Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6035 Looking for Night Ling Wei

After the commemoration of the year, I will notify them.

God Tower Time and Space!

The rotating pyramid is cut off like a tethered paper, completely enters the god tower time and space.

Most time and space is rare, most of the time and space is unified by one forces.

Because the pressure outside is too large, you will not be unified inside, it will be attacked by other time and space.

Unlike the nine-day time and space, the strong is large, and it is not a rope at all.

And the heritage and its deep, it is impossible to be invaded.

After entering the godhouse time and space, the sword is unparalleled and other talents have an eye.

The edge of the time and space has a super big guard.

And there is also a huge tribener army guardian.

A pair of iron buckets.

But in the face of true power, I want to enter the god tower time and space, just as simple as drinking water.

After the pyramid is broken, it hides the breath, otherwise these practitioners will definitely be scared.

Although the surface is rigorous. .

But it is not completely closed, and there are some channels to enter.

It's just that it is too much trouble.

If you want to go a regular way, they are afraid to waste for decades.

This time is actually nothing to them, but now is finished, I don't want to wait for a moment.

"Hadial brother, can you feel the causality of night Ling Wei?" The sword did not ask.

After the night, there is a memory of the past, naturally there is also their causal.

So you can find it through causality.

It's just a time and space, you can't find it.

So they have to enter the god tower time and space to find the specific location of the night.

Fortune breathing is a little urgent, obviously somewhat nervous, and the mental movement begins to search for night Ling Wei through the cause.

"Well?" His brow wrinkled, and then surprised: "It seems to be in the country of Godgua! And the breath is some disorders ...

The sword nodded and told the Babata directly to enter the country.

Moving in time and space is very fast.

And the god tower is not too big.

It's almost the same in the original ancient wood continent.

The pyramid maintains the speed of the black hole, and the time of the day will cross the entire god tower time and space.

The place where the Costa God of God is required to be about five times.


They didn't think about the scene of the old Tower, and they went directly to the country.

The four people watched their position before the arrival of the sky.

Five times, blinking.

There are also the core of the God of the God of God.

The six-day time and space, the scene of focusing, the sword is unparalleled, the first time.

I am afraid that the supermary of the god tower time and space is here.

The country that is treated as the God of the country.

The six secrets, only one is used for foreign people.

The remaining five secrets are places that the ancient Tower will cultivate.

There is a paradise, city pool, Dongfu, Wang Temple, trial.

Extreme luxury.

Wu Zuo saw this scene, couldn't help but stunned: "Still spectating, after the re-establishment of the temple, follow this mode to create!"

The secret in the temple is also concentrated together.

It is just the four secrets belong to the secret of the universe.

Too much to the secret situation of time and space.

A shortcomings of time and space is that dozens of universe are so big.

Although the original Moulo time is also in the middle, it is too much.

And the strength of the gods, now, it is that.

Create a lot of power, even the top scorpion is not possible.

At that time, the resource lack of Moro time and space, plus the threat of the life, and the gods, after the fall, no one can stand up, go to the midst of the time and space.

You must know the power of Moop, you will be a person.

Three major gods, although they are the Lord of the universe of the six, can be seen in the middle of the middle, and the six robbery will be more enough.

About the original Moose time, there is too many doubts, this will also go to the nun of the year, then look for it.

It is now a top priority, it is to find the night of the night.

The sword is unparallled by the six secrets in the sky, asked: "Complete, can have a clear position?"

"I am looking for!" Flooked and breathed breathing, and I didn't want to miss any corners and carefully looked at night.

In anx, his mental power is also exposed.

So bold to explore the core of the old Tower, will certainly cause attention.

Although the old ancestors of the old Tower is just a bulk, it is also a strong border!

Six hundreds of million, plus the big array of this manner, is also a top eight knocked.

The ability to finish the other's probation is escaped.


"Not good!" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a strong breath and burst in the six secrets.

When you finish, you can't manage so much, directly forced to explore.

"No!" He is incredible.

Just feel the breath of the night, but the breath, it seems to have disappeared.

That is, it is an inexpensive atmosphere.

It belongs to the non-rooted water is being exhausted.

Now this situation is either a night, I'm going to stay here for a while, now I have left.

The sword that I want to low-key is unparalleled, nor is it concealed, and the figure has been pulled out with the pyramid.

Mid-Time and Space, unlike upstream time and space.

Occasionally, two mysterious seven robes, no one is suspected.

But this place is different. Once there is, I am afraid I will cause doubts about everyone.

They did not want to have more, naturally, they wanted to hide themselves.

It's just that it is now discovered, hidden, but it will play the crazy snake, it is better to directly appear.

! !

The two appeared in the six secrets.

The breath of the seven robbery is directly exposed.

God is inherent.

If they have two exposed power, I am afraid that the gods of the god tower space, I am scared that I don't dare to come out.

After they leaked the breath of the Qi Qi, which old ancestors really relaxed.

It can't be said to be alert, I can only say that it is not so taboo.

"Two Taoists, I don't know what I am in the time and space of my godhouse?" A calm voice, and he sounded through the heavens and the earth, but only two people were able to listen.

The other party is also extremely careful, and I have not asked, just asking why.

The sword is unparalleled to see the color of the color, standing out, "coming to this place, just have a little alone!"

Just now, there is indeed a little lost, directly use the mental force to explore the other's old nest.


When the time and space broke out, a hole appeared in front of their eyes.

Which Tower State's eight knocked strong.

"Godhouse predecessors!" The sword was unparalleled.

The number of the other party is the name of the godhouse, the godhouse time and space, also from the other side.

This is normal.

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