Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6052, I haven't died yet!

Just let the armor can be used.

But the current robbing has increased the ability to fight the ability, the ability to defense, the boundaries are 20 million.

The years behind the beast, but there is a power that exceeds 20 million.

"Damn!" The sword was unparalleled, and did not expect the countermeasures. A glare ray broke out from behind, mapping it to his cheek.

Bang! ! ! !

A huge burst, rushed back to the distance directly.

The mystery of the whole year trembles three points.

Their area they are, but also start collapse, but they have not collapsed.

Hui Qing discovered this, it was also a.

The texture of the monarchy is more and more curious.

It is obvious that the life is obviously higher than the northern time and space.

But the Non-Nonstacked is situated in the middle of the north time.


Will he know?

Just when I don't think about this, I just had a powerful.

Hui Qing testive shout: "Unparalleled brother?"

I didn't have a quiet, my heart sank, I was really afraid of the sword.


The power is moved, and the four weeks are attributed to a point.

The smoke disappears, there is no ground.

But in a collapsed void, the sword is unparalleled in the body, can't move.

The pyramid also flew over and saw the sword below.

Wu Zuo flooded it out, "Warrior yourself?"

"He won't die!" The face of day is somewhat embarrassing, although it is going to the magic, but the relationship with the sword is unparalleled, or not.

The bottom is still more concerned about the comfort of the sword.


The sword is shaking, and then turns through the body and looks up.

"Call!" He breathed the roughness, the sound of the wolf: "I haven't died yet!"

It is still possible to see it, and the public is loose.

The three rushed to fly.

Hui Qing handards the power of life and start helping the sword without double recovery.

Wu Zuo is taken out some treasures that repair the body, and hand it to the sword.

On the side, look at the right, I found that I didn't have something worth it, I took a pot of wine.

"Cough!" The sword was unbolded, and after the mouth did a cough, he took a few mouthfuls of the kink.

Just is really dangerous.

It's a little bit, he can't hold it.

Fortunately, the armor, finally broke out.

Help him lick it.

Otherwise, now there should be a corpse now.

"That year, the beast ....." After the sword didn't have a breath, I went to say: "It is definitely manipulated, I can feel that there is a strong desire to survive in his body, but finally I chose. I am self-explosion, I am afraid that I have the core of the mystery this year, some people are in secret count, and they don't want us to continue! "

Hui Qing also nodded and said that he was reasonable.

"What?" Wu Z Zhou shouted, "What is possible, the life of these years, the life of these years, depending on the terrain, isn't it to say, in the core, there may be a group of beasts beyond 20 million power?"

"Yun!" After the sword is unparalleled, after standing, standing up and holding a hug, after drinking a bite, said to everyone: "We are here, the core is likely to face a group of two million powerful animals."

Although there is a gloomy personality, it can be scared, excited: "Then we have to go?"

"What is the picture?"

He didn't understand him.

If you want to find why life is so high, then the price is not a bit big.

It is better to leave.

This has not met an annual beast group.

Just a year beast that exceeds 20 million power, it almost makes the sword unparalleled here.

They don't have to take risks.

The sword is unparalleled, and he shook his head: "I am afraid now, I want to go!"

His eyes looked at the darkness of the front, where was a whole forest.

Dark forest.

Just where the area is located next to the dark forest.

He guess that the place is likely to be the core of the monarchy.

It is also a place to manipulate the monetaries of the year.

"Who is it?" He was slightly shaking slightly, thinking about a circle, I can't think of this secret.

Moreover, it is also possible to manipulate.

I am afraid that the people behind are not the strong people in the north time.

The big probability comes from other time and space.

Just like Wanliu Shenmu.

The original Wanliu Shenmu is from Visse.

Then in Wanliu Shenmu, there is also a mechanical wisdom.

That is, metal life.

This comes from south time and space.

There is also West Lu, but also from south time and space.

Will it also come from South Time and Space?

South time and sky, I have been targeting them.

He had to think about it.

If this is true, then this time is really big.

Not Asa's threats in Wanliu Shenmu.

Just have Dan Bao's bottom last time, this time no one can save them.

Single alone, the so-called tens of thousands of power, it is useless.

The mysterious nature of the other party can be created.

You don't need them to guess, you know that the other party will definitely have a means of threatening their lives.

If you have no day, he is not considered.

Just when they really learned, they found that they had gone.

Everyone also looked at the dark forest as his gaze.

Where is the disc around ancient deceased god, give them an invisible pressure.

"Dear, you have to clearly, this may be the opportunity to have only a chance ....." The sword has no double turned to see the three people, indicating the importance of this matter.

If they control the secret of the monks, they can be horing in the future.

What to use, go downstream, you can give the other party.

Of course, the premise is that it is not allowed to be bound.

What they are looking for is that the kind of power that can make your own strength is not bound, so that it will be perfectly suppressed.

When you bite your teeth, "This battle, I can't participate, everything looks at your decision!"

"Wu Zhu Xiong, you left the pyramid first to leave the monoghock, I and Huiqing went to sway!" He also knew that this time the rest helped.

If you together, don't give each other a pot.

Wu Zuo is some hesitant, "If you don't, the pyramid is still given to you!"

"No need!" Hui Qing said at this time: "The power required in the pyramid is not enough to maintain this battle!"

There is no double point of the sword, firmly said: "Don't say it, you leave, leave it to us!"

At this time, there was a day when I thought about it, and I was surprised: "Dear, is it so powerful?"

If it is not because of the threat of the life, he really can't think that the sword is unparalleled.

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