Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6030's purest power!

In this way, the purest power will be washed out.

"Unparalleled brother, look at you!"

After the success of Dongsheng and Yu Yu, he went to sword unparalleled, looking forward to the sword unparalleled ferry.

They have been robbed, but they think that the sword is unparalleled.

And the sword is more powerful, and the robbery is relatively easy.

However, only the sword is unparalleled, knowing, his own ferry, I am afraid it is not simple.

Step stepped.

Leave a residue in the void.

After entering the first ring.

Then, the amount of gods were killed.


The foundation is completely burst.

three million!

The Lord of Light and Shadow discovered that the sword is unpaired, but it is only used the foundation and strange: "So confident, it does not have the secret law?"

"The seventh robbery, the 3 million power is enough!" The backbone of the next to the backbone has become very honest, giving the 's evaluation.

Hui Qing in the pyramid is not so much.

Because the amount of robbery, the power is more horrible than him. .

The sword is unparalleled in half of the air, and the double box is cleared.

The quantity robbed out of the population.

That shares turned the power of the stars and started to wash the body.

Shen Li also begins to differentiate, two in life, two students, three students unlimited.

Continuous dispersion until the limit of the sword is unparalleled.

Three million power is divided into trillions.

This is his limit.

Decompose the power to the limit, the quantity of robbery in the stars, and also started to wash the decomposition.

A blue Thunder constantly rolling the sword is unparalleled, and then recovered again.

Three start.

The horrible breath, everyone is still the first time.

I feel!

"We will not be so strong, ferry is different from us!" The main eyes of the light and shadow, holding a fist.

At this moment they understand where the gap!

In fact, the sword is also the first time.

Since you have to go out of the new way.

That is the strongest robbery.

Wash the power.

A robbery.

This is just beginning.

Every time, he has to wash the feet.

Then the second quantity was lifted.

It is better than the last quantity of robbery.

The third time is three times.

Ten thousand times are 10,000.

Every time I take a 10 years.

It is 100,000 years.

The sword is unparalleled, he is still the first time to drive the quantity of robbery.

Ordinary practitioners, it is actually from their own body.

His is the same.

However, the universe in his body is in the power of the stars!

Therefore, it is also the robbery of the starry sky.

The rest of the practitioners are the measurement of their own.

The supreme robbery of the universe of the origin is also from the northern time and space.

Because they are the practitioners in the northern time and space, it is not the supreme robbery in the starry sky.

"Starry!" The sword is unparalleled, "" I was robbed, from my star! "



This is indeed unprecedented.

The power of the original origin.

Now he pays more attention to the body and the power.

The quantity is strong, the more powerful to him.

He didn't worry, but he was eager to try.

10,000 years of washing.

He has to see what the power will reach what kind of realm.


The first robbery.

I have passed the past decade.

Lian Huiqing and others came to the disc and watched his ferry.

"I actually realized the secret law in the quantity of the brother!" The Lord of Light, couldn't help but exclaimed, and then continue to participate in cultivation.

It's a big sword that is unparalleled.

Everyone took a group and started to participate in cultivation.

Especially the four people who built success, they don't have to absorb blood, and they all improve their own might secret law.

The sword is unparalleled, continue to wash your own power.

After passing through the first robbery.

His Shen Dynasty decomposes again, and continues to wash after decomposition.

The foundation is still three million.

But he has confident with three million power to defeat the power of five million power.

This is the powder after washing.

With the continuous landing of the quantity.

Fourth, the fifth, the first hundred, one thousand times.

His power has spread to the entire starry sky.

Of course, the decomposition of the power is in his own stars, not the outside starry sky.

The sword is unparalleled with one hand, and the whole starry sky is thrown.

Even one impulsive, breaking the impulse of his own source.

Soon he pressed this impulse.

One force breaks the law.

Not a broken method.

Breaking your own origin star, isn't it to be self-discovered?

The sword is not born this plan.

The power is constantly being strong, and the quantity robbery is constantly become stronger.

The first quantity robbery him began to use those mixed yuan.

Foot enough to spend 10,000.

Nowadays, the first thousand times have been spent, and he has spent hundreds of millions of mixed yuan.

More than his budget.

This is just beginning. If you have a complete sale, I am afraid I have to spend a billion ym.

"If it is not a special reason for this place, this time I am afraid that three billion mixed yuan stones are not enough!" He is still very big. If there is no Wu Zhi, I am afraid he has to ferment.

Without enough mixed omestical stone reserves, he has no way to recover your own.

This source does not recover, there is no power to do.

The cornerstone of the power is all things.

There are all things that have been constantly supplemented, he can convert to the power.

That is to treat every washing, you can control your own infrastructure in the peak.

And he can't use the secret law.

If you use the secret, the power of washing, it is the power of the mutual increase.

After the success of the robbery, the foundation has no improvement.

The original foundation, the color should be invisible.

The use of the beast god is dark red.

Show super ancient times, it is blue.

Today, his foundation, does not use the secret law, but it becomes a light gold.

And with the number of washes, the color is getting deeper.

Although the basement is not increased, he now the power, 10,000 people are 20,000.

The foundation of the power has got an essential leap.

He will get more powerful.

"The ninth nine hundred and ninety-nine robbery!"



In the face of the Thunder arc of in vitro, he broke the ground.

That is the yin and yang of life, according to the king, this is a super-treasure.

But by his punch, hitting the depression.

"There is still the last robbery!"

Quantity, foot is full of robbery.

Every robbery, also tens of thousands.

God's quality!

The last robbery comes from the stars.

It is not his starry sky, but the stone sky of the outside world.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled to look back to the sky.

A golden quantity robbery, falling from the sky.

Endless power, contains the world's highest punishment.

That is a robbery that transcends the starry sky to a high rule.

It's not good to go to the sky.

Will be awkward.

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