Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6051 Crossing the Mystery

The sword is unparalleled, and the dead is staring at Wu Zhi, and the atmosphere will condense.

I saw the sword without a double horror eyes, Wu Zuo was shocked, and I went back and said: "There is no double brother, this is a little thing, you won't be killing the mouth!"


The sword has no doubles, come to the opposite side of Wu, staring at the eyes of the other party, the sound is extraordinarily icy, rushing to Wu Zhuo: "If you can't think, your pattern is so big now!"

After frightening the other party.

He colored a gloomy face, then said: "This thing, I also agree, afterwards will tell the king!"

After hearing this sentence, Wu Zuo was relieved.

"Barba Tower, direction of rotation, starting with the core of the monarch secret, I want to cross the whole year!"

The voice is just falling, the pyramid is broken, and those banned, flush toward the opposite direction.

Just they also know that the possibility is not what they say.

If you look for it, you may not find it.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing all the way to destroy the ban on all parts. In this way, the core of the annihilate secret will not run again, the route naturally opened.

They don't know, even if they fly, they can also meet the operators behind this.

Because the gods have come quietly.



The pyramid of the shuttle is being smashed, and I met the annual beast, and I was taken directly by a slap.

The power that has just been present is definitely more than 20 million.

The sword is unparalleled, it was scared.

The pyramid is not controlled and flying out, and the number of reaches is hit, and it stopped.

"I actively took the initiative, and the province went to find it!"

He is not surprised by the power of the beast burst!

Hui Qing left the pyramid instantly.

There is no blue phrase.

Because of this level of fighting, it is unable to participate.

"Hui Qing, don't expose the truth, it seems that they have long been eyeing!" The sword has no double voice reminded.

The beast in the distance is also staring at them.

Just did not shoot again, the figure is not moving.

This makes the sword unparalleled.

This time, I said that I said an amazing discovery, "There is no double brother, things are somewhat uns, but although the animals are different, I can feel the same!"

On the way, killing so many years, Hui Qing is very understanding.

The sword is unparalleled and the brow is moving.

No differences were found.

Isn't the generous beasts with the periphery?

That is not to say, the life level of the year beast has not changed, but the power can vary.

"This ........ It is impossible!" The sword has no double fastener taking out two demon cores.

One is the head that Hui Qing is killing in the flame mountain.

Another one is in the domain of sand, the demon kernel gets.

The two were originally different.

However, after this place, he found that these two demon keys did not have any differences, and the power contained.

In other words, the powerful beast is not dependent on the power of the power, but is related to terrain!

They will become more powerful under a particular geographical area.

The periphery of the beast is the fighting power of the three robbery.

However, there is a seven-robbery battle.

Not because of their powerful individual.

It is the location where it is.

If the year beast is at the core, then they are all the fighting power of Eight.

"So amazing, no wonder!"

He is still a small look!

At present, he can see the core of the annihoon, should be controlled by a person or by a foreign intent.

Otherwise, it will not be hierarily.

"Hey, I was still thinking about it. This place has an annual beast group in the eight hiking level. Why don't you go directly to the mystery of the world, feeling that they have arrived at the periphery, the strength is not good!" The sword is unparalleled, and I feel it. This thing is increasingly interesting.

This place is in general, the core of the whole year.

But not the center.

That is to say, go forward and may have more powerful beasts.

Even more than 30 million power.

Just with the same day in the Wanliu Shenmu.

Just they have also different at the same time.

The sword is unparalleled, and the big voice: "This year's beast is given to me!"

He has just fallen, and the breath on the body began to rise.

The figure flashed, broke the time and space, and appeared directly before the beast.

Under the full outbreak, beyond 20 million power, there is no constraint.


Before standing in the year of the beast, although his body has already fallen into his own appearance, he is .

But it is still a low annual beast.

"Hey!" Annual Beast also contained wisdom, feel the sword where there is no double, the bottom is a sink.

The sword is unparalleled, but the arm is suddenly lifted, holding a double punch, a slush, incarnation dragon, blue power is covered with the whole space.

Double boxing dragon, directly hit the annual beasts to the sky.

He didn't give the opponent's opportunity to breathe.

This hit, directly scattered the body of the other.

"Ah !!!!" So hit, the sword is not relaxed, the hands continue to gather, two blue air explosion, fly from the hands. "


The two group Shenli can arrive at the attack of the peak, and the truthful playing is on the body of the year.

Crush the opponent's body directly.

This year, the beast, there is more than 20 million power, but under his attack, there is no power to fight.

He feels some untrue.

"Be careful!" Hui Qing in the distance, as I found out, quickly rushed to him.

The sword has not reacted, and it feels that the body is bound by a arms.

If you want to turn around, you can't move the body at all.

He is shocked by his heart: "It's an anteriety!"

It was the one year of the beast, and when he relaxed, rushed to his back, and killing him.

He also can't understand what is going to do.

Hui Qing is full of rushing, reminding: "He wants to pull you with you!"


More than 20 million people, they were easily broken by him, and they were not terrible.

But these more than two million power, if you are exploding.

That is not a trouble.

In the secret of the year, there is no bondage of life, you can bundle more than 20 million.

He belongs to the sediment.

The power is up, but the secret is not keeping up with the treasure.

Want to fight against more than two million powerful self-explosion.

It's not working alone.

There is also absolute powerful to treasure.

His mind is running speed, thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing in the body.

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