Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6049 gives me a fragrant time

The sword is unparalleled because of worry, it is also standing in front of the sky and observes the situation of the outside world.

"Well?" He thought, he felt a huge breath, in the former ban, still do not wait for him, the pyramid is full of speed.



The impact of the pyramid is banned, just breaking a small gap.

The pyramid is still in the gap, directly enters the world's world.

In the outside world, it is a green grassland in the observation, but it has entered the ban, they found that this is a grassland, this is a fire sea.

There is also a mountain, constantly spurting the flame.

"It's a group of years!" The sword was unparalleled and found that there was an annual beast in the top of the Mountains.

However, in this group of animals, there is a unusual breath.

The rest of the people noticed this.

Wu Zuo surprised: "The eight knocked border is full!"

One thousand million power.

Among the year of the beast, there is a high generation of crown annual beasts, standing on the top of the mountains of the flame mountain.

This is still the strongest year of the sword.

There is a thousand and eight million power.

Some more than the eight puffs.

It's no more than the beast god, this is a living beast!

The sword is unparalleled.

But the threat is still around.

He didn't dare to do it.

Not afraid of danger, but afraid of delays.

Their purpose is to return to the downstream time and space.

Not staying in the middle.

And everyone is not short.

Also, he will need the animal nucleus of the beast.

I can't affected the big event because of this little thing.

"Forget it, solve him, I am afraid it is still some time, or let it go!"

"There is no double brother, give me a fragrant time, I can help you solve it!" Hui Qing's eyes have a war.

Obviously, it is necessary to help the sword to win this year.

The things of the beast gods, Hui Qing and Wu Zhi know the most.

Know how much this is helpful for swords.

Wu Zuo, I wanted to see some Hui deficiency again, and persuaded: "Warrior brother, don't hesitate, kill a year of beast leader, it is also a thing of Hui Qing, you don't want Nervous, delayed how long! "

"Hey, what you said, this will not be the beast!" There is also a ridicule.

I feel that they are too careful.

Some of the meaning of a cup of bow sings.

When I encountered a little threat, I was afraid.

The sword has no double mind, feels surrounded, want to explore it, find that there is nothing different, also lowered the heart, I feel that there is nothing to be full, and the feeling of being stared, it seems that after entering this place I disappeared.

"Well!" He nodded against Hui Qing, "Be careful!"

Hui Qing is a sufficient confidence, "rest assured!"

He left the pyramid with his figure.

Appeared again, but there were two Huiqing in the sky.


The last time in Taikoo Black Day, Wu Zuo and no day distance are too far away, have not seen it carefully.

After seeing this time, it gives them great impact.

"The power is more than 20 million!" Wu Zuo can't help but exclaimed!

On the side, I also cleared the fist, biting the jam: "How did he cultivate, it is possible to create such a secret law!"

"Two thousand three million power!" The sword is unparalleled, and there is a mouthful of saliva, surpassing the limit of life.

This is more extra common!

After the power arrived at 20 million, the law of northern time and space will suppress.

Hui Qing on the flame mountain is also a little surprised. He just used half of the future, it was able to explode two thousand people.

This seems to be no restrictions on him!

I didn't feel the suppression from the northern time and space.

This makes his brow.

But still quickly, just use a punch to scain the whole flame mountain.

The beast is also surprised!

It is used by the Wang School to attract the practitioners. I thought that after those practitioners saw him, they will hurry.

But I didn't expect that these people were so brave.

And the white robe in front of you will be so powerful.

A boxing of the whole flame mountain.

In the sky, it is full of red fireball, and constantly bombards the earth.

"Wang, I am not his opponent!" I panicated on Saturday.

Want to leave with ban.

It is too powerful now, the future, there is already the power of the nine knocked power.

I hope to escape the year six, I finger a point to kill the year.

Only left a demon core.

In the pyramid, the mouth of the sword is unparalleled.

After seeing the means of Hui Qing's horror, the forehead leaked cold sweat.

Ok, it's a person.

It is so powerful that the opponent is so powerful, and they can't escape.


Hui Qing one hand, directly inhaled the demon nucleus in the sky to the hand.

Future is also disappeared.

Only there is only a gift into the pyramid.

"Hui Qing, can be able to break the limitations of the North Time and Space, you are not simple in this future!" The sword is unparalleled.

His super ancient times, using the power of the Starry, should be able to break this rule, but Hui Qing's power, it is not the power of the Starry!

It can also be able to break the limitations of this time and space.

After Hui Qing, I leaked the expression like everyone, and then shook his head. "I don't know why you can break the boundaries. I didn't break this boundary, and I just used half of the power. I didn't expect to reach two thousand and three million power! "

"Half!" The sword is unparalleled and others taking a breath.

"Horror Rys!"

Halfway is so powerful.

This is the future, I am afraid it can break 30 million!

That is, it is double the foundation.

Like the sword unparalleled super ancient times.

Better secret law!

This time, Wu Zuo took the first to calm down, and quickly interrupted everyone, she said: "Wait, will it be the limitations of North Time and Space, so Hui Qing can easily break?"

Hui Qing's eyes moved, and said: "I think so too!"

Only this may be.

Break the boundaries of time and space, it is too difficult.

First, North Time and Time is a ban, the power limit of life can carry, is 20 million.

You can press the line, but it is absolutely unable to break.

If it is broken, it is the legendary break.

Just Hui Qing is so easy to break the ban, it is obviously not a force.

However, the reason is here.

When you think of this, the sword has no double.


His figure rushed out directly.

In the end of the end, he looked up his eyes and held his hands with his hands.

The power of the power broke out, and continued to rise.

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