Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6032 I haven't died yet!

"Call!" At that moment, he was discounted and spit out, and his body was just right, but he felt a painful feeling.

The pain, torn lungs.

When he was washed, he can endure it, it is used to it.

But after losing the kind of washing and quenching, he felt the pain.

One is not stabilized, lying directly.

Everyone quickly came forward, Wu Zuo was red and said: "It's over, the unparalleled brother fails, there is no!"

"Aroung!" Wu Zuo mourn.

I heard the words of the speech, the sword was unparalleled, and the black face said: "I haven't died yet, even if the ferry failed, I also scattered, I won't die!"

It's really fainting in the end.

This time is really tired.

After closing your eyes, only a trace of mind felt the situation in front of him.

After all the people exchanged the feelings of cultivation and ferry, they made him into the pyramid.

Then Bamata sent him into the rest cabin.

Where there is a life liquid, the whole person is bubbled directly in the green liquid.

The pyramid is too embarrassing under the manipulation of Bamata. .

This time the destination is the original universe!


"I am back!"

The rest of the people are not cultivating, they are talking in the Temple of Qiankun.

The shuttle is close to the true ridiculous place, where is the rushing place of time and space.

Not suitable for opening up time and space.

The day and women open the time and space, and it has chosen the depths of the upstream, and the rest of the space is the same.

Originally, the king opened up three long rivers.

They have grown to the eternal circles.

But it exists in ancient times.

The rest of time and space are those who have fallen in order to open up time and space.

After most open space, it fell directly.

The giant who met the sword is in the case of the giant encountered in the starry sky.

Opened the world, it was exhausted and died.

The ridiculous land is the most boring.

They left the upstream of the whole era.

After the intersection, it is most dangerous.

They didn't even see a practitioner along the way.

Nobody will not be able to find a quick, go to the middle, or even downstream.

Of course, there are some time and space channels that can enter the middle, but that channel is unstable.

It is not as good as the passage created by the true spirit.

However, it was also helped in the darkness of the king, otherwise the little old man is not necessarily such a big thing.

After the pyramid completely entered the middle time and space, the sword was unparalleled to wake up.

This time he is really tired.

I slept a era.

It gradually recovered.

There is no activity in this long time, just got up, the body issued a slash.

Slightly active, the sound of the sound: "Baba Tower, where?"


The small Caba appeared in an instant. After seeing the sword unparalleled wake, excited: "The master, you finally woke up, now I have arrived in the middle of time and time, there is still forty years, you can reach the first time and space of the middle time and space!"

"Well, not bad!" He retired the clothes and turned into a hot spring. After comfortable, he continued to ask: "This way, can there be something?"

"A thousand two million years ago, in the rush, I met a weird time and space, the power is very powerful, I want to attack the pyramid, and kill it from Wu Z."

"A six hundred and eighty years ago, enter the mid-tour world, discover a team to explore the upstream practitioners, and the six people are seven-robbery, but they are all scattered, Hui Qing speaks to persuade, the other party is still a taste Opening, already falling! "

"Thirty thousand years ago, I found a time and space drifting on the side of the flowers, picked by the pyramid!"

"a thousand years....."

The sword is unparalleled, can't help but interrupted the Baba Tower.

Put the Babata, he also walked out from the hot springs, Shen Li evaporated the water droplets, and took out a blue robe to wear it, his body is moving, and directly entered his own cave.

It is also the core of the pyramid, the deepest place.

In the cave, the facilities are complete.

There is also a hole in the drill.

After a long time, there is no way to come to the cave, so I will find an opponent to yourself.

This opponent is yourself.

This feat is sitting on a mountain top in the knee.

The two flew out from the book and entered the canyon of the mountain.

Do not use any of the secrets, simply fight for the foundation.

No way, he can only find a trial.

Anyway, there is no opponent.

The rest of people are cultivating.

I am also embarrassed to disturb others.

Fragrance is constantly familiar with today's power.

This is in practice.

After the seven hobbenge, he has never been able to stabilize his realm.

After the three universe repairs, they will self-conserve.

The sword is unparalleled to start preparing for the eight hobbies.

Start planning your own universe.

The seven-robust bottleneck is three universe.

So the eighth robbery?

Perhaps it is five, or it may be nine.

The resources needed are almost unable to bear.

You can only get a framework.

Go slowly to lit those universe.

This source needs to be constructed, and the power is not anxious.

There are also a lot of blood color, and he has arrived in seven robbery, and the power can be upgraded to the peak.

Just now there is still a lot, he doesn't want to improve too fast.

It is a wheezing time to give the body.

I have grown thousands of years, I finalize the power of the power and the origin to achieve the ultimate plan.

The source target nine universe.

Once reached, you can cross the eighth robbery, but that goal is still very far.

As for the power, he did not have a clear boundary.

But the infrastructure must reach 5 million.

Three million hijackers, five million seven-robbery, nor too much.

After getting the number of cultivation of the cultivation.

He started to study his secret law one by one.

The super old change has arrived.

The rest is familiar, and there is nothing to practice.

But the starry looks, and he still has a lot of questions to solve.

At present, I will return to the sword, still some bumps.

It is the time and space of the sword.

Returning to the sword, don't work.

Because he doesn't know, it can be displayed next time.

As long as you can get started, then it is not difficult, just a few questions.

Life, death, reincarnation, time and space.

The first four swords, only the reincarnation has not gone.

The sword has reached a successful, and the death sword has also arrived at the major.

As long as the first four swords are cultivated to a full state.

He can show the fifth sword.

Time and space reincarnation.

That will be his hidden highway.

The fifth sword, I am afraid that he can wait for him to go to the eighth.

The seven robbery, it is good to cultivate the first four swords to a greatest.

This is also his goal for himself!

Death swords arrived successfully need to be helpful, of course this help, may have to leave the life.

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