Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6053 Yulian

"Maybe!" The sword is not completely broken, and it is strong. In fact, only Wu Zhi is really understanding.

Wu Zuo is known from the kings, he is witnessed in Wanliu Shenmu.

In fact, he has the most voice.

At the beginning, the body of life was in the big monk, and the power broke out was definitely beyond everyone.

God in the starry sky!

The lunar king is not in the eyes.

Finally, Timis is resolved.

Although it is a chante in the air in the air.

Can still be relaxed.

The other side of the temple, that is the artifact.

If there is an improvement of your own opportunity, swords are unhappy now, now I now reach the nine hobbies, and then deal with the life.

So this time I found a phlegm of the year, he wanted to explore.

Everything is strong, the greater the hope of dealing with the life.

So, he can't give up.

This is indeed only a chance.

It is necessary to go back to downstream time and space so that there is not much time.

"Call!" Wu Zuo sighed a breath, solemnly said: "Guard, don't be barely!"

After the end of the game, I left.

Two people ride the pyramid, with people who are still uninformed, want to leave the core.

Looking at the pyramid disappears in the bottom, the sword has no double opening: "Now we will shoot!"

The pyramid wants to leave the monk of the year, they must attract the bit in the core.

Otherwise the pyramid will definitely be truncated.

This is why he wants to take the cause of the Pyramid.

There is a pyramid, at least a means of life.

Their power can not exceed 20 million.

In fact, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no more than 20 million.

Just when he ferrous, quench the golden power.

One force breaks up, and there is now today's war.

The two rushed toward the dark forest in the direction of the dark forest.

Dark forest.

The mysterious cave house.

"Hand walking?" The face behind the throne, leaking a surprised color, stale: "Is this afraid?"

At the bottom of the throne, there are three gods.

These three, can be said to be the king in the Year of the Beast.

Don't see the Year of the Beast, I don't look at the life level and the power.

They can have extremely complete blood inheritance.

The three years of beasts standing below the throne are the most purest annual beasts of the whole year, saying that they are the beast gods.

And it's still ancient beast god.

However, the three blood is incomparable to the beast god, but when the face above the throne, it seems fear.

Even even the breath, I didn't dare to breathe.

"The main, what should I do now?" The three beast gods, careful for the wings, and the eyes are fear.

This fear is not from the sword unparalleled, but the cave on the throne.

It is necessary to know that the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing, and the power can surpass 20 million.

If you are not in the dark forest, you can overcome them.

Even if so, they are not afraid.

I am not afraid of even dying!

Like the previous one, I chose myself.

It is not afraid of death, but the cave above the throne.

This situation is very strange.

If the outside people see, it will definitely say that the three beast gods are too stupid, and they are not being slavery. Why don't you dare to fight?

It's just that the outsiders don't know, although they have not been slavery, but the ethnic group is firmly compliant in this cave.

The whole year of the year is from this cave.

Annual god group, can be reproduced, and also related to the main.

If the cave on the throne, I feel that they haven't used it, and I can replace a name at any time.

This is the origin of their fear.

I can't wait to abandon my life and go to maintain my value.

What's sad.

"What should I do?" The face on the throne, slightly stunned, then under the dark red halo, leaking a horrific face.

A corrupt face.

But from the five senses to judge, or can be seen, the other party has the identity of the people.

He headed, overlooking the beast god in the three annual beasts below, said: "This kind of thing, you still need me to teach, then you have no need to stay."

"No, I just didn't think that these two damn people have discovered dark forests, even ... even the death of the old seven, they did not stop them ....... "

The three beasts were scared to explain.

Mainly this is the first time to encounter this kind of thing, and I can come to the dark forest.

"Hey!" The corrupt people on the throne slowly got up, and the body was corrupt. He stood in front of the throne. Let your descendants go to the enemy! "

I heard the two words of the extinguishing family, the three major beasts, although fear, I still have a resentment.

If you can kill each other, they are willing to die ten times.

They can understand that all this is given to each other. If you want to collect it, it is a thing to raise your hands.

So they didn't have to choose!

"Go!" The poorer of the body, slightly raised his hand, the skeletation of the naked eye came off from the arm, and he didn't cover the skin. He could clearly see that the other's bones have gratin, that is metal!

The three kings in the year of the year were desperate.

On the throne, the face of corruption is a determination.

"It seems that the plan is still to be advanced!" The corrupt people played with the mystery token in the hand, injected into a touch of thought, yin said: "Juyang, you should bring your eggs, the whole medium time and space, three days Will be my debate! "

Mind into the token.

This sound, follow the secret of the gods, and the moment is in the middle of the second day and space.

Juyang, is the hegemony of the giant peak.

The Lord of the Peak of the Eight Body.

Only a weakness of the abyss.

Moreover, he is still a legendary giant!

At this time, in the huge king temple in the giant peak, I received this Juyang Xianzun, first stunned, then I couldn't help but sigh.

"The treasure of the abyss time and space, it seems that it doesn't belong to me!" Jianyang Xianzun shook his head, and he had no thoughts.

If it is the owner of the abyss, he has time to consume with the confidence.

But in which the presence of the monarchy is notified, it is only unilateral notice.

There is no room for any discussion.

Born in the starry sky, drifting to the north time.

In fact, this is his hometown.

Just destroy now.

"We should leave!" Jianyang Xianzun turned to see a few people below the hall, and the sound was a little lonely.

Don't look at the giant peaks and spacekest, comparable to the abyss time and space, can be said to be the hegemony of the entire mid-range time and space, except for his treasures, it is the same giant people with his identity.

It is also good luck, in the middle of the northern time and space, actually encountered a number of similar students, and it is a generic one in the giant god.

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