Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6034 Prevent Time and Space

Because of his arrival, four people are rare to sit together and drink.

The cultivation should also pay attention to a relaxation.

Can't let go.

In fact, the strength of Wu Zuo Zuo is in the top of the team.

Not in a hurry.

It's because you don't think about cultivation because of your mind.

Otherwise it will also practice.

Wu Zuo seven robbery peaks, and the power is almost ten million.

Hui Qing is not used to say, the sword is unparalleled to hear him a thousand and five million, and the head is big.

Of course, it is not a strong strength than him.

Now his strength cannot be simply calculated simply.

The strong and pureness of the power, let him not fear any opponent.

Even if it is an ancient existence, there is 20 million basic power, he can also fight with the other party. .

Just Hui Qing selection to absorb blood color, this thing, let him be a little surprised.

Hui Qing's personality is like his white robe, not dying!

Absorbs bloody breath, in fact, it is to increase their own efforts.

Because those bloody, all from the practice and life of the practice.

According to the personality of the conventional Huiqing, it will not be absorbed.

And he chose this shortcut.

I am afraid not so simple.

He also didn't ask, hidden in the heart.

Thousands of years have been very fast.

Several people often drink the wheel road, and when they encounter some singular scenes, they will be slightly stopped.

Of course, it will not delay too long.

Now they still have no idle heart.

At least to find a finish doctors and say.

The more enter the depths of the middle time and space.

The more practitioners they encounter.

In the middle, Wu Zuo also personally arrested some of the people of the seven-robbery universe, and the soul was made, and then put it away.

Inject some confidence in the middle time and space into the Barba's light.

Soon, you will talk about the forces of the whole mid-range time and space, as well as some backgrounds.

Time and space in the middle.

There are very many tributaries.

Not the upstream, there is only nine tributaries, there are many of them to open up.

The middle is different, no one opens up the long river of time and space.

All natural flow of naturally formed.

Each tributary has a time and space.

These time and space or cross the crossed crossed, and the head is connected.

Each time and space is in a peak period.

Thirtyte six in total.

That is, 36 time and space.

Among them, the god tower is time and space, and the row is at the end.

The whole time and space, in fact, the heritage of ancient times.

Don't mention that more than those eternal circles.

The whole mid-range time and space, I am afraid I can't get a stronger.

However, there is a little more than the top nine time and space.

Because most of the eight hobbies in this place are the owner of the universe.

Especially in the first middle mainstream time and space "abyss time and space"

At the same time, there is a three-eighth possible universe.

Divided into small and small, three universers.

There is no bulk.

The strong is rare, and the treasure is a lot.

The power of life is sufficient to supply those scattered.

Even if it is scattered, they are always maintained in the peak.

This is a young age.

The upstream is more like a steady state after an expansion period, and the middle of the middle is young, the bottom is not deep.

As for the downstream time and space of the original universe, it is more pulled.

It belongs to the young year.

There are not many people in the universe.

"Bamata, there can be a message of Moro time!" The sword didn't help to ask the original Moose time.

I heard the first moment of this name.

The face of Used is also sinking.

Mo Luo seminars, it is a distant era.

But it is necessary to compare with the forces of the upstream.

"Probe into, Moro Time and Space has changed the name, called the annual mystery, is a secret and time and space, more dangerous than the upstream time and space, and extremely dangerous, according to the records of more than ten seven-torn universe The main thing is in the inside! "

Annual gods!

There is a recall in the Zuo Zuodian, and strive to recall the original Moose time.

At that time he was still very young.

After becoming a disciple of god, he learned that the outside world also had a lot of time and space.

Just he never went out.

Cross the time and space, the strength of the universe is required.

The original robbery, no one is expected.

Just a creation of the temple, the last battle, Wu Zuo, did not participate.

I have been saying on your mouth, but he knows why it didn't participate.

Because of afraid!

The owners of the universe are falling.

One of his emperors, they were scared directly, and they did not dare to go out in the Shenshen Temple.

Light is the remaining wave, he seriously hurts him.

Seeing that the face of Wu Zuo is very embarrassed, the sword is not doubles to shoot his shoulders, and Tai Ruo is very much: "We have become stronger, don't worry!"

Wait until the godhouse time and space, find a good idea, they will go to a mission of the Year of the New Year, see what the original Moose is time, what is like.

Also listed, what did you?

And looking for traces of destruction.

Help them.

The pyramid is constantly rotating, pungeting the time and space, completely enters the world where the practitioner is located.

In these spackers, the space of the long river is the land.

The wilderness is because the surrounding time and space, the power and the origin are all absorbed into the long river, and the land is on the ground.

There is only one desolate.

In the desolate, there are some popularity.

Some of the universers, in vitably, to enter other time and space.

This is not dangerous.

Follow the mains who want to go upstream, some unlucky.

In addition to reincarnation, it is hard to enter upstream.

Unless the power is extremely powerful, there is a treasure.

It is too difficult to counter the stream.

Unlike from top.

At the beginning, Fan Tianfeng is a super-to-treasure, with a strong, even the flame god is pulled.

After don't know how many era, I arrived at the original universe.

"Distance, God Tower Time and Space, there is also a fragrant time!"

Following is excited to stand up.

Baba continued to introduce: "The God Tower World, As the name suggests, there is a traverse tower, from ancient times, is a super power refining to treasure, sitting in the Town Tower World, exceeding the life history of God Tower, currently Bened by the God of God Tower.

The God of the ancient Tower, has an eight-pocket power, and the power is probably between six million to eight million. The forty billions have been lost due to the secret of the year! "

Listening to the introduction to the Time and Space of the Tower, everyone is very easy.

Because I have to stop for a while, I have a new identity after the night, and I can't be ignorant to my life.

I have to leave a period of time, and I have to go to Mo Luo to destroy the memorial secret, they will stop.

The rest can be transferred to the remainder, and it can be turned down.

However, the rest of the people are digesting the power of absorption, which is not interested in this.

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