was the strongest shot of the Dark God, his eyes did not help but sink.

"The Dark God's strongest trick, but his own secret skills, the whole thousand people, there can be self-created secret skills, but also one person, sword unparalleled flesh, and it is impossible to block it!"

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