Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6048 Stitching New Year's Mission

I only feel fantasy, I have to finish.

Waiting for the life, you can also prepare it one by one.

After killing the beast group again, two people also restished a moment.

Wu Zuo and no day gave them a sound, gave each other coordinates, and others came to meet.

As for the pyramid, it was long been unparalleled by the sword.

Just no one is willing to come out.

Everyone is desperate, no one is willing to waste time.

The sword is unparalleled.

He collects these demon keratual, which is to refine your own beast for oneself.

Just enter the year of the mysterious environment, you want to collect the beasts of the beasts, but there is no hierarchy.

According to say, he should also feel the power of the beast in the nature of the monarch.

There is no induction.

The probability has been obtained by other practitioners.

Or completely damage.

There is no left in the source.

"Warriors, you can run two, I have entered so deep!"

Urzuo, who is in the lead, just can't help but stun: "This year's mystery is really strange, the scene of the core, like the stitching, it is really uncomfortable!"

This sentence has caused the sword unparalleled attention.

"Stitching?" He thought of dancing in the way.

It's really like Wu Zuo.

Some places are very obvious.

Step by step is the fire sea.

The retreat is the ice original.

"You are waiting here, I went to see!" The sword didn't even think of this, start immediately.

The figure is constantly flashing, and the ban is currently encountered, he can break.

boom! ! !

All the way is broken, and it directly enters the place where the valley is born.

It is a ridiculous place.

Don't say a treasure, there is no breathing.

He stepped into it.

Look at the connection.

Falling into meditation.

"Moulo time is in the southeast direction, and this is true!" He said, and found it.

Originally thought that the monkey secret is the entire Moop, it is not so simple after coming to the core.

Moococco is only part of the monarchy.

And the position is not right.

The original Moose time is not here.

It is in a dry time and space.

The year of the gods, like an attractive, attracting all the secret integration.

For those years of beast survival.

Thinking of this, he thought of wide, constantly spreading deeply.

After a certain place, it stopped.

Because there is the force of the ban, it exceeds 20 million.

"Sure enough!" His brow moved, and his mentally took it back.

Just touching the ban, he found that the forbidden power is some different from what he encounters.

Because the ban, it seems to have just appeared.

And the ban is still isolated.

At the heart of the monarchy, it is definitely a secret.

Just want to enter, there is a great risk.

He suspected an annual beast that mastered the secret law of practitioners.

Otherwise, it is impossible to ban time and space.

The pyramid is unable to cross.

They want to enter the core, "hard!"

The sword is unparalleled to return to the canyon, and there is no day to arrive.

A group of people, but did not find that a scorpion is always staring at their directions and routes.

And in their surroundings, those dangers are also constantly transform.

Just like a puzzle, the continuous movement.

After coming, it is even more than the road that is unparalleled in the sword, and I have encountered a Thunder Canyon, and the sword is unparalleled.

Everyone couldn't help but have a cold sweat.

" ......."

A crow stands on the treetop and looks up, and it is generally with ridicule.

The existence of all this, but it is possible to see the action of the sword without a pair.

The deepest god of the year, a dark forest.

The dark forest can not see a shower.

There is a cave house in the depths of the forest.

The crow group is flying out from this place to monitor the entire year secret.

At this time, the annual beasts of the eight knobs were completely wandered, and they came out towards the cave.

After entering the cave, there is only a shower.

These light sources are from the wall of the hole on the wall.

If you watch it, you can see that the owner of these eyes is a crow.

The year beasts quickly stopped and stopped, using the language of the annual beast, and the hoarse road: "Wang, they are also ready to go forward!"

"Let the Year Six will send a team of animals group, introduce them into the flame mountain!"

Which one is called the existence of the king, through the red light source, leaking a flame, but can't see any face.

After you hear, no one hesitated, turned directly to leave.

Play a team of animals?


The sword is not known, their route has long been manipulated, and the puppet is generally.

In fact, they found that things were not opposite, they were ready to leave.

Because the monkey secret is not in their mastery.

And everyone is not short.

There is no need to take risks.

Which year's mysterious king did not know, because of his own, bringing a big trouble to himself.

"Unparalleled brother, let's go, listen to you, I also think that this place is hobson, a little scary!" Wu left shrinks the neck, and the courage suddenly becomes smaller.

The branches of the sword are unparalleled, stand up, "Go, now!"

He also felt a feeling of being staring, but he could not find the person.

It is definitely more powerful than they have to exist.

There will be dangerous in this manner.

It is better to slip earlier, and the demon kernel you get is also enough.

Hui Qing Dynasty watched a deep look, he couldn't see anything, just think of a danger of danger, around them.

It is indeed good to leave.

"Hey!" There is no way to their practice, expressing opposition, cold tang: "A small secret, just scare this model, and face the public, herself, it is really ridiculous!"

Wu Zuo is a red, and the emergency redish face is reversed: "If you are courageous, you will go forward, you don't stay with you!"

"Okay, let's go first!" The sword did not double for insurance, and took out the pyramid directly.

Prepare to leave with everyone to take the pyramid.

This also avoids the injury of the first wave of sneak attack.

After everyone got a pyramid, did not return according to the original road, but according to the route of the Bamat, prepared to leave the core of the year's mystery.

After the core, do it again.

However, I haven't intended what is going on. If you leave, then go straight downstream.


The pyramid is destroying the ban, and you want to leave the monetic mystery in accordance with the nearest route.

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