Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6031 Golden Power

But now the sword is unfair, not afraid, and the figure is actually rushed.

I want to smash the thunder in advance.

His power decomposed in the air is also rapidly returned.

The moment of returning to the whole body, the sword is unparalleled, the unprecedented powerful, clears the fist, and struggle.


A golden fish landed from the stars appeared from the quantity of robbery.

This scene makes everyone a glimpse.

They still see the amount of robbery.

No matter what happens, the sword is unparalleled.

Break your own boundaries, ultraincard this world of practice road.

It is normal to rob, what happens in the high robbery.

However, when he is going to attack the golden fish, it has been found that it has not been near golden fish, and five wells began bleeding.

A blast, only he heard alone.

It is a voice that has never heard of it, it is incorporated into his mind. .

"It's really not self-strength!"

In the starry sky, the Twelve Star Spirit of the Two-Star is watching the sword unparalleled ferry, and there is a purple skin without a purple skin, and the ears are very small.

He still doesn't understand whose Vissen is.

I thought it was myself, I struggled to swim, and I continued to attack Vis.

Wiis side is loud, while watching the sword.

I feel that the sword is unparalleled, too harsh.

In fact, he has been very suitable for the sword with a very good job.

I can't be god, or it can also become the top of this world's top tribener.

Why bother to find yourself.


The interest of God is a punch in the fight. He is not angry, but it is very happy: "Bruce, it seems that your destruction is improved!"

After that, I have improved a grade again, and I will fight back to Rus.


The sword is unparalleled here, but it has encountered a big trouble.

He couldn't close to the golden fish, and he also had a way to solve it.

The sorry returns to the ground, after restoring the foundation, hands holding a box, stimulating a circle, and the body becomes unparalleled.

"Come on, let me see how strong you are!"

He wants to use the body of the body.

It is difficult to rob that he can attack him, and the top is mostly washing the power.


Next, he is dumbfounded.

That golden fish hover in the sky, a sprint, breaking his dawn body with a perspective he can't understand.

It seems that it is a cold spear that pierces tofu.

Extremely simple.

The sword is unbelievable, he is so powerful, and it is turned off.

Hurry and fix the body and I am afraid.

But next, the golden fish constantly attack him.

There was no effect of washing the power, but he was injured once.

After the injury, the stay does not exceed a breath and will attack again.

Give him a mixed omestical stone, the power is unlimited, one breathing him can also instantly recover the power.

However, every attack is stronger.

And speed is also getting fast.

He is not going to go.

I really want to show super ancient times, try to try the other party.

Not only the consumption, his mixed yuan is not enough!

There is also the origin of the origin, no cross.

He is not dare to rear resistance.

The golden fish rushed again.

The sword is unparalleled, "Super Great!"


The dark blue breath arrays a thousand lay waves.

He didn't know unconsciously, completely mastered the supercient capital.

It reached the perfect state.

The super ancient times in full state, and the power increase is 100 times.

The conversion becomes a power, which is six million.

Anyway, the secret is used, and he no longer presses himself.

The robbery also appeared.

Crazy running robes have also begun to absorb golden quantity.

Rober, perfect super ancient times.

And the blessing of the local source.

His power broke through a thousands of millions.

The golden fish hiped his body again, as if it is a stupid to go toward the hit the tree.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two fingers pinch the fish, then lit out.

The figure flashed, after the golden fish, a punch, directly smashing the golden fish in the world.

Countless golden power, appears in the void.

His robbery, at this time, began to constantly absorb the golden power.

The golden power has skyrocketed.

The robbery gave him the power brought to him, and it took two million in an instant.

Golden power also disappears.

Quantity of robbery!

The sword is unparalleled to feel the changes in the whole body.

Hold the fist and feel the difference between it.

He is now even confident, punching red.

Although some are unlikely.

The peak of red, 30 million power.

He should not be an opponent.

But the complete Silu, he has confident to defeat.

As for the life.

Here is the north time and space.

The most powerful of the life is more than 20 million.

This time, don't need not to help, he can defeat the life.

Confidence is bursting.


Confident to yourself.

It was found that the sword was unparalleled, and everyone stopped cultivating.

The golden power has also benefited everyone's people.

"Dear, wait for me to take a moment!" The sword has no double body, sitting on the center of yin and yang, the center of the city, and the power returns to the present star empty.

He is going to meet the highest.

Because the other party has come to his own source.

The three universe occurred or large or small changes.

There are countless collapse the secrets, the stars have been burst, and the black holes are more flowing with some time and space.

There have been invading his origins.

This is the supreme robbery.

Always give you trouble.

Among them, the biggest trouble is still those celestial bodies.

The debris is condensed, and there is also a force of all things to form a special life.

This kind of special life is like a scourge, and stores the origin of the sword unparalleled.

If you can't eradicate, his native universe will break.

This is also the reason why the origin collapsed after the main beat of the universe.

I originally thought that I have changed different roads, and the supreme robbery will change, I didn't expect it.

Unfortunately, he prepared so much.

After entering your own origin, the geodestructure is thousands.

Stimulate those special life.

You don't need to show super ancient times, those who are special life, only millions.

He can break it with him.

All solved, there is still a quarter of an hour, just a fragrant time, it will go to a high robbery.

Those burst stars, broken black holes, start self-repair.

The power required is from this source.

This fix, the sword is unparalleled to take a mixed .

Even if this is, there is not much spent.

These are grieves compared to the consumption of gods.

After processing the source.

He returned to this respect.

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