Sword Master of All Dao

The 6050th chapter has no boundaries

The three cosmic farm came at the same time!

"Super ancient times!" He crossed his teeth and thought of breaking the throne to the limit, see if he also broke out the world.

The foundation and the robbery, directly came to 5 million.

The super ancient change is twice, which is 1,500 million.

The road increased by 60%.

It is the increase in nine million power.

"My super ancient times, I have come to a happy level!" I feel the arc from Shen Li, and I am very powerful, I can easily pierce the whole time and space.

Shen Li also reached an amazing two thousand four million.

Time and space is shaking.

He can now easily crush the whole year of the year.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is unprecedented.

The whole person is very comfortable.

This is still his first perfect outbreak.

If it is normal, his power can reach a thousands of million, even if the super ancient change arrived, it is a happy level.

He can only achieve the super power of 20 million power.

Now it can be perfectly burst, reaching two thousand four million power.

In the pyramid, except for Hui Qing, the rest is very surprised!

Surprised sword unparalleled power.

It can also be easily more than 20 million.

"The sword is unparalleled, and it can be done!" Nothing biting his teeth, staring at the outside world, and felt an unprecedented pressure.

That breath is enough to suppress them.

Wu Zuo is amazed in the magic of this place.

It is not subject to the tube bundle of northern time.

"There is absolutely a secret!"

Hui Qing also contraction.

It is also surprised by these people, the dark forest from the core of the year.

When the king saw Hui Qing's power, he took a breath of cold, and then found that the sword was unparalleled, and he couldn't sit again.

"Notice Year of Nine, besieged these people, do not hesitate to take them!"

In the dark cave, it passed out of the wind.

A head of the beast, the black is out, only leaking.

Every year, the power of beasts exceeds 20 million.

"Absorbing the power of such a long time, now they will take them!"

The huge face on the throne, leaking out a disgust, evil: "The death of human beings, since discovering this place, then die!"


Countless crows flying out from the Dongfu.

The king in the face has left the Cave.

In order to be unloraity, he is still in person.

Because Hui Qing has a huge potential with the sword, there is no constraint, he is afraid that these people have hidden strength.

You must go to the horse personally.

The king in the mysterious situation.

It is also the king in the Year of the Year.


Flame mountain.

It has been completely destroyed.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled. They are still amazing this place, and they don't know that they have arrived at a special power.

Now the sword is still thinking, do not change the countermeasure.

He is now looking for it.

"Outbord space, play more than two million power!" He took a deep breath and said a bold idea, "Everyone, this is a major relationship, or do you want to fight once?"

"Fighting!" There is a head of the first, he is incomparable.

Just, he also tried to break out all efforts, and the power can reach 1,500 million.

This has arrived at the August Racefulness.

But he is still a master of seven-killed universe!

Why don't you fight?

The face of Wu Zuo is gloomy, he knows more, and it is more natural.

"Warrior brother, you shouldn't you want to get ..." Wu Zuo said not to finish, but it is clear.

No one is a fool.

This can break through the ban on northeet.

So, can they get this ability, or spread?

I thought that the memorandum of absorption around the monarch has become a short-space secret, the size is comparable to a huge time and space.

If the monarch secret, cover the entire northern time and space, do not have to wait for Danbao to improve the life-level life level, it can directly reach the perfect level, and can also be born.

Unfavorable, will be taken here later, and they are not here.

Of course, first, you must first master the secret of the whole year.

Then, this special force is attached to your own body.

If the enemy has also arrived in the monarch, there is no ban.

Everyone is not the same.

At this moment, the sword has also thought a lot, but it finally touched an idea.

"Wu Zuo, have you ever thought about it, take the special moved to his own home, then we are not directly invincible, really sweeping the north time and space?" The sword is unparalleled, the more excited, pointed to the downstream direction, "destroy The threat of life, you don't know, even if you arrive in today's realm, go back to deal with the life, if you can get the secret of this place, what is it? "

This is not a threat to dealing, and the threat of the life is really big.

When I left the temple, the other party had already killed the death of the world!

This is the same as Danbao's immortal temple.

Dan Bao's immortal temple, but it is possible to suppress red.

In case, you can do it, and now this realm goes back, and you are looking for death!

"But?" Wu Zuo is still some hesitant, because it violates the rules of the north time, he is still the pro-disciple of the king!

Now, there is no one who has a double time and space for the southern time.

Hui Qing at this time, I took the initiative to say: "Wu Zhu Xiong, this place is also northern time and space, we will eradicate this place, maybe it is also a merit!"

He finished, rushing to the sword, nodded, obviously agreed with sword unparalleled ideas and practices.

"Three to one, then I haven't said, if you don't do it, you haven't seen it!" The sword is unparalleled and too lazy to persuade, directly under the last pass.

In fact, Hui Qing said that it also makes sense, is it in studying the trouble for the northern time and space?

Do not explore, now leave, notify the king, the other party may have no way.

I can't rely on them.

I don't know what it is about, and I suddenly became careful.

Perhaps it is true heart!

I feel such a big thing, I don't tell the king in the future.

But he also has his own ideas.

Wu Zuo heard that he had to mention himself, and he said: "I agree, I don't agree with it! ........... Just, no matter what this matter, we must put this place. I am reported to the king, the unparalleled brother, after all, is a practitioner, just considering your own power, I have never thought about the safety of the northern time! "

"Wu Zuo brother said, this I agree!" Hui Qing nodded and said.

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