Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6056, the law, travel Buddha

Nowadays, the overall situation gradually, he also wants to take back everything.

It would not be so fast, but unfortunately let the sword have discovered his plan, which can only be advanced.

The force is spread, spread in his body.

Until the entire cave!


Above the Dark Sen.

The sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing, one person deals with one.

Two New Year's Kings, don't hesitate to attach it.

Already in a crazy state.

Unfortunately, although their own power is strong, they can only bully those ordinary eight hobbies.

There is no threat to swords.

Because these treasures, this is not part of them.

As for Hui Qing, it is more exciting.

Annual god group, the trend showed, accurately, or too bad.

They have no increase in means of increasing their own power based on the terrain of the annual gods.

There is no change in life.

This is the difference in essence.

Your life level has not changed.

Just like a child's body, there is a power of adults.

You have powerful, but the defense has fallen.

Moreover, there is a speed of the reaction.

The sword is unparalleled, it is only to maintain about 20 million, but it can hang each other.

Inside the rumor, facing the attack of the ancient beast, the figure is lightly escaped.


I was wrong, and he took a palm of the opposite side.

The power is moved, the strength, far from the year, the beast, directly to tear the other side back.

Leaking out transparent body.


Jian Yings took out from his origin, it was clear that he did not use the rushed sword, but it was able to explode such a powerful death sword.

This is the sword of death after the multiplication.


Billion Hao Sword Ying Pour, the sword is unparalleled to see the black swords of the sky black fog.

However, the annual beast turned to see that there were countless dead gods, waving sickles as if they would harvest his life.

Death swords, dealing with those who are relatively low in the life level, but it is not yet.

Everything is complementary.

The sword is unparalleled but can restrain all things.

Due to life, he has died.

Due to death, he is life.

Never go to the wind.

"Death!" Angry and died, set the other party's life and death.

The year beast is turned, and the hands can't help and stop.

But it can't touch it.

This is the gap between the realm.

Uncoatable gap.

And death, just restrained his life weak.

At this moment, he can only wait for death.

Countless black swords and shadows, pierced the body of the east king.

Puff puff! ! ! !

"Ah ... ah !!!"

Among the eyes of the beast, it is full of unwillingness.

At that moment, it seems that it didn't regret it.

"Big Brother!"

At the distance and Hui Qing, the one of the beasts, and I went to the end of the road and saw the big brother.

I can't stand it anymore.


After a sorrow, it broke out a dazzling light on its body.

"Be careful!" The sword was unparalleled, while reminded: "This madman is self-explosion!"

After eating a loss, he can eat the second time.

The first time escapes.

The life level is low, and the powerful power of the power is real, although some email, but when bursting, the splits of the drain can be ignored.

At the last time, he almost killed this.

So, I have been careful.

Never be second time.

But Hui Qing, is not moving.

The self-explosion of the beast is not moved!





Hui Qing mouth is spanded, both hands together!

With the law, travel!

Knowing one!

Quartet return!

The burst did not spread.

Staying in front of Hui Qing, you will disappear.

"Good!" The hands were all ten, after the meditation, Hui Qing turned to he said to him: "Unparalleled brother, we will continue to go!"


The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is dark: "It is necessary, one can leave, it is necessary to crush the other party's last hopes!"


The Dharma, which can make more magic.

No wonder the sky Buddha, incarnation is not devil.

This is trail.

Always think about doing things well.

It's too peaceful every day, and they are useless.

Can you make a few magic children to show your own prestigious name!

You can say that it is time to come.

After Hui Qing Buddha trip, it was a lot.

But the means, more fierce than ever, less dragging water.

In fact, think about it.


"Wait for me!"

He was a moment of keeping up.

Continue to travel towards the depths of the darkness.

Through the huge bush jungle, even some lives did not see.

I also didn't have an annual beast block.

They still don't know, at this time, those years have all disappeared.

The force of the break, has covered the entire year secret.

The sword has not seen this power at all, so I don't think there are those embarrassment.

The power of the Starry is extremely rare.

It is more special.

It belongs to a branch of destruction.

Counting the force of destruction.

Because of the power of destruction, it is transcended to a high rule, which belongs to the power of God.

It is the power of God.

The force of the break, cultivation to the peak, and can be compared to God.

But the power of the starry sky is from the stars.

It's a half God that cultivates it.

It's just the power of the sword where the stars, from your own, but he doesn't have this constraint.

Even if he doesn't know.

Fly along the dark forest.

The more you don't have a danger, and both them are more careful.

Lian Hui is unable to detect a dangerous breath.

Either hidden is very good, or the other party is really powerful, no need to hide, they can't be noticed.


Just when the two flew in half air, it was aware of the ground.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is surprised: "Don't be angry, how does the color of this ground change?"

"Red, is it black?" Hui Qing also leaked a surprised look.

When they entered the dark forest, the ground was red, and the grass is black.

Now that the ground and grass are integrated into one, it has become black.


Two people fell directly into the ground.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has grown a black mud, holding a sniffing in his hand, a breaking breath, letting his spirit have become three points.

Subsequently, the ability to explore, and the mental power is also sluggish.

"There is a embarrass, it should be that the man starts to do it!"

Drop the dirt, he looked up at the distance.

From this soil, he smelled the threat.

This threat is in front.

The body is in contact with Frosta.

Just because of the owner of the Year, some things still didn't ask carefully.

I only know that the other party is the scattering of the nine hobbies.

But did not ask the other party's means.

Come to control the monetaries of the year, and make the animals so crazy to them.

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